Will listening to BTS and other jap/kpop music make me more likely to get laid by an asian girl?

will listening to BTS and other jap/kpop music make me more likely to get laid by an asian girl?


they will most likely fall for you if you are a white/european male regardless of music taste

Absolutely not. Learn the language, move there for a short while and chase some tail. That simple.

>will listening to BTS and other jap/kpop music make me more likely to get laid by an asian girl?
the cool thing about the internet is that it's a window into other people's thoughts but then there's you "how do i score with asian women? how do i get asian women?"

like motherfucker get some hobbies and be more social. you don't want to become that person that people avoid. you're fucking creepy and more people need to tell you this

in asia, yes. in america, no. american asians are sjw-ish so they'll just see you as a weeaboo appropriating their cultures

this, American Asians fucking HATE being fetishized.

>comparing japanese music to kpop
You may get laid by a korean, but not by a japanese.

That sounds really retarded.
There's Kpop fans in Japan.

Getting laid based on the music you listens to is what you autists truly hope for. All of you have zero personalities and nothing interesting to talk about. You treat music like it was some stamp collection.

Somewhat, but when it comes to sex they really come loose. I fucked basically every asian girl in my entire residence block at college. And I went to an SJW university.

>There's Kpop fans in Japan.
There's also Kpop fans in Brazil and Uganda.

Just mentioned that since you autists think Japanese have something against korean pop music.

I mean, I'm not even taking this thread seriously.
Just wanted to shit on OP for daring to compare japanese music to kpop.

>korean pop music.
You mean there's other korean music other than Kpop?

>. I fucked basically every asian girl in my entire residence block at college.
You probably fucked one asian girl and she probably wasn't even conscious

stop trying to lie on Sup Forums, it's really not hard to reign supreme over 15 year olds

>one asian girl
Try zero.

whatever, frog...

My university was like 30% asian when I was there. Believe whatever you want. It's not hard to seduce women, especially in college. Unless you're a virgin with no social life, then yeah keep dreaming.

oh yeah and I have fucked drunk girls before. is that supposed to be a bad thing?

american Asians or authentic Asians? in the UK the latter don't leave the fucking library, and for the most part don't socialise with anyone that isn't Asian

I mean, I've had sex, but it's still funny to call out bullshit on the internet.
As you said, I'll believe what I want, and I think you're a projecting virgin.

both, but mostly americans. my university took in so many chinese international students to rake in more money. but yeah you're right, they are more rigid but once they start drinking they are more open.

join greek life at a state school and you'll see.

>and you'll see
I don't need to see anything. You're posting on Sup Forums a saturday night about fucking all the asian girls on your block, lol, sure thing kiddo.
I doubt you even finished HS yet.

I'm currently teaching English in Japan. It is only evening here. But I guess because I like music and occasionally post on Sup Forums that translates to me being a 12 year old Sup Forumstard? Lol, keep projecting. No seriously, this amusing.

>keeps making up shit
Look, I'd keep reading your fanfiction, but I gotta go now.

the projection is hard in you, virgin