>childrens movie has plotholes
You dont le say
>This is MY house, I have to defend it
What did he mean by this?
Fuck this video. We all know what's wrong with Home Alone but we don't care.
cinemasins is the ultimate autism
holy shit people still watch this guy?
Jesus christ i hate that channel.
Is like watching the fat fuck from the Simpsons complaing about continuity errors from comics every single day.
Except that guy is a real person and he does it with every movie.
Half of the shit he says is not even correct, is just to Feed of the retardation of his fellow autists.
it was kind of okay when the video where just 5minutes long and made solid points but the guy went full retard
There's literally nothing wrong with half the stuff he bitched about
It's a fucking movie you autistic faggot
that was like 6 years ago tho
6 years already? Time really flies by
Triggered and b8d
I never liked CinemaSins, until I realised it's purpose is to be an ultimate rusemaster and patrician test.
You do realise these videos are satire of people who nitpick movies? Hence why its so ridiculous
>deehh turn off ur brain xD
clickbait trash is all it is
this. anyone who unironically likes cinema sins should be euthanized, for the good of the rest of mankind.
>it's ironically autistic guys!
This is just lazy.
how does this guy keep getting views?
>irony was once used against me on an imageboard and now I have to pretend that irony is always problematic
God, this generation of retards who think that shitposting/trolling and irony are the same thing.
Just as a general rule to myself I try and avoid "YouTuber" channels.
There actually is a reason for it. Remember when he got scared and ran from the store with the toothbrush? He thought if he called the police he'd be arrested too for being a thief.
Yes, that makes no sense, but it's the kind of nonsense a frightened eight year old would think.
John Hughes himself confirmed this theory, iirc.
A movie can have something wrong with it and still be a good movie if that flaw doesn't detract from its message, theme, artistic merit, or entertainment value.
Home Alone is basically a live-action cartoon. It's the kind of setting where a human can take bone-breaking or life-threatening injuries and shrug them off with a comically angry reaction. It's best understood in the context of the same toon physics that lets Elmer Fudd shoot himself in the face and shrug it off.