Will she friendzone him?
Will she friendzone him?
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This is the Brave New Disney Owner Abrams Directed Star Wars Universe (c). She will get impregnated by him and have a bunch of multi-racial super-powered jedis who will take over the universe and lead us into a great new age of social equality and progress.
No, but one of the villains will definitely be someone who was friendzoned, and is now a bitter neckbeard. The heroine will make a point of proclaiming that he was wrong for expecting anything just for being her friend
No because they're gonna be just friends, in the Disney Star Wars universe, no one will ever fall in love or kiss ever because having a female lead kiss a male lead would not be "Empowering" so kiss that goodbye.
In fact, Since it seems disney is the only one making good action/sci-fi/fantasy movies, you can completely forget the female lead EVERY kissing the male love interest and even sexing him up ever.
She will turn Ben away form the dark side, marry him, then Ben will watch Finn fuck Rey and teach his wife's black son in the ways of the force.
No because Finn and Poe are going to be gay for each other even though Finn showed romantic interest in Rey by asking hesitantly if she had a boyfriend
>so kiss the goodbye
Most likely. Though it depends on what story they are going for.
If it's about redemption and Kylo turning good at the end of film 2, then they will end up.
If not, then yes. In fact, weren't they hinting at a future romance before they cut out like 90% of the story? Like in the novelization it's there.
>Finn tries to kiss her
>Causian assaults an ethnic minority
That would be racist.
>If it's about redemption and Kylo turning good at the end of film 2, then they will end up.
I hope they do this story line.
I predict Episode 8 will open up with Kylo being tormented with killing his own father as he realizes the dark side isn't truly for him.
Kinda like that guy in Hostel 2 who believed that he could become a bad guy and take another person's life but then when he was put in the situation he noped out.
Would be interesting if they do this with Kylo
no she'll get blacked and it will be super tolerant and progressive xx
She already said "LET GO OF MY HAND"
I believe the actual quote was:
I still don't get why they have to reference stuff, this isn't Joss Whedon.
Am I the only one found it a little weird that there was no romance between the lead characters?
I mean, I doubt Disney of all companies would stick a(n obvious) gay relationship into their products.
My only niggle is that killing his father and one of the most loved movie characters of all time is a bit too gruesome for a proper redemption story and him turning into a good guy for like an entire movie.
I think it's more likely he will do a Vader and help defeat Snoke at the very end before dying a few minutes later.
Why does his blaster look so dumb?
I'm starting to miss movies having a love interest a bit.
I hope not. I like the two of them and I want to see them end up together.
Probably not. He's gay for that pilot.
No unless she turns out to be a dyke instead
calm down senpai, you're sperging out
She already did in TFA.
Rey and Poe is pretty much confirmed by now.
>I think it's more likely he will do a Vader and help defeat Snoke at the very end before dying a few minutes later.
If they do that then I am going to storm out of the cinema
Poe x Finn is OTP senpai
Actually I am hoping for the opposite. I want him to become an irredeemable asshole. I want him to completely embrace the darkside fully, I want him to become dangerously powerful, have his dark side training mirror lukes in empire and end ep 8 with him completely fucking over everyone.
Likewise. I'm sick of "good prevailing". Full dark-side, kills Snoke and takes his place, wipes out half the good guys and eventually dies but leaves everything in pieces.
remember in Jurrassic Park 4 when the nerdy dude professed his love to the nerdy grill, and she said "Uh I have a bf, sorry"
remember how Finn just...hugged Rey in the star killer, even though it felt like they should kiss?
Or how in Rogue One Jin and Casspian just sot of hug at the end, despite whats happening to them?
all movies are now pushing platonic male/female protage relationship because they want you to know you are not entitled to a woman just because you did an amazing action hero thing, isn't that nice? Isn't that great for womyn everywhere?
>Or how in Rogue One Jin and Casspian just sot of hug at the end, despite whats happening to them?
That was a chemistry-less relationship, I'm glad they didn't get together.
The BBC's power can't be denied.
How far we have fallen as a culture when heroic men can't even kiss a girl after an act of heroism.
you obviously haven't seen what they have done to marvel lately, half turned gay or black (or both) and the other half changed gender.
She should have fucked the robot they had something
Because she wants white
All hookups by the end of series
>Leia and Rey
>Finn and Kylo
>Po and BB-8
>Chewie and C-3P0
>R2 filming it all in the corner
It'll turn into 1 mass gay/inter-racial/inter-species/object sexuality fuck-fest
>Or how in Rogue One Jin and Casspian just sot of hug at the end, despite whats happening to them?
That would've been the most force relationship ever.
>Full dark-side, kills Snoke and takes his place, wipes out half the good guys and eventually dies but leaves everything in pieces
YES. Lets have a good fucking villain in one of these action movies for once, holy shit, I'll list them all
>Civil War: Zemo = You killed my loved ones, so i'm gonna fuck your life up. okay plans over, idk what happens.
>Iron man 3: Guy Pearce = I AM THE MANDARIN, In name only though, my plan was to be a war profiteer. Yes we already did this...whats your point? Did you not see the glow in the dark people?
>Avengers: Age of Ultron: Ultron = I'm a robot, but not really, but i am robot. I hate the avengers and will reboot the world with big piece of it for some reason. Quips!
>Guardians of the galaxy: blue guy = I'm mad. I want the powerful thing so I can be REALLY mad at EVERYONE.
>Batman v Superman: Lex Luther = I'm barely in the movie. I'm pulling strings to get the two heroes to fight because...daddy issues. Seriously.
>Thor movies: who cares = doesn't matter. Looking forward to Ragnarock only for Cate Blachet as Hela. MAYBE THEN we will get a memorable, intimidating, interesting villain. MAYBE.
eww, sexist much? So, he is just entitled to her pussy now, you white cis gendered animal? ugh!
I don't know that we've had a *really* good film villain since Tim Roth in Rob Roy, desu senpai.
>Guardians of the galaxy: blue guy = I'm mad. I want the powerful thing so I can be REALLY mad at EVERYONE.
>Civil War: Zemo = You killed my loved ones, so i'm gonna fuck your life up. okay plans over, idk what happens.
Those were decent villains.
it already was.
Hes a manlet, so yes
>How far we have fallen as a culture when heroic men can't even kiss a girl after an act of heroism.
No user, saving a cat from a tree does not entitle you to pussy.
Also you need to build a visibly working relationship in these type of movies.
>Those were decent villains.
Better than the DC villains so far for sure, Zemo was a better Lex Luthor, AND THAT KILLS ME
DC's villans can be so much better and more interesting, but they basically show how much they give a shit about that with the embarrassment that was suicide squad.
Villians make a film, why can't directors see this
Agreed, would have been better if they weren't just killed off/cut short. Ronan wiping out Nova and leaving GotG on a dark cliff-hanger would have been fucking sweet.
No. That would be racist.
Lads, why do I keep buying KinoHaĆ¼s passes when I know these movies are going to suck
She already did if you actually watched TFA instead of freaking out and posting cuck porn.
He might even get killed off if EP 8 still can't crack China.
No, you could tell they were trying for something.
damn, almost sounds like you're mad for some reason...
I'm just gonna say what i would have done in all these DC movies Villain wise
>Man of Steel
Movie starts with superman 30 years old. flash backs to fill in some back story, though not needed. Zod and gang show up. Enslave humanity. Superman stops people from getting hurt but tries to keep it on the down low. Zod eventually figures it is him, offers to join. Superman says no. He loves lois, they work together and shit. Zod threatens her life to get superman to join. Superman fights Zod. Kills Zod. People are happy but still weary of superman because of the Kryptonian Occupation.
I wrote a whole thing, but realized I was over thinking it. Like they were. Batman is like everyone, wary of superman. So is Lex. Lex does his research (thanks to some help from bruce wayne) and creates Metallo. Batman realizes that Lex is part of a larger organization of rich, smart, connected people that got spooped by super people and want to kill them all. Batman and superman, together, save people from a big disaster. Batman sees the good superman can do and even realizes that had he not been there, he would not have been able to save as many, and may have even died Batman tries to stop metallo from being made, too late, he tries to kill superman. Batman and superman fight together trying to defeat him, then wonder woman shows up to help and they win. THE END.
>Suicide Squad
Deadshot, harley quinn, cpt. boomerang, killer croc, vixen, and Cpt Flagg are THE ONLY PEOPLE picked for amanda waller's suicide squad. they are tasked with trying to infiltrate a millionaire's mansion in a foreign country. they are to acquire a thing-a-ma-jig from his private collection. The thing turns out to be a mother box, and the guy is actually vandal savage. Ten it turns out vixen is actually a good guy, and was working for Batman, and will be on the justice league because i'd rather have vixen then cyborg.
i am. it's fantasy escapism. They bust nerd guy's balls, but in a movie like Central intelligence, at the end of the movie the rock meets his highschool sweetheart (played by MELISSA MCCARTHY) and she and him hook-up. They wont do that for guys anymore because of the feminists in hollywood thinking that a shlubby guy getting a hot grill is sexist, but please, have THE ROCK fuck MELISSA MCCARTHY
>remember how Finn just...hugged Rey in the star killer, even though it felt like they should kiss?
What the fuck. A kiss would have felt super out of place in that scene, they weren't that far yet. Not even close. You don't know much about females do you user
protip: girls don't "friendzone" anyone, guys "friendzone" themselves
>Black guy works hard to benefit a white person only to get nothing in return
Typical, art imitates life. Even more ironic when you take into consideration that they're both from Britain too.
it's not like a girl puts you in prison and traps you there. It's like she showed you the cell, you walked in and closed the door and stayed there even though you have the key and the means to walk out whenever you want.
Man I miss Boxxy. Those were simpler times.
>implying Reylo won't be endgame
Problem goy?
>After killing HAN SOLO
Absolutely not. The audience will never accept it.
>inb4 they are separated the whole movie with Rey training with Luke and Finn and Poe on a mission together. Finn and Poe are in trouble, Rey senses it, Rey leaves her training with Luke to go save her "friends"
>Be a black man
>Get pimped out by a white man
>Be forced to have sex with a white woman so he can have his cuckold porn
When will it end?
>>Guardians of the galaxy: blue guy = I'm mad. I want the powerful thing so I can be REALLY mad at EVERYONE.
He had a clear motive. One planet fucked over his planet so he wants to inflict genocide on said planet.
basically. I'm sure there are a lot of women that lead guys on too though. You have to be smart enough AND bold enough to just express your feelings and say "So, how about we become a thing". She wont outright say no because women are like that. She will either say "Okay" or "uhhh....I don't know...i like us as friends". If the former, great, if the latter, just say "k bye." and give her No more attention at all and turn it toward another woman already.
If she says "maybe" ask her on a date and then when you go you'll get an idea of whether or not anything will happen.
They barely even interacted in TFA
Shut up tyrone and get in there and fuck stacy already, we need more mulatto babies to squelch out the white devils!
And americans call euros cucks.
What a fucking joke.
I like where you're headed though
Zod traps Superman in cryostasis. Enslaves half the human race, purposely keeping Lois alive to somehow persuade Superman to work with him as return for sparing her life. Superman escapes and goes back to his Fortress of Solitude. Learns Kryptonian secrets enough to destroy most of Zod's forces. Zod flees on the basis of knowledge they've obtained that there's a world destroyer someone in the universe with the intention of coming back. Never kill off a good villain when you have sequels to follow.
Don't have Wonder Woman in at all, this was a cluster fuck this early on in the franchise. Doomsday comes from another dimension since Zod is still alive in previous, after facing defeat at the hands of Superman and Batman he is pulled through a portal to Apokolips. Batman goes on research frenzy, Superman fucks off to the meditate in the sun.
Squad is intercepted by The Joker who kills Flack and recruits them. Waller unintentionally creates force of villains, Batman and Superman are nowhere to be seen due to previous movie, everything starts turning to chaos.
>we will never see old luke meet old han
>there will probably be a time skip in ep8 so we will never even seen luke's reaction
>people will still pretend this is good
>pimped out by (((white))) man
get woke cuz
jesus Sup Forums is so insecure
as same as liberals like you are so blind.
But then who posts all the cuck porn.
(((they))) do
>Everyone who is not a racist is a liberal now
You're starting to sound like an SJW.
nice buzzword
uh oh you said the r-word
>nostril flaring intensifies
who else had a panic attack at this scene? It felt like JJ was saying yeah we got a black african congoid lead and they're aint nuffin' you can do about it goy.
Quite possibly. John BOYega has said that in Episode 8, the supposed romance between Finn and Rey "doesn't go the way people think". That could mean they stay friends or that they do have a romance but it hits an unexpected roadblock. I do know that a fair amount of feminists don't want Rey to have a love interest, even though a well done love story can really enhance an already great story.
Based on leaks from the Episode 8 set, it seems like Finn and Rey spend the majority of their time apart from each other, so it doesn't look like a romance between them is likely.
Women can't friendzone gay people, they are immune
Giving Sam Raimi that writing credit was a mistake.
yes, thats what happens to betas
>too much of a pussy to even shoot his gun and has to run away hes so scared of getting in trouble
>has more chemistry with Poe, probably a gay
>she clearly doesnt want him to even touch him when they first meet
>she takes the lead and does all the fighting and piloting for them
>"s-so do you have a boyfriend? a cute boyfriend?"
>is shown with the lightsaber on the posters but is just a red herring and only gets to wield it briefly where he gets his ass kicked by a guy with an electoshock baton
>has to be saved by chewie
>lies like a typical nigger that he knows how to destroy the base just to go and whiteknight Rey who he is now beta orbiting like a mad cunt
>doesnt even have to save her and doesnt even get a kiss for his troubles
>gets blown the fuck out by Kylo and put into a coma
>we'll see each other again, I believe that, thank you my friend
>my friend
>F R I E N D
>two guys are friends
>women automatically label them gay
every time
>implying you dont jerk off whenever two women are friends imagining they're lesbians
She develops for him according to the canon novelization. So she is going to get BLACKED.
Holy shit this is unsettling, and not the interracial thing the jew thing having so many coincidences has me freaked out right now.
>Absence makes the heart grow fonder
I really hope it's a generic romance just to BTFO all the nazi fem-dyke cunts
dem crazy librals
they weren't even that friendly.. they talked a few times throughout the movie finn was just happy that poe was still alive. that's about it.
yet people lose their shit and act like it's the biggest gay romance of all time. seriously fuck what disney have done to star wars this is like some bioware shit.
>Or how in Rogue One Jin and Casspian just sot of hug at the end, despite whats happening to them?
I interpreted it as a romantic hug.
No he will go gay for the pilot dude.
this is racist to say, but i don't care. I'm mad. mad that when they wanted to cast a black guy in a star wars movie they picked the blackest looking dude, with thick lips and a big nose.
at least he's a britbong so it's not as bad imo
your patter seeking brain is over loading, but just because there is a correlation does not imply a cause. Do go inserting intent where there isn't any, thats what crazy conspiracy wing nuts do.