Aside from some poor acting here and there, that was actually really good television. I thought it was a lot better than season 1. The ending was phenomenal. I don't understand why it has lower ratings on RT than season 1.
Man in the High Castle Season 2
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I'm in love with this man. No homo.
He's alright. The best character on the show is Trade Minister Tagomi imo.
Is this series realistic?
I mean, every "nazis win the war" film/series always has a stable nazi government with the same explicitly racist policies in place. Governments like that don't last long in real life.
I tried reading the book once but gave up since it seemed to be half an i ching primer and half a romance novel. Is the tv show any better?
Many critics wanted the series to provide catharsis for the Trump era. But the former showrunner said this is not a story about the resistance taking their country back.
Am I edgy for thinking he is badass as fuck?
I don't know how realistic it is, but the Nazi and Japanese occupation of America, including resistance to the occupation, are major elements of the setting and plot.
Racism is a theme, but the second season focuses more on eugenics and the possibility of nuclear war.
I did quite enjoy it, it's probably one of the most unique things to come out this year.
The acting is so awful in this show, and the book wasn't that great to begin with. PKD did a lot of much better work; you should check it out.
No, it was extremely irresponsible television. Didn't you read the Vox article?
no, he's a really good character.
smith, tagomi, and kido are based as fuck characters and are holding this show together
>tfw no qt 3.14 Lebensborn gf
her accent is so qt
>No homo.
Good thing too, or they'll send you to a camp.
>when its revealed she's a degenerate
There is literally nothing wrong with dropping LSD every once in a while.
I know Sup Forums will meme the fuck out of this show but they do in fact make the bad guys very empathetic and not one dimensional at all which is pretty admirable in this day and age.
So what exactly happened in this show that caused the Americans to fail so hard that they were annexed? Was it like some blob game of Hearts of Iron?
Hard to imagine the Americans along with the Ruskies were ever close to losing WW2.
The Germans got the bomb first and nuked DC.
I was interested in watching it but I didn't want to watch "le ebil white ppl r nazis n shieeeet". Does it have more depth than that?
It's basically an alt history where the Nazis invented the A-bomb before the americans and used it on D.C. wiping out the chain of command and forcing the Allies to submit.
pretty good season, love the fact that they didnt do some "LE TRUMP NAZI LEADER" shit this season. But why haven't we seen more footage from mainland Japan? Would like to see more of the world in general. What's most interesting is a post-ww2 world where the nazis won, not some mediocre stories of regular ass people.
So they get nuked then suddenly surrender all of their land without resistance to the Germans?
Yeah naw.
Pretty realistic desu. This is basically what happened with the Nips.
They nuke America in 1945. The war is won two years later.
The nips had 1/20th the war capacity as the US by 1945.
Nuking one or two cities would hurt, but would be more like poking a hornets nest.
Yes. But the fact that you write "le ebil white ppl r nazis n shieeeet" makes me think you're from Sup Forums so the first time you see a negative portrayal of a white man in the show might trigger you and cause you to drop it. In any case, all the best characters are nazis/japs imo.
It IS a story about regular ass people.
It's not a political what-if story, it's a story about how americans would be as a defeated people like the germans and japanese were.
Stop projecting.
Just giving a warning is all
Dude, the point of nukes in that scenario wouldn't be "we killed lots of people" but "we can literally exterminate you and you can't retaliate in any even remotely similar way".
So the Germans developed multiple nukes, not just the one in DC? Did the US never develop their own during the two years of war following the nuke?
Where the hell is Russia during all this?
The Russians have already been conquered.
The show doesn't really reveal much about geopolitics in the 40's and 50's. It's set in the 60's and focuses mostly on occupied America.
Conquered by both parties, with a giant DMZ inbetween the two.
What happened to Italy in the man in the high castle?
they don't go into what happened to the russians at all, we just know they were conquered and that's it
Map is wrong. The Germans drained the Mediterranean.
what was the reason for that? farm land or something? they have russian land for that
Breaking Benjamin was best character
>have atom bomb
>Hitler collects tapes highlighting all the mistakes he could have made in an alternate timeline
Losing would be impossible for the Reich
Season 1 was pretty boring but it was interesting enough to get me to wait for season 2 and it was fantastic.
The Nazi imagery in S2 was amazing.
Was I supposed to get erect during this scene?
I'm no fan of Nazis but I got erect too.
Pretty boring season to be honest
>Trade minister fucks around in our universe for god knows how long and apparently nobody in their universe missed him or wondered where the fuck he was
>Cliche "phew the nuclear war was prevented just in time" storyline in a universe where the only two empires are evil so really that's a bad thing
The Nazis would have had a chance if they started fixing their mistakes in 1943.
The war turning around for them in 1945 just seems silly!
What happened to the other Axis powers?
Nobody ever really remembers them, and Italy tends to get conquered or fuck around in Africa.
It's pretty dank dude
I remember seeing a map in the show that showed the Italian Empire, which was Italy, North Africa and parts of the Middle East.
Argentina and the east part of Brazil was part of the Reich and central South America was "Amazonia." Chile seemed autonomous.
Well the universe is the same up till the very end of WW2, (1945). So Mussolini got removed from power in 1943 and then joined the allies? I don't know much about Italy and WW2 so someone will able to expand better.
That's in the book. In the show, Italy is under German control
Kido did mention that his absence has been very concerning.
Plus his assistant is a Dimension jumper too so he probably covered for him.
>Well the universe is the same up till the very end of WW2, (1945). So Mussolini got removed from power in 1943 and then joined the allies? I don't know much about Italy and WW2 so someone will able to expand better.
Mussolini was rescued by Hitler and fled to the North which had not fallen and created his "true" Fascist State which dumped the whole monarchy aspect, this is the state that a lot of the Italian Neo Fascists masturbate to. Mussolini did not die until the very end of the war in europe.
>Well the universe is the same up till the very end of WW2, (1945).
Now see, that's just stupid.
There was some very intensive bombing going on in 1944-1945 along with Allied/Soviet conquests that meant Germany was teetering on the brink of total collapse even by the Battle of the Bulge, and this show expects us to believe a bomb dropped on Allied High Command (much of which was in Europe at the time) in DC would have completely turned the war around when the wolves were at Berlin's gate?
Please, if they wanted this to be in any way realistic than they would've had things go disastrously at the Battle of Kursk for the Soviets, the invasions of Italy failed, and the Battle of Midway led to a middling stalemate or even Allied loss.
Those are the battles they need to say turned out differently, and *then* when you bring out the nukes it makes sense for what happened.
So is Frank dead? The only way I see him surviving is if he reality hoped right before he blew up. I really hope they don't do that.
>the invasions of Italy failed,
But it pretty much did fail, the allies got bogged down by Kesselring and infighting between bongs&yanks
>than they would've had things go disastrously at the Battle of Kursk for the Soviets
I thought Stalingrad was the big turning point in the East? Why Kursk?
M8 it's a work of fiction. Most people don't know about those battles, and if they don't they probably don't care.
In the book there wasn't a New Deal, America is economically broken during WW II and didn't help UK, so both UK and USA didn't help the URSS with weapons and supplies, so Barbarossa succeeded, etc, etc. The point of divergence with our world is Roosevelt never being the President, not the A bomb.
After Kursk the German lost their offensive power on the east. The Soviets could continue on making a bunch of dumb mistakes in Estonia&Romania but the Germans simply couldn't muster enough power to punish them for the mistakes.
Stalingrad gave spunk to the Soviet forces and dealt a raw punch to the gut for the Germans, but it was Kursk that shattered Germany's ability to wage a genuine offensive war in the East and basically gutted everything substantial standing between Moscow and Berlin.
Italy, Albania and Romania were useless minor powers
It was always Germany and Japan vs the Allies
>Romania useless minor powers
Romania&Hungary's oil production makes them alone more important than the Japs for the krauts.
>Italy, Albania and Romania were useless minor powers
Albania and Romania did what they could to help Germany - of course that just meant they could put extra boots in German uniforms, and their resources were invaluable for the war effort.
Italy's really the only one I'd call "useless."
Albania was not even a "independent standing" satellite state like Croatia and Slovakia it was directly annexed by the Italians in 1938.
>Italy's really the only one I'd call "useless."
The Italian Navy and Air force were decent unlike what most people meme on about, problem lied in the Army High Command if there was anybody who needed to pull a Stalin and purge his Army it was Mussolini.
Sup Forums
this desu
feels bad they shanked heusmann so quickly
second season shows how fragile the regime is to internal strife
Was Christopher Reeve his bastard son?
>best character in the show is an old man that mostly just makes a stern expression and says "mmmph".
>tfw no Schutzstaffel Offizier Josef
it's just something different
they probably lost most of the high command before any nazis landed
Why? Because he looks like Pepe?
who /Obbergruppenfuhrer/ here?
She's Australian IRL
So is this show actually worth watching or not?
it's a bit slow at the beginning, season 2 seems bretty good
It's solid, but fuck Amazon for releasing it in a batch like Netflix does. No live threads, and I feel like I have to binge the whole thing as quickly as humanly possible so as to not have to tiptoe around the internet to avoid spoilers.
I bet Smith is gonna go insane because of his sons death, starts having flashbacks about the war, realises he's on the wrong side and starts an american revolution.
I would get in his camp any time if you know what I mean...
>No live threads, and I feel like I have to binge the whole thing as quickly as humanly possible so as to not have to tiptoe around the internet to avoid spoilers
>New Deal
>fixing the economy
>not just prolonging the crisis
P. K. Dick was a leftist cuck, it seems
>caring about spoilers on a shitty, predictable series
Yes, the book was a mess, even Dick admitted he didn't know how to end it. The man in the high castle is basically a deus ex machina, at the end saying "it doesn't matter the nazis won, we are all fictional characters". It doesn't get more lazy than that.
Sir, we need Michelle Monaghan.
i have never read the book, how does it end?
so everything about the films is bullshit? the nazis finally won?
If in this universe the nazis both developed a Heisenberg device (atom bomb) and an intercontinental missile, it would be understandable both the surrender of America and Russia. You could literally bomb every important city of those countries until they surrender.
In the book they're not films, they are books, novels about how america won (though not exactly our universe, there are some differences). They imply a multiverse, but the writer of this books (the man in the high castle) at the end just assumes it doesn't even matter because they are all stories (fictional). Like I said, Dick didn't know how to end it.
I don't understand the second question, of course the nazis won in the book, they whole book is about the mysterious novel that tells a different outcome of the war, not winning the war.
Is there even one (1) scene in season 2 during which she doesn't cry at all?
No, not at all
t. nazi
>explicitly racist policies
literally every government ever before 1945
she cries internally during s2ep3
I for one thought it was interesting to portray a "hippie" counter-culture within the nazi reich
Incorrect. For the Reich to survive, it would have had to basically not start world war 2. Even the advent of atomic weapons would not secured German dominance.
Japan winning is entirely putlandish in every capacity. That being said, its a fictional scenario and its best to just go with it.
I enjoyed the nuanced characters a lot, people in the Reich (and a lesser extent the JPS) aren't all evil monsters hellbent on murdering everyone for no reason.
How close to the book is this?
that's because they already murdered everyone they wanted to exterminate
Very different, just character names are the same
>arguing over FICTION
fiction where an author can do whatever the fuck the autho watns
arguing over fiction, the timeworn internet story of idiots wasting each others oxygen
she's a fucking awful actress. cute, but just horrible