Has this fucking retarded board come to realise Mad Max: Fury Road isn't a feminist film yet?
Has this fucking retarded board come to realise Mad Max: Fury Road isn't a feminist film yet?
Haven't seen it and I know for a fact it is, I also know its pure shit. It's a reddit flick for sure.
What biting satire of the average retarded Sup Forums poster
I love it. Best cinema experience i've ever had. (Not quite as entertaining at home but still great).
That said it is a feminist movie. With alot of feminist themes and dialogue. It doesn't ruin the movie though. Not even close.
go to bed charlize, John Seale came out of retirement and shot this shit well and yet its worthless
Not any more than the previous Mad Max films, Road Warrior had powerful female protagonists too.
Besides, the real hero in Fury Road was Nox, he's the one to have a full character arc before sacrificing his life to save the day.
What? Max saves at the end the asses of everybody, if there were only the females they would loose, because Max seems to be the only one who has a fucking clue. In fact, many females die in this movie, almost equally to men.
How was it feminist when it was about how women need men to save their asses when things get out of hand?
Max is the one who has the idea to go back to the citadel.
Nox is the one who sacrifices himself so they can escape.
Max has to transfuse his own blood so Furiosa doesn't die after being stabbed.
As for the women, besides Furiosa and the Mothers they are completely incompetent, and most of the Mothers end up dying anyway.
It's literally "Men Save the Day: The Movie"
Define feminist in this context.
It's not feminist, it's dogshit.
Whack movie imo. Although, I've never been a fan of car chases. This movie is a two hour long car chase. Maybe I'm biased.
They destroy the society that had begun to take shape too.
I don't give a fuck if the film is feminist or not (I never saw it as one).
It fucking sucks and I'll never watch this trash again.
I never saw the originals (cuz I hate Men Gibson) and here I almost watched them before this.
The movie is garbage and I bet all you fucking plebs think the entire series is amazing.
Kill yourselves.
r9k posting it's pretty strong here, they can watch anything wothout their fucked up view the world.
This guy gets it.
Its utter shit in kino's clothing
Mad Max is a good movie. JUST because it has a female that is one of the lead roles does NOT MEAN it is a feminist film. When will any of you get it through your heads that a female in a film does NOT MEAN feminism.
Males have lead roles - say nothing
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
This new age feminist bullshit, you're all only enforcing it by constantly shitposting these fucking threads all day long. Mad Max was a good film - end of. It just so happens Furiosa wanted to free these women cos they were used as sex slaves. So she's being nice. Not fucking empowering.
Whatever you say cuck, enjoy your propaganda.
The best Mad Max is still The Road Warrior.
>I haven't watched but I know it's reddit
Sup Forums in a nutshell
That scene at the end where they're letting all the refugee peasants onto the lift and turning on the hydroducts to full blast makes me angry every time I see it.
>How was it feminist when it was about how women need men to save their asses when things get out of hand?
exactly like Neighbours 2 desu. People whine about Chloe the human fridge being a feminist but don't realize that the entire point of the movie is that she's a pointlessly antagonistic cunt who ruins everything just because she's pissed at her dad
>Feminist themes
>Women are unhappy being cared for because they have to have kids with a fat old man
>Women leave
>Women realize they can't survive alone
>Decide to go back
>Kill the fat old man who kept everything together
>Waste all the water
>In the end, the women accomplished nothing but getting a bunch of people killed and potentially ending any ope of preserving humanity
I'm honestly surprised it wasn't trashed in the media for portraying women as being such useless cunts.
It seems you didn't understand what George Miller tried to say. Please stick to anime.
My favourite part of the movie was
>Max has this whole arc where he learns not to push people away and feels enough trust for Furiosa to tell her his name
>Everything points to him deciding to settle down
>Once he realises that the women are going to be in charge of the Citadel he suddenly changes his mind and runs off
>Everything points to him deciding to settle down
Nothing ever points to that. Max will always be a wanderer; his arc was about whether or not he will return to helping people or continue his retreat into himself.
During one of the scenes there, a horrible caveman looking nigger cheers at the camera. Really made me think.
abos aren't niggers. they're a different species entirely.
So are niggers, tbqh. Compare to how other great apes are divided into species.
that's what I meant. they're a different species from niggers.
Either way, it was some really ugly creature.
Feminists latched onto it because thats what they fucking do. It itself isnt feminist nor was the goal, its just a bunch of cunts using things to push their agenda
Of course, but I like to be scientifically accurate, otherwise the message loses credibility.
I realized that Tom Hardy is a TERRIBLE Max but faggots will ignore his shitty acting since they like the movie overall. He really, really drags it down though. He is autism personified. Kids will say "that's always been Max XD"
It is and it isn't.
The naysayers to Furiosa and all the female elements were wrong but all the feminists were just as wrong.
Movie is about unity and how we need each other.
You expect too much of this dumb fucking stupid board.
I think anyone who likes the whole series will like the move overall, but find Tom Hardy to be the weakest link. Heat Legend would have done a much better job, and there would have been no Bane-voice moments.
Fair enough, bruh. It was shot in Africa so it could have been either.
>I've never seen this movie or any of the other ones BUT I know that they ate SHIT and you should hate them like me!
Classic Sup Forums post
No I saw Fury Road, just not the others.
Most reddit movie of all time.
I know this gets thrown around a lot, but this time I would like you to explain yourself