What are your favorite hella f*ckin epic films to binge watch with your cat and hillary bumper stickers?
What are your favorite hella f*ckin epic films to binge watch with your cat and hillary bumper stickers?
from this list i ve only watched daredevil
The Martian
Star Wars TFA
A list more accurate
Don't see anything wrong with these desu. Apart from DD being a massively self-righteous, emotional pussy for a lot of it.
Hey, leave cats out of this.
Reddit does not get The Wire
Reddit loves White Guilty: The show
>watching capeshit redditcore
>proud of yourself
Iasip shouldn't be there
So, just to be clear, all of you faggots in this thread are actually Redditors but are trying to show off and be edgy in front of your Sup Forums friends so you're trashing it, knowing full well you've got Reddit open in another tab right now.
How close am I?
Really close, the only faggots that mention that shit website are self deprecating redditors, that's why they know exactly what people over there enjoy.
Trying to fit in in an anonymous website is the most pathetic behavior I've heard of.
don't bring cats into this you fucking nigger
>putting Mad Men and The Wire with the rest of that shit
pretty much any netflix original
Never been on Reddit.
No-one agrees with anyone on this fucking site anyway, according to each half the other half are redditors because that's the cool insult for anyone who doesn't agree with you.
How close am I?
Why is Reddit considered an insult? Is it just because it's full of normies or what?
I like EHC XD
le greedy bald man is SO FANNY LOL
Tryhard children with their critical thinking abilities crippled by mob mentality, just ignore any post that contains the words reddit or kino.
>reddit can't like what I like
>I'm in charge here
Echo chamber culture, they don't actually like the shows they claim to, they just do so they fit in. It's like the opposite of Sup Forums where if you like anything you're a gay nigger faggot, but at least that encourages discussion and critical thinking
>Sup Forums encourages critical thinking
It's as bad of an echochamber as any other website, why else do you think that children here use website names as adjectives and others understand what they mean?
Daredevil is pure Netflix kino
Pretty good bait, but Sunny is going too far.
The key difference being opinions considered wrong by the board culture don't get hidden, unless the guy posts CP or some shit
I've only seen Community and Cosmos.
I watch Bill Maher after a political happening just to see mental gymnastics.
You don't binge watch films, you pleb. Not unless they're from a series. In which case probably harry potter or lord of the rings.
fucking kek
oh pls, they fucking love that show
It's actually pretty good despite David Simon being a massive leftist kike
>Mad men
>low test beta underachieving fagout detected
it is though. it's not the end of the world if some of your tastes overlap with the reddit boogeyman
How is The Wire white guilt? It's mostly negros killing negros and a lot of the 'villains' are black down to the police chief. There's nothing racial about the show.
>binge watch
this term needs to die. why can't people just describe what they're doing 'i watched allt he star wars movies over the weekend'
thats what they used to say
when did 'binge watch' even come around?
Except he's actually had a career as a cop and seen things firsthand, meanwhile you're a faggot shitposting on a chinese cartoon image board.
>Mad Men
wew lad
Yeah, I don't know about The Wire, but David Simon is a raging leftist.
After King Nigger was re elected he wrote this smug 'the death of normal' piece. I would have liked to see his fat kike face when DRUMPF won.
to be fair though, he doesn't try to weasel jews out of whites. he openly talks about how it was the jews who brought slaves to america
what does that have to do with what i said?
>boring pretentious show overrated by neckbeards
>not reddit
>bill maher
do they really like that show? i know reddit is filled with leftist bernouts, but they never struck me as liking Maher's show in spite of similar political leanings
Yeah, it showed the black on black crime crisis pretty well, the only political statement in that show was about how the justice system is broken.
no. it was subtle, but a message of the show was how capitalism doesn't work.
You just described reddit to a T
>mad men
he had the most punchable face on tv
>If you enjoy anything you're a fucking normie!
you missed current year man
I don't think they do. Maher doesn't take any shit from Muslims or PC culture.