Beside washingtons character did any of these people have any reason or reasonable motivation to participate in this...

beside washingtons character did any of these people have any reason or reasonable motivation to participate in this suicide mission ? this movie was fucking stupid. did people even see it ?

couldn't they found a real fucking indian instead of a mexican with a mohawk? or he really is mexican in the movie?

I was still boycotting Sony for ruining my childhood so I never saw it.

i didnt understand why the native american was just suddenly like... yeah imma go with you guys. for what reason? asian and asian friend also seemed far too willing to die for some random cause.

Yea, I hated how they made it so that Washington wanted revenge on the bad guy making it a personal fight rather than him sticking up for this town. It implies that he doesn't give a shit about defending the town or its people but just wants to kill this guy.

>asian and asian friend also seemed far too willing to die for some random cause.
I can somewhat understand Ethan Hawke's character, since they implied he had some trauma relating to his time served, and I guess it was the token "character wants to make up for his past" arc, but there really was nothing on why his friend was around.

All the white males died, including the Jap

i cant even remember seeing this movie. I know I did. I vaguely remember meme guy blowing himself up. but everything else is just a blur

Men dont need a reason. Thats a woman thing.

What pisses me off is this movie had a strong opening. Thr characters all looked great and were each different. With different skill sets. But they were just fucking wasted.
All of the action was shit. Like this had almost everything to make a great movie. Just needed a better script. And to flesh thr characters more.

Fucking remakes

since it's essentially a remake of the seven samurai, the samurai never really had a reason to either.

It annoyed me as well, at least in the original western one the bad guy was an outright bandit where as in this one you can't even pretend money was the motivation cause if that was the case they wouldn't go against the rich guy

they wanted food, they never had any thought that there own lives would be at risk, they pretty much just followed the bald guy cause he was cool

Watch the original, it had all of those things.

nah, I remember them talking about how it would be really dangerous. And it wasn't like they couldn't get the food anywhere else. Same for this remake, they were offered money to do it.

>this movie was fucking stupid. did people even see it ?

We don't see stupid thi-oh wait we do.

I think with the samurai you could make the case that it has something to do with honor or morality. Plus there is the moment where they find out that Kikuchyo or whatever his name is talks about how he is actually an orphaned farmer and all the trouble that the samurai bring these small towns. They are then motivated by the shame they feel and trying to make up for that in a sense.

I saw the first 40 minutes. Holy shit is it bad.
And I like how people die so fucking easily.

They didn't have a reason in original Magnificent Seven or Seven Samurai, they're just good people. I agree on the point that making it hehnothingpersonnel for Denzel was retarded

One of the worst movies I've seen recently.
>Greenscreen background because they shot mainly in Louisiana for tax rebates and looks nothing like the west.
>half the dialogue is ADR. Especially the villagers and miners because it was cheaper not to have to pay actors to say lines
>in the most racist period of American history no one even acknowledges the group
>Every ethnic character is a stereotype
>Trying to make Pratt Starlord of the west
>ludicrous badguy portrayal by Sarsgard. "Look at me and how I am dressed, I am the Mephisto man"

I guess they did it because of samurai honour?
A bunch of mercenary's wouldn't have such honour. Where did they even get the guns for the peasants? bamboo spears at least make sense

Kek, tell me more.

I didn't like how they got rid of the whole theme of class structure between the seven and the village. In seven samurai it was the more upper class samurai helping out the lowly villagers and in the McQueen one they were crossing the border to help out a poor Mexican town. It adds an extra bit of commentary and depth to the story and characters to me.

they were gay


this was really shit

Sony is a mess, they should fire everyone in charge of that shit

>Worldwide: $160,386,201

>none of them fugged Haley
Fagnificent 7 confirmed

I hated how they lobbied Chris Pratt's character as the guy with fondness of explosives, but we only got that bit towards the end.

All I could remember watching this film is how I wanted to fuck the shit out of Hayley Bennet and her luscious sweaty tits

I thought he had a fondness for card tricks