>Period film/series
>writers apply current day morality to them
Stuff that triggers you
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Nothing because I don't have autism
>Period film/series
>Characters talk and joke just like modern people
>futurama having apple parodies
because that fucking makes sense
Who is that bitch
TRIGGERED! I hate that too.
>lets do a movie about the birth of america
>what about how the founding fathers owned slaves? or how half of america was for slavery? Our hero cannnot be a racist.
>don't worry, we will just have a scene where he says "Man I hate having slaves, but, you know, it's the 18th century"
>no, thats still bad
>you're right, we will just make up a fictional dude, and have him be all "No, slavery is an abomination" and he will also have a black gf, even though doing that would get him ostracized
>he doesn't give a FFFFUUUUCK!
>heh, yeah!
>Character is talking about another character
>"Ooooh he's right behind me isn't he..."
>Character makes rhetorical statement/question, i.e. "Could this get any worse"
>Thing happens
>"You had to say it, lol"
It's NOT FUNNY. It was *maybe* funny the first couple times but not the next 1000. Even parodying it is barely funny anymore. Why do people keep doing this? Who's the retard at the writing meeting who says "LOL this joke is HIGH-Larious, we should TOTES put that in the film!"?
>action movie
>explosions everywhere
>male protag saving people
>giving the villain grief
>there's a girl that he saves
>she tags along, obviously impressed by his heroics
>saves the day
>how-bout a kiss?
>Just kidding. it's current year remember? The male protag is actually a girl protag, and having her be interested in a male would not be empowering.
You mean like when they shove a bunch of non-white people in and pretend it's totally normal? Fucking pissed me off so much during The Last Samurai.
Goddamn you're so fucking hilarious I think I need to call the laugh doctor to fix my funny bone
>woman does something competent like shooting a gun to kill something
>everybody looks at her
I thought we were past this but it keeps happening.
very annoying
Do you realize half of the founding fathers condemned slavery right
The was the only thing I disliked about Moana
seriously though...the spider-man homecoming trailer was kind of weird in how the only white people in it were peter, tony, and I think the villain guy. EVERYONE else was non-white.
When an older movie is rereleased and they plaster the original logo with something modern. I fucking hate that shit.
i know. I'm just curious how they would make a movie about jefferson today. I would like to see it but they might try and make up a bunch a stuff about him that isn't true.
I enjoyed it in TFA because the entire movie Finn is a wanna be hero and all it ever gets him is a lightsaber up his back.
A year later it happens again in Rogue One and there is literally no excuse. I'm glad they all died at the end.
disney does this all the time, try watching brother bear, it is painful, especially today.
>villain choking protag
>protag barely reaches weapon in time
>villain is killed
FUCK this
>films mistaking tone
>brutality on scene
>witty Whedon quip
What does a future congresswoman have to do with triggering?
That scene in Inglorious Basterds was brutal.
the obvious one is stock sounds which are easily recognisable, because they ruin immersion
the most infuriating thing however is when they're used intentionally, as a little "us filmmakers, huh? anyone remember THIS gem?" reference. prime example is peter jackson and lord of the rings. all the people who worked on those films put their expertise into set design, making armour, makeup, scoring it, everything, to build up this fictional universe and make it believable. but peter jackson decided to put in a cheeky little nod, a fucking easter egg, a little cinema tradition, and make some poor editor piss on his own craft and throw in a few of those cunting screams
Star wars does it as well.
That fucking '97/Resident Evil roar triggered me hard in Babadook.
To me it showcases how the director was a moron and didn't even think to get the kid or husband to record their voice and manipulate that to be the monsters roar. Instead they slapped in a stock sound and it made me laugh instead of be scared.
And the obvious one is the whilhem scream. It now feels like an inside joke that even one is in on and that its some Reddit weirdo trying to be cool.
Jefferson really don't support wide scale slavery despite owning slaves. He did a lot in terms of isolating southern slave culture form the rest of the country.
>watching historical movie
>can't understand a single word because old English
>characters kill animals for fun
>everyone looks like shit, teeth missing
Sounds like fun mate
>medieval times
>knight is a negro
>can't understand a single word because old English
Do you even know what Old English is?Because that's really Anglo-Saxon which is closer to Old Germanic. Middle English (which developed in the Middle Ages) and Modern English are very similar and should not give any trouble to any native English speaker, unless of course you're a retarded Millennial.
>characters kill animals for fun
Oddly enough, cruelty to animals is a purely Industrial-age phenomenon. In the olden days, people treated their livestock with respect, since it quite literally kept them alive, and even primitive cultures have rites for slain animals.
Is it fun being ignorant?
>Is it fun being ignorant?
It's bliss, m8.
Pure bliss.
As expected of an Abo.
When a bad guy randomly kills a henchman just to show us how evil he is.
Nigger a friend of mine has a master's degree in old English. Shit's unintelligible.
And not every animal was fucking livestock, idiot. Animal welfare laws are a modern invention.
>hero saves a character early on in the movie
>this character sticks around for the rest of the mission despite having no stake in its outcome and no real relevance to the plot
>hero saves a character early on in the movie
>near the end of the film right when the character is going to meet their end that character saves them out of no where
>character is seen being clearly killed on screen
>they come back later in the movie to save the hero from the villain
>character later dies anyway
Reading comprehension much? I said Old English is closer to Germanic. Oh, and I'm a dropout English major, so yeah.
As for animal welfare, you're missing the point entirely. It was about the taking of life and the religious/spiritual implications of it. Have you ever killed an animal? It's nothing like pressing X to skin a rabbit in Skyrim.
Brianna Wu
but this is great when done right
>whent minorities are casted for the sole purpose of spiting Sup Forums or Sup Forums NEETs rather than the individuals' acting ability
>or adding a scene/characteristic to a character for the sake of 'progressiveness' that other characters don't have
>one character has lesbian scene
>no other character even mentions sex once
The fuck is the point of hand-jamming that in there?
>WE WUZ casting
>Villian having a clear opening to kill a protag, but goes on a rant and gives them enough time to grab a gun or something
>little kid somehow is the smartest of all of the characters and finds ways of solving all of the issues while also never getting hurt.
>person living current day
>tries to apply past period morality to current politics
muh heritage
>explosion or gunfire in an enclosed space
>characters can talk to each other just fine afterwards
>don't develop crippling tinnitus
And the problem is?
>little kid somehow is the smartest of all of the characters and finds ways of solving all of the issues while also never getting hurt.
Made the mistake of watching Rare Exports last night, a kid reads a few books and is suddenly an expert on exactly what's going on and goes from being a wimpy faggot who carries a doll around everywhere to an action hero with a brilliant tactical mind in the last ten minutes.
what roar was it?
>>can't understand a single word because old English
I would be okay with this if there were subs