>take clown aesthetic that was supposed to be charming, disarming, seems like a normal clown
>one that could fool children into thinking he was harmless
>replace it with completely-over-the-top creepy-ass baroque clown that no fucking child would ever approach
he dabbin
is this the new ICP movie
Hey we have the same hairline.
And I thought it could get worse than the original one. Do you think they will show the orgy?
>Tries to talk to kids through the storm drain
>Only his forehead fits into view
I bet you it's gonna be the biggest fucking stormdrain you've ever seen just to fit the shot of his colossal cranium
a-all us cool kids have it!
looks like the queen from alice in wonderland
>yfw real clowns look scarier
This was the end result of all the le spooky clowns on the loose viral marketing?
>charming, disarming, seems like a normal clown
>original pennywise
>any of those adjectives at all
>implying the "approachable clown" aesthetic even exists anymore
Seriously, clown-phobia has become such a meme that it is impossible for them to be funny these days without some sort of ironic or clever twist or routine or talent that distracts from the look. IT is one of those things that should not be remade because the context that was key to its success is gone.
>We want the trans-audience
it's shit
But in the books the characters describing the clown always talked about how nice he seemed until something went "off"
This completely abandons the charade of Pennywise being like a spider trapping people
This is gonna be one creepy ass clown.
The original IT got Pennywise all wrong when they made the tv show. They did not believe people would understand that Pennywise's power is hypnotism. So instead they turned him into a regular clown handing out toys. Which isn't how Pennywise caught the children in the books. He was more like Ka the snake from the Jungle Book.
I cannot WAIT to see what his final form the drider looks like. The original movie version was underwhelming.
I reckon Finn Wolfhard would be the only good part of the film but I still want it to be good
Pennywise was never a spider trapping people. He is a dark lighter aka a drider. They use hypnotism to lure their victims in. Pennywise focused on children because their fear was the best to feed off of.
The kids never described Pennywise as a nice in the books. He was always a menacing boogie man lurking in the shadows waiting for his moment and that's exactly what the movie is going for.
when are they going to learn that less is more and an understated clown is infinitely more terrifying
Everyone is focusing on the clown and forgetting the important issues like whether this adaption is going to be faithful and include the scene where Beverly lets all the boys run a train on her in the sewer for 'morale'
This. Can't wait to see it
Actually its only going to be implied much like in Moonrise Kingdom and the ear piercing scene
Pennywise only looked normal in 1 scene in the book. The rest of the time he's a movie monster or he's got bleeding eyes, black holes for eyes, etc.
Non of those clowns are scary even slighty. They look like they frequent the gay bar. One's wearing a tshirt for fuck's sake.
This movie is PG-13.
Gary Fukushima left the project becuause he wanted to do an R rate version including the gangbang scene but the producers didn't want that.
Going by what everyone's saying, I think I prefer the original movie adaption over the book. I haven't read the book.
There's something more menacing about a clown that lures children by seeming somewhat normal.
Also the performance in that movie was great.
>This movie is PG-13.
r u havin a giggle m8
imagine having one of those clowns follow you down a street a few blocks from where you live, singing to himself.
horror is estrangement from context, not a quality in itself. just a plain clown doing pennywise shit is way scarier than a baroque horror clown. the plain clown is what it would be like in a legit nightmare
>imagine having one of those clowns follow you down a street a few blocks from where you live, singing to himself.
No, you're fucking stupid. Anybody following me a few blocks while singing to himself is going to freak me out. If it was a clown I'd probably think it was some gay Youtube prank.
>no Klu Klux Klan attack on "The Black Spot" ending with a giant bird with balloons keeping it afloat hovering in the far distance
it will be included, but with some... slight alterations *grins*. it starts out the same way, but the tanned youth gets the first go at the white girl. as soon as he unleashes his bbc, the white males take a step back in awe. the girl looks down at it and giggles. of course, in her mind, she's wondering if she can possibly take such a thick member. "y-y-you go ahead. there is no possible way for us to compete," the white boys say in unison. i'm sure you can guess what happens after this... i know i can...
No, only the nigger will fuck her and the rest watch and jerk off
Stick nails in the eyes of all C.UCKS for God
my post was a joke, lad.
You're a mouth breathing faggot, regardless.
And so are you. What's your point?
Hey there sheltered kiddo.
How are you today?
Allow me to ENLIGHTEN those of you who don't venture out much in the real world.
See, a lot of us in the real world do have exactly what you said happen often in public.
You mention a clown walking behind you singing.
Well, kiddo.
I have lived in several places where local street performers do just that ... they walk around in costumes, singing, dancing, etc.
A lot of major cities have street performers especially in tourist areas.
California is known for it big time.
New York City definitely has them.
New Orleans is known for them, especially clowns or harlequins.
So no, a person in a costume walking behind you singing isn't going to freak very many people out.
All because we've grown accustomed to it.
But hey let's all just pretend that mankind lives exactly like You do and only has the extremely limited experiences in life like yourself.
>Anybody following me a few blocks while singing to himself is going to freak me out
Get the fuck out of your house once and awhile for your own well being, please. This is one of the most paranoid bullshit posts I've ever read trying to masquerade itself as a normal reaction.
It wasn't for 'morale' it was to end their innocence thus allowing them to escape the trap of the sewers.
But no, I doubt they'll film that.