ITT actors comitting social suicide
ITT actors comitting social suicide
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>N-not like this ;_;
Just by being black in America you commit social suicide. Damn shame what happened to this land of opportunity.
Ten years ago if you stood up on a stage and went on a racist tirade it would destroy your career. Do it these days and they make you president.
If only it were actual suicide
A setback, yes, but she's still alive and kicking.m
shit, got a link?
really makes you think
made me ponder a little more than usual
Really fires up the old neurons.
But Hillary lost.
Particularly charged my synapses
That activated my almonds
>he doesn't know how to check for reply/poster ratios
2 weeks max here
>implying he didn't post with mobile and through proxies to make it more believable
>inb4 picture with (you)s photoshoped out
Okay...What has he said exactly that was racist?
inb4 out of context quote
kill yourself
"I love hispanics!"
Well the bit where he says "Throw his ass out, he's a nigger!" is pretty racist.
you baited me good
Just found out this existed. Holy shit. DNC and RNC need to die and spawn new parties.
not him, Da Peotus
He was really unlucky. This happened in 2006, before shit went "viral".
that fucking look she has, the cunt KNOWS what shes going to do. why do they do it lads?
>I love someone or something
>This is considered racist by Hillary "supporters"
I think you're thinking of Sam Raimi's biopic about this year's election.
Donald trump was found guilty of racial discrimination by the Supreme court in the 90s and was fined for not renting to black people
he also said that something like 'i have black guys counting my money - i hate it!' and allegedly got his managers to clear his casino of blacks when he visited.
more recently, he said that thing about the arabs wife - "maybe she wasnt allowed to day anything, i dont know" and refused to disavow the KKK's endorsement of his presidency for 4 months until after the election.
idk man, hes p racist
>Donald trump was found guilty of racial discrimination by the Supreme court in the 90s and was fined for not renting to black people
That was a class action lawsuit against anyone who owned apartment building and was renting out in New York, he was able to walk away without admitting any guilt.
>he also said that something like 'i have black guys counting my money - i hate it!' and allegedly got his managers to clear his casino of blacks when he visited.
>more recently, he said that thing about the arabs wife - "maybe she wasnt allowed to day anything, i dont know"
Muslims treat their women like dirt this is a reasonable thing to say about her considering her husband loves sharia law and has tried to promote it here and in the UK.
>and refused to disavow the KKK's endorsement of his presidency for 4 months until after the election.
If your talking about David Duke he thought they were talking about Hillary's mentor Robert Byrd former grand wizard of the KKK he disavowed him the next day when he figured out who David Duke is.
Got anymore DNC talking points i can crush there kiddo?
nice source. i totally believe you.
>"I get my news from twitter"
Donald Trump violated the civil rights act by refusing to rent homes to black people.
Trump continued to refuse to rent homes to black people three years after Justice Department ruling on the matter sides against Trump.
Trump ordered blacks to leave casino floor whenever him or wife arrives on property.
1991 book written by Trump Plaza Hotel Casino President quotes Trump as saying:
*“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.“*
Trump thinks that muslims should wear "special ID badges", as well as having a database tracking muslims.
# Trump lies about how "muslims celebrated 9/11".
How are you holding up CTR?
>NY Times
>Huffington Post
>Washington Post
>New Yorker
How to spot a CTR 101
>and refused to disavow the KKK's endorsement of his presidency for 4 months
actually he refused to accept the endorsement in the first place, though he apparently didn't even know about it until the media asked him. Trump said "I don't need his support" and asked the reporter if it would make him feel better if he disavowed the guy, then did so. This was immediately after the issue arose, not 4 months later. If you're going to lie about this then how can we accept your other points?
all of which are quoting Trump's tweets, linking to official court documents and quoting primary sources
they arent opeds, the source doesnt matter so much as the content. you cant just dismiss everything that upsets your worldview by association, thats lazy.
hey man, the guy asked for sources, i gave him sources.
what did you want me to do?
but what you just said... isnt true lol
good sTAIRE
really sounds like a braindead liberal (read: neoliberal)
>calling people CTR 1 month after the election finished
not the smartest brick in the wall, i see
>smartest brick in the wall
american """"philosophy""""
>calling me american
not the sharpest pencil in the pot, i see
So are you alt-righter going to start saying evidence is opression now too?
>and quoting primary sources
Just like when they said that 37 electors would vote against Trump?
Nice (You) harvest.
Im impressed, have another.
Then this man is next in line for the presidency.
>you cant just dismiss everything that upsets your worldview by association
Clearly you're not familiar with Sup Forums
>but what you just said... isnt true lol
"I don't need his endorsement, I certainly wouldn't want his endorsement, I don't need anybody's endorsement," Trump said in an interview on Bloomberg News.
Asked if he would repudiate an endorsement from Duke, he replied: "Sure."
"I would do that if it would make you feel better," he said, adding "I don't know anything about him."
>AUGUST 2016
So now you look like an imbecile. lol
bro i have no idea what youre talking about and i dont really care either.
stop trying the change the subject.
the guy specifically asked about things donald trump had said that might be percieved as racist, i found some, provided sources, and posted them for him.
thats it.
dude dont be pissed about it, in a few weeks he has to leave office anyways.
>American elect a racist because they like how he says racist things
>Turn around and say hes not racist
What did amerifats mean by this?
but he didnt repudiate the endorsement
he said he would, but then didnt until after the election iirc
oh and he made 1 tweet about it but then said hed forgotten about it when pressed in interviews
>being this delusional
>American elect a racist because they like how he says racist things
This never happened but okay.
But Muslims were celebrating 9/11 when it happened in the middle east and right here in America, I remember seeing them on the news when I was a kid.
>Every source you cite is NYT/WaPo/CNN/Huffington post
That's like me saying Hillary is a criminal and citing Alex Jones on Infowars as my only source.
Really corrected my record
>refused to disavow the KKK's endorsement of his presidency for 4 months until after the election
I don't know why this is a problem, Obana never cared about his KKK's endorsement.
>Sup Forumscucks love being racist
>their favorite candidate gets called racist
>they bend over backwards viciously trying to prove it false
>literally so indoctrinated his brain has made up fake memories of an event that never happened to reinforce his worldview
so this... is the power of autism.... woah...
Trump just sounds like a typical old white guy. He says some un-PC things now and then, but he isnt anything approaching a "white supremecist" or anything like that. The media fucked up bad pissing off everyone (libs and righties both) this year. Im so fucking tired of it.
I think the idea is that while its ok for your average old guy to say some un-PC things now and again, when you are choosing who is going to rule the most powerful country on the planet and handle delicate diplomatic situations amid rising tensions worldwide you kinda want someone who doesnt make those occaisional 'slips'.
I mean, I dont remember Obama accidentally making any un-PC blunders in his 8 years in office, whereas Trump already caused a minor diplomatic incident within 1 week of being elected with that Thailand crap.
t. Britbong who doesnt really know anything but has an opinion anyway
I'm not changing subject none of those sources are thrust worthy.
># Trump lies about how "muslims celebrated 9/11".
Than what is this?
No you are only citing biased news sources that have proven to be biased and have been proven to distort facts to bend them to their liberal narrative which is why you lost there is a lot of Dems in this country but not alot of far left liberals.
user is right. He lost the popular vote, so america didn't really elect him.
Well, you're not wrong in a sense; trump is a gamble. Most people walked into the polling booths to choose the lesser of two evils. I am cautiously optimistic myself.
Okay which subreddit did you steal that from
>t. Britbong who doesnt really know anything but has an opinion anyway
You don't remember your prime minister giving Obama a priceless artifact and getting a fucking DVD box set that he can't even play because of region locking?
And as far as Trump is concerned, speaking flubs are far better than an elderly unhealthy woman too damn stupid not to use her personal e-mail for top secret business.
I hope all you trump babbies are happy.
If you thought SJW's were loud and annoying before, prepare to have them take over completely.
this is a video of people in palestine. everyone knows that happened.
Trumps specific point was that he saw *american* muslims celebrating.
"And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering"
>Thailand crap
You meant Taiwan, but do go on with your analysis when you can't even keep the names of countries straight.
Really made me ponder. Thanks senpai
No actually i dont remember that. sounds interesting. Got a link?
Haha bro I literally told you I dont really know anything. Chill out.
Here you go retard, all you have done is copy and paste DNC talking points from buzzfeed and Huffington post.
So the power of liberal logic....woah
really made me think, user.
>I remember seeing them on the news when I was a kid.
That was bullshit. They just used footage of arabs celebrating and made up shit. It's worth noting that the arabs celebrating was actually Palestinians so this was as if to blame them.
Meanwhile the dancing isrealis with an explosive van was completely ignored.
Entire post immediatly discraded
Ugh anderson cooper is so hot
This was years after 9/11. Trump was talking about how he saw it happening in New Jersey as the towers were coming down. Your video doesn't address that at all.
>He didn't really win
>Even though we lost by 20 points my team threw for 150 more yards then yours....that means we win in my mind
The game was the electoral college system not the popular vote they lost, you can have a moral victory with the popular vote.
>all these buzzfeed hillary shills
Fuck off niggers
Non-Murrican here. I thought the election would be the end of all this politics shit. Boy was I wrong.
reminder this is how trump reacted in 2012
Yes, he's a hypocrite that will say anything to get elected. Why Sup Forums expect anything else from the man is beyond me.
too far
mind: blown
it takes less than 30 seconds to fucking google someone's name, not 4 months, bro come on
The cucks and shills are kicking it into overdrive.
Their pet nigger narrative is crashing down.
>A bunch of tweets of him being mad that the Republicans lost
>Last tweet "Well back to the drawingboard."
>Runs for president
>Wins despite biased MSM attempting to destroy his candidacy and his career
Really corrected my record
thank you for correcting the record
Not at all.
If you take delete California Hillary lost the popular vote