Is Fargo the closest thing we'll ever get to television kino?
Is Fargo the closest thing we'll ever get to television kino?
This was honestly the best performance from Patrick Wilson I've ever seen. I've never seen anything as manly as that first trip out to the Gerhardt ranch.
He always delivers with his special brand of quiet dignity
"I have had [i]quite[/i] the day today."
Literally everyone put on a 10/10 performance. I don't know if it was just good direction but I was blown away by L of them.
>tfw nobody has ever watched it and never listens when I recommend it
Season three is coming next year, get hype
He might be one of my favorite television characters.
I wish he didn't fucking die. He "deserved" it entirely and his death was poetic justice, but still. Season 3 takes place in 2010 and I would've liked to see him return.
Would've been much more fitting symbolically if he actually managed to cross the thin ice then the deputy or whoever said "there ain't nothing but ice for miles, darn tootin' he's gonna freeze to death out there". Then they can bring him back if they wanted to.
>Is Fargo this, is Fargo that
FUCK YOU! Fargo my arsehole.
Then you never fucking saw The Motherfucking Ledge.
Is this on Netflix yet?
Is the show really that underrated? It's some of the most fun television I've ever watched. That scene where the guy was duct-taped to the chair with a shotgun was glorious and exhilarating as fuck.
Watch this show become like Breaking Bad in terms of ratings if S3's good.
yeah he was so great on the show. part of me wishes they could return to that setting because it sucks knowing we won't see him or mike milligan again
Jeffrey Donovan was a very close number 2 in this. Dodd was one of those characters that would win awards if he had more room to grow.
We already had Oz though
Good I hope not. I'm an insufferable hipster and if really be disappointed if it became the new big show.
I want it to become mildly popular. Maybe slightly bit more so than Better Call Saul is.
It's too complicated for plebs to really like it
Fargo is GOAT, easily one of the top 5 shows still airing, but I feel like the endings always kinda suck. The finales I mean.
It's like you've never even heard of The Dekalog. Newsflash: television kino has existed for decades.
Meme nigger was fucking terrible.
He was pretty good in Bone Tomahawk
my nigga
>fancied the fuck outta Kirsten Dunst in Small Soldiers
>slowly fades outta my wank bank
>fancied the fuck outta her in Spider-Man
>slowly fades outta my wank bank
>fancied the fuck outta her in Fargo
>she is my wank bank
You get to see her titties in Melancholia
Shame it's so dull