Han Solo

>Han Solo
>Always works with a partner

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Most overrated chatacter of all time
>le han shot first xD

bravo lucas

>doesn't have a tumblr page about it

I get it

>Mace Windu
>Uses a lightsaber

Mace windows

got thrown out of a windows

>Jar Jar Binks
>never actually uses a search engine on screen

>Jabba the Hutt
>lives in a palace

>Luke Skywalker
>doesn't walk in the sky

>Mace Dindu
>Actually a respectable person who doesn't commit crimes

>The Techno Union army foreman Wat Tambor

>general Ackbar
>does not blow up

>carl marx
>can't drive a car

>Boba Fett
>is actually pretty slender

but no shoes? may be his feet smell

>Lars Owen
>does not have any debts

>cars owen
not even a single car


>gold leader
>is not gold...

Kek underrated

>admiral Needa
>is in fact well-off gentleman

>Jimmy the Hat
>never wears a hat

>Hand Solo
>never seen masturbating

Weird, innit?