Murder rate explodes in Houston

After a grim 2015 in which Houston suffered 303 murders (up from 241 in 2014), 2016 is no better, with 31 murders in May and 20 so far in June. What the hell is going wrong? I thought Texas was "tough on crime," but apparently not.

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Those fucking white cis males

Those fucking white males that came in from Mexico and New Orleans.

After muh katrina they flooded in from Louisiana

All of these fucking white males.

Viper's from Houston.

Would explain a lot.

11 years ago. It's 2016. Get with the current year. That problem should be over and finished by now.

>What the hell is going wrong?
Molly explains it in first 6 minutes

Hurricane Katrina happened. All of the blacks flooded into Houston (and some other places a little more sparsely).

The hurricane essentially took the high crime stats from Louisiana, then slung them all over the South of Texas.

Dorner wasn't really a mass shooting but whatever

Houston already had a lot of nigs too


That wouldn't explain 2014 having 62 fewer murders than 2015. It's not like the population suddenly shifted between those two years, as opposed to 2005 and 2006.

nig on nig violence

Maybe it was more hot and humid, I don't fucking know.

Sometimes the nigs don't feel like killing each other, sometimes they do.

Thank Obama for instilling helplessness into his negro slaves. Now they think of nothing but rape and murder because Obama told them whitey would never let them succeed. Look at Chicongo. It's a disaster.

Katrina "refugees" and Mexicans


All white names

Omar and Mohammed are French names too

Isn't New Orleans still a violent shithole though?

Election year.
Coons get frustrated when there bennies are threatened to get cut off.
It starts with the parents, really.
They get mad for not having any crack money and they take it out kn their kids that grow up confused and mad that evwrybody hates them, even their momma so they take it to the streets dealing drugs and stealing to make ends meet multiplied by the hundreds or thousands and you have welfare wars.

a LOT of Asians, ffs.
way out of proportion to the Asian population in the USA.

were these cherry picked or are these really all the top killers by #'s?

>Omar and Mohammed are French names too
just no