Empire > Rogue One > A New Hope > Revenge of the Sith > Phantom Menace > Return of the Jedi > Attack of the Clones
Empire > Rogue One > A New Hope > Revenge of the Sith > Phantom Menace > Return of the Jedi > Attack of the Clones
Other urls found in this thread:
Empire>New Hope>Return>Rogue One>Revenge>Force Awakens>Phantom Menace>Attack of the Clones
I didn't rank The Force Awakens because it's a Marvel movie not a Star Wars movie
Empire > Rogue One > A New Hope > ROTJ > ROTS = TFA > TPM > Clone Wars 2d > Caravan of Courage > Ewoks the Battle of Endor > Droids > The Holiday Special > Star Trek Nemesis > Battlefield Earth > AOTC
Empire > New Hope > ROTJ > Rogue One > Force Awakens > ROTS > Phantom Menace > Attack of the Clones
Attack of the Clones really isn't that bad
Empire > A New Hope > RotJ > The Force Awakens > Rogue One > The Phantom Menace > Revenge of the Sith > Attack of the Clones
I think she's got it! By Jove, I think she's got it!
Empire>Rogue One>ROTS>A new hope>Awakens>ROTJ>Attaack of the clones>Menace
I dont know man, theres something about ROTJ/AOTC/TPM that makes me not want to rewatch it everytime I want my Star Wars fix
Empire > New Hope > Jedi > Force Awakens > Rogue One > Sith > Phantom Menace > Clones
People are kind of overrating rogue one IMO.
I liked it but the start was kind of boring and the main character is boring.
>people still pretend Empire is better than "new hope"
>Ranking fan movies with the actual Star Wars movies.
Rogue One is literally prequel tier.
>I dont know man, theres something about ROTJ/AOTC/TPM that makes me not want to rewatch it everytime I want my Star Wars fix
I feel the same way about 1, 2, and for some bizarre reason 4.
It's a proper sequel.
I wouldn't be confident to say it if i hadn't gone to see it several times to make sure and then watched the rest of the Trilogy to make sure i wasn't taken in with hype. It's genuinely one of the best of the series.
Best visuals (wideshot Star Destroyers, Kurosawa closeups on Baze), best action (especially in Space), it perfectly captures the atmosphere of the originals and every part of the originals it touches on it improves. In fact I'd say the tension and atmosphere of the last 10 minutes are better than anything in the originals.
I can't praise Rogue One enough. They nailed it.
This looks like the most objectively correct ranking here
in some sense, this is correct
Sorry, I'm not a Disney CEO
Ok, what the fuck guys...
Why does everyone love Empire so goddamn much, honestly?
It's not even that good of a movie t b h
someone please enlighten me.
It may not be a good movie, but it's objectively the best Star Wars movie.
$0,05 has been etc.
Vader and shieeet. Han Solo at his best (before he becomes a pussy whipped faggot in ROTJ). Luke and Yoda. Lightsabers actually cut shit unlike ROTJ.
Dat opening battle.
Boba Fett being a g. I could go on.
It really is a perfect Star Wars movie. I'm actually surprised there's so much concensus over this, it always was my favourite one
Everyone always considers empire the best, it's absolutely no surprise.
5 is great mostly cuz vader wins. same reason ppl like rogue one.
Its a really good star wars film
its only getting a bad rap because it basically started that '2nd movie best movie' trend that everyone hates, and it doesnt mean that even though its the one who started it, its free from the prejudice and the stigma it brings
by 'started it', I mean that its the most popular example of it, basically the trend setter
>'2nd movie best movie' trend
enlighten me
these are the worst kind of threads in Sup Forums
fuck you OP. you had to make this thread because you couldn't even get one (you) in the other thread. SHAME.
>R1 over anything but the prequels
F-fuck off!
Anything else is memes
4 is unrefined, 6 is too silly, not to complicated
It'll be accepted objectively in a few years once the contrarianism dies down.
Remember most posters here haven't actually watched say Return of the Jedi in years let alone with the critical eye they do for Rogue One.
If nostalgia wasn't a factor this wouldn't even be debateable.
>If nostalgia wasn't a factor this wouldn't even be debateable.
If nostalgia was a factor R1 and TFA would be 2/10 for pandering shit. R1 is slightly better than TFA but also complete shit
It was better than tfa but it still had terrible over acting and shit dialogue. I'd say it ranks somewhere between Revenge of the Sith and Attack of the Clones. The action was spot on though, I'll give it that. Original trilogy still reigns supreme.
I forgot to mention my favorite star wars movie is The Phantom Menace.
literally a perfect star wars film from start to finish. yet nobody here shares the same sentiment. Sad!
although I agree that empire was quite good as well. probably my second or third favorite star wars film
I don't think so. TFA had lots of pandering shit because the fan service was entirely that. It had no other reason to be on screen since it was decades later and on the wrong planets.
Rogue One was set in the same time with many of the same people as the original movie so it figures that alot of their shit is the same. In fact I was worried the things they would add (to sell toys) would ruin my immersion. They totally didin't because it was all tasteful.
I'm not being hyperbolic at all when I say this. Despite all the hate it gets I loved ROTJ as a kid because of the sweet space battles and fighting in the Jungle. The A wings and the action make up for the Ewoks and the harmless lightsaber knocking all the goons over. With that in mind I would have fucking blown load over the action in Rogue One. It's far better and Rogue One has far less to forgive than ROTJ does.
If I can forgive Boba Fetts rubbish slapstick death. I can forgive a needless C3P0 or Cantina goon cameo.
I'm a prequel defender, but how could anyone put TPM above anything? It's the only prequel I would call a bad film
I unironically love this movie.
The action is good and Liam Neeson makes for a compelling character. There was still some modelwork and liveaction... action which means it actually hasn't aged that badly. Ofcourse it's no better than it was to begin with but the later prequels look like cartoons in parts now. It's much better than Attack of the Clones
>Sup Forums loves Empire the most
Maybe this place isn't as contrarian as I thought
So is Rogue One
you can only be so contrarian without being completely obvious and hating empire would do just that
TPM wasn't even that bad just take out jar jar and some of the other goofy shit and it's just incredibly boring. no wonder George put in all that shit so people wouldn't fall asleep.
AOTC went too far in a few places.. shitty forced romance plot with anakin and sand plus the final act is like a videogame
ROTS is absolute kino though.
Its very comfy!
Empire > Rogue One > Return of the Jedi > Phantom Menace > A New Hope > Revenge of the Sith > Attack of the Clones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Force Awakens
>phantom menace that high
how about no
>liking the OT because you're told to
When will we all finally admit they weren't that great? I'm not a fan of the Star Wars movies but I love the EU, comics, video games and books and rogue is the best Star Wars movies.
TPM had more proper sets and less CGI than the other two.
It also just had better visual design in general.
New Hope>Empire>Rogue One>Jedi>Force Awakens>Phantom Menace>Revenge>Attack of the clones
>I love the EU, comics, video games and books
uuuu haaaave toooo gooo baaaack, luuuuke
Rogue one is the most well made film doesn't make it the best star wars film though.
but it was a lot better than TFA that's for sure
Idk man, the OT was pretty boring for me, no magic like the prequels had, even though they had some major flaws, the story and atmosphere just felt more like what Star Wars should be like
I'm amazed that people here not only liked Rogue One but are rating it in their top 3. I and everyone I saw it with thought it was laughably bad. The first 3/4 of the film was filled with terrible acting and boring dialogue. The only enjoyable part was the end with the special effects and action.
It made me think "what the fuck am I watching" several times, and that's only happened to me during Prometheus and Batman vs Superman.
Rogue One nailed Star Wars, honestly it has been the best of the movies of the franchise so far.
Best visuals, best space battle we've ever had in Star Wars, characters were fine don't know why people were complaining, the last 20 minutes were the most fun I've ever had watching a Star Wars movie.
I would even rate it above Empire, which was a phenomonal movie but I think Rogue One has finally nailed Star Wars in the modern era and rekindled my faith in Disney
I don't see why Jedi is ranked so highly. Most of it was pretty boring.
Your list is all kinds of wrong
New Hope
Force Awakens
Rogue 1
Not a marvel movie. Disney movie.
And so is rogue 1
RotS > R1 > ESB > RotJ > TPM > TFA > ANH > AotC
The DIFFINITIVE order. Everyone else is wrong.
Is right.
great visuals, character pacing, character moments
a memorable villain who is only trying to meet his son
great light saber battle
>force awakens that high
rogue one confirmed for masterpiece:
This is the truth.
No that's wrong
1 > 2 > 3 > R1 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7
I feel it was a good retelling of the original film, with enough changes and questions left unanswered that it raises great fun speculating. In addition to that it knew what it was doing, and did it very well. The New Hope clone but was completely intentional as to finish what the all did. Mirror the basic story yet keep new enough elements to have them feel simmilar enough. Though saying it's a complete clone would be very wrong, as even though the key notes are hit the same the ways they are hit and all of the other things surrounding them are very different. Plus it brought the magic back to star wars that the prequels lost, and gave me personally the experiance I never got to have. The huge amazing swells of music in the theatre, the gorgeous visuals, the interesting characters and when coupled with the best 3D experiance I've ever seen I managed to get an amazing experiance out of it, and am left wanting way more from this series.
TL;DR It was a great theatre experiance and was new enough to keep me guessing and wanting more.
And I am*
>New hope is never the best on these lists
Come on guys, you know its true.
Nah. Cringy acting, cheesy not knowing of what it was going to do, clone of the heroes journey story(Which was intentional, but stil)
But not only do people not hate Empire, they rate it the highest.
Empire is the best though. Jedi Is the worst in the OT but Phantom is by far the worst over all.
I'll irl fight you r1 motherfucker shills. I'll bash your skulls in one at a time.
>OT Tears: The Thread