So, what was the best blockbuster of 2016
So, what was the best blockbuster of 2016
Star Trek Beyond
I can't believe people unironically like this movie.
>aliens literally defeated by the song Sabotage
I would have walked out of the theater if I hadn't been with other people.
>I would have walked out of the theater if I hadn't been with other people.
You would have been kicked out for violating the singles policy anyway, so that's a nice empty threat you have there.
Rogue One
The Batman versus the Superman
it was shit
Blockbusters weren't exactly mindblowing this year, so It's gonna have to be Rogue One.
>what is BvS
lmao get a load of this fucking loser
literally no taste, please leave this website at once.
This. Almost every other big SFX movie I saw was disappointing. Dr. Strange was alright.
Fantastic Beasts.
literally the best part of the movie
The Jungle Book (surprised me too)
fucking trash
and yet it was still the most "trek" out of the JJ era movies.
BvS non ironically
fuck off
kill yourselves
I don't think I can say I saw a good one. Fantastic Beasts was surprisingly good. I say surprisingly because I hated Yate's Potter movies. I loved all of the bits with the magical creatures, and Colin Farrell. The MPDG sister and the fat baker subplot was stupid, and holy FUCK; those two extras in the scene where Colin Farrell sentenced them to death had the dumbest faces I'd ever seen. Their acting was so unnatural it was infuriating.
You know in terms of scale and just bang for your buck. Id agree with this. Civil War was the better movie but honestly I had more fun with BvS. Just the spectacle of it all. Visually it was more impressive and had a better score.
fun doesn't mean anything, it has no value
Batman v Superman is simply the representation of the artistic bankruptcy plaguing the contemporary film industry.
Like Man of Steel, Snyder's last endeavor in hackery, this latest attempt is to convince the masses that what they are viewing is something deep or meaningful, when all it has done is push forward shallow technicality and exaggeration to make the frame pulsate with vulgar loudness. Characters are mere veneers, the cinematography is pretty but so conspicuous as to be rendered aggravating and the thesis is about as overdone as Eisenberg's acting. The camera feels like it has been waiting all day for a climactic shot and the film's deliberately difficult production history is laid bare in the indulgent cinematography.
Thematic complexity and philosophical subtext take a back seat to what amounts to as basically an action movie with action stars wrapped up in the veil of capekino. And much like Salome, what lies beneath is ultimately puerile, obscene and holding fascination only for adolescents.
Snyder is guilty of something far greater than simply making a bad movie. He is guilty for the crime of gestating his pretense and self-importance, forcing many others to labor over it in a misguided attempt to create art and daring to call the afterbirth a film. Perhaps instead of taking his cast and crew to greenscreen rooms in search of a better shot, the American counterfeit filmmaker should have taken his juvenile and crass sensibilities to the seedy San Fernando valley. There he could have at least made a profit of filming all the money shots he wanted.
For reference, I saw the following 'blockbusters'
Jason Bourne
Star Trek Beyond
Independence Day Resurgence
Fantastic Beasts
The Accountant
Rogue One
And the only ones I enjoyed parts of were Fantastic Beasts, Bourne, and anytime Jeff Goldblum was on screen in IDR. Some of the imagery in BvS was good too, but the acting nearly put me to sleep. Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Eisenberg, Cavill and Affleck could cure insomnia is you put them all in a room together and filmed it for 10 minutes, jesus christ.
Smh desu senpai
I couldn't get past the thirty-minute mark of this movie. It's just so mind-numbingly bad. How do people like it?
Then again, I barely watch popcorn flicks anymore. They're all soulless and without ambition.
i think you just have shit taste.
I'm sure that's it.
What are your favorite movies of 2016? Obviously Star Trek, Deadpool, and BvS made the list.
Meh, it was refreshing to have edgy humour instead of quips. Not bad, glad for Reynolds too the guys deserves it
Visually: best of the list
Everything else: meh too, it was worth the ticket anyway
>Jason Bourne
Bad flick, jesus christ, how the mighty have fallen
>Star Trek Beyond
>Independence Day Resurgence
Worst movie of the year along with Suicide Squad and Dr Strange
>Fantastic Beasts
Refreshing, I was hoping HP 2.0 and it wasn't that kind of movie.
>The Accountant
Good action flick, unambitious but great popcorn shit. Kind of John Wick
>Rogue One
Boring ass movie with good visuals in the last part. The plot was a mess and I couldn't make worst characters even if I tried. Next year it will shat upon just like TFA now, screencap this
winner winner chicken dinner
> The Jungle Book
>Rogue One
>Fantastic Beasts
I really enjoyed these.
don't insult me.
BvS was visual garbage (Doomsday)
that entire movie, every single inch was a fucking trainwreak from start to finish
saying it's only "meh" is an insult and invalided the rest of your opinions
BvS was visual kino (Doomsday)
that entire movie, every single inch was a fucking godsend from start to finish
saying it's "garbage" is an insult and invalided the rest of your opinions
>saying it's only "meh" is an insult and invalided the rest of your opinions
Did you get cucked by ZS or what?Getting triggered like that may be a symptom of autism
What was that film where dicaprio got raped by a bear? Was that early this year or late last year?
It had some lovely looking shots in it
i hope you're shitposting because you come across as a fucking buffoon
It's extremely bloated. Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced. And that is just the first hour, there is still two more hours left.
The shear number of pointless subplots are simply staggering. Plot holes? You mean mystery elements. The fact that someone read the script and decided it was worthy of spending over 250 million to bring it to the screen boggles my mind. This is what happens when you take five different scripts that have no sense of correlation. Did editing and streamlining the story not cross anyone's mind.
The production is big on making terrible decisions and this is clearly evident in the casting. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther is laughably bad giving his rejected Social Network performance as twitching Mark Zuckerberg. Gal Gadot is by far the biggest miscast. Most people complained when she cast due to her poor physicality and zero resemblance to Wonder Woman. Those points are fine, but the biggest drawback is that she's frankly not a good actress. She has the emotional range of a potato. Her big reveal in costume is complete with a 'cool' guitar rift like it's some Robert Rodriguez film. During action scene she is replaced by her cgi double which obviously looks bigger and muscular in comparison to Gal Gadot's actual physical appearance. I just couldn't help by have a good chuckle at that.
I'm not the one acting smug on a pedo board mate
Also it's not the 17th century, stop talking like a cunt
your opinions were already invalidated
my condolences. it's a genetic thing, really
Nice pasta but it's all bullshit
incredible arguments
really made me think
why would i care about convincing someone whose opinions are invalid. it'd be like trying to teach a fish to climb a tree
BvS was too good so it doesn't count.
ebin post
really jiggled my thoughts
BvS was too good so it doesn't trash? Okay.
It was all over the place. Meandering in areas that don't matter (Lois spending 20 minutes finding out that Luthor is evil and does nothing with the information). Incredibly weird ads for the next movies (like when the dramatic music starts when Wonder Woman's picture shows up).
I have no idea where it's going. It fails to set anything up in a logical way that it makes the rest of the movie a chore to watch, a waiting game to the big fight, which was so mediocre and full of terrible effects that it wasn't worth watching 2 hours in the first place.
I don't even give a shit about the Martha thing because it works in the sense that it shocks Bruce into actually taking a second to think, but that admits that Batman wasn't thinkign for the entire film, because absolutely no one was.
terrible movie. trash is the correct word.
>saving pasta criticisms because you don't actually have any original thoughts
dear lord, you're such a fucking loser
best movie overall would be Hacksaw Ridge.
Looks like i objectively won this round, better luck next time senpai.
whatever helps you avoid an heroing, user
Fantastic Beasts. Jacob and Queenie were an absolute delight.
ITT faggots who cant put an actual argument together to save their lives claim they won because.... just because