Just saw this for the first time and i loved it, anyone got any recommendations similar to this movie?
Just saw this for the first time and i loved it, anyone got any recommendations similar to this movie?
the sequel starring will smith literally JUST came out
Sadly no, Collateral is the pinnacle of the genre. Obviously you want to watch the rest of Michael Mann's oeuvre though. Even Miami Vice.
Ridley Scott's "Black Rain" is something you might have overlooked but it's honestly not that similar.
The Accountant
thanks, i'll check 'em out!
this is mann's only good film. And even then the deeper themes of the film are muddied by attempting to keep this as a lean action-thriller, which doesn't particularly work. The dynamic between the characters is more compelling than the thriller high concept aspect of "cabbie drives around with psychopath hitman in the back"
not even baiting. Heat isn't really a good film, its one that is saved by having big names and a couple of iconic scenes.
the rest of his oeuvre is pretty mediocre. Mann strikes me as a director who has always been attempting to channel better directors, and its telling because his CV is all over the shop. Black hat and public enemies are absolute garbage.
He wouldve made a great DP, but as a director he is very hit and miss.
Me again. I'm not really gonna disagree with you, although I haven't seen Thief so maybe I would be quicker to defend Mann if I had. My point is just that we take what we can get.
Another overlooked thriller recommendation for OP is "Strange Days" by Kathryn Bigelow from 1995.
collateral is fucking over rated shit
heard it was 'operatorkino' but it's nothing, its wank
Collateral is good because it shows restraint and dares to be a simple thriller on the surface.
I enjoyed Collateral but I could never understand why I didn't like Heat or Manhunter, all told they seemed like they should be good movies but they just weren't enjoyable
There's just something unenjoyable about how Mann does it
its because mann is not a good writer. To my point, collateral is one of the few films he directed that he did not also do the screenwriting, and it shows.
Heat is really a basic cops and robbers show writ large, which speaks to Mann's TV origins (he never really exceeded them), with big movie stars and iconic set pieces to cover up the weak narrative. Pacino isn't hamming it up because he's an excessive actor, he's hamming it up to attempt to put some life in mann's clunky and dull script.
Seriously whats the two things everyone talks about with heat? Al pacino and robert de niro being on the screen at the same time, and the realistic firefight in downtown LA.
>even Miami Vice
Nigger that's his best movie.
itt: plebs
Mann is one of the premiere american filmmakers. He oozes cinema at all times. gb2plebbit
Miami Vice
Public Enemies
The Dark Knight
The Town
LA Confidential
Blade Runner
The Assassination of Jesse James
The Bourne franchise
Edge of Tomorrow
The Counselor
Loads more.
when your biggest fans are gun nerds who fast forward to your ~OPERATOR~ scenes and flood their panties because muh mozambique drill, it really speaks volumes about how weak your work actually is
The relationship between Max and Vincent is still my favorite out of all of Mann's movies
Best part of the flick imo
True. HEAT is the ultimate man's movie. It's basically an homage to masculinity. The entire movie is men doing business. Creating problems and overcoming others. It's like an instruction manual for how men should behave in life.
The ambience in Manhunter is what makes it an amazing film. From the soundtrack, to the shots, the style, and the characters. It's all great. Heat is a glorified cops and robbers story but it's done very well. It has a great cast and the heist scenes are some of the best.
Personally I love his style and he's one of my favorite directors. His night shots are fucking awesome.
I don't give a shit about his fans, you're a pleb.
Your'e also a pleb.
Mann's first and foremost interest is making a full-fledged piece of cinema. Picture, Motion, Aesthetic, Sound, Pace. He's obsessive about these aspects. Almost all his movies are perfect examples of the marriage between audio and visuals and kineticism/motion.
Miami Vice is freaking perfect.
Stop calling me a pleb you fucker
Learn to watch movies.
>Seriously whats the two things everyone talks about with heat? Al pacino and robert de niro being on the screen at the same time, and the realistic firefight in downtown LA.
And the amazing editing, framing and composition, soundtrack and sound design, blocking, line deliveries, pacing, production design everything.
The movie is critically acclaimed not because of the narrative, but because of all the other filmmaking elements executed perfectly.
All departments from directing to acting. I mean fuck even fucking Val Kilmer was great in it.
Don't judge a movie by the count of "cool" scenes or the general storyline.
And remember, film is a visual medium.
You're full of shit
At least I know how to watch movies
Stop attacking me... snob bully cunt
Go on and watch Thief tonight user
I've seen it
It felt its age
the editing is completely bog standard, serviceable and nothing notable.
The soundtrack is completely forgettable, I'm seriously laughing at the notion of you thinking something like eno's "force marker" as being a great piece. BOOP BOOP DE BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP DE BOOP BOOP
the sound design is legitimately good I will give it that, but is only really of service in one key scene.
Blocking, lmao. Blocking is one of mann film's WORST aspects. I think you just threw that in there to sound like you know about filmmaking.
line deliveries, jesus, pacino hams up all of his lines in this film because of how flat the script it is. There is not a single memorable line in this clunky script that isnt punctuated by pacino roaring it or chewing the scenery up.
> pleb
> pleb
> shut up pleb!!
literal SHUT UP and NUH UH tier posting. Pleb.