The tongue-in-cheek way the women of Google are responding to a shareholder's sexist comment

>The women of Google have come up with a clever, tongue-in-cheek way to raise awareness about gender equality after an investor made a sexist remark at the company's annual shareholders meeting last week.

>When one investor wanted to ask chief financial officer Ruth Porat a question, he addressed it to "the lady CFO." He then directed his second question for Alphabet SVP of corporate development, David Drummond, to "Mr. Drummond."

>Although Porat answered his question without acknowledging his casual sexism, frustration exploded both online and in the room, with another shareholder, Sonen Capital's Danielle Ginach, calling him out a few questions later:

>"I am sorry to put another shareholder on the spot," she said. "But Ms. Porat is the CFO, not the lady CFO."

I fucking hate the Bay Area.

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This is in the context of the same people pushing GURRRL CODER and ladyboss while taking offense at lady being used to describe women in executive level positions.

That guy probably didn't give a fuck, while the woman felt 'xXeMp0Wer3dXx'

On another note

>Tongue in cheek

I fucking hate that idiom.

Already I know this is going to be a lie.

I love this meme. Can I save it for later?

Of course, friend! It's yours!

I would have responded, she's not a lady, got it.

butthurt ensues.

>lady CFO
>seriously outraged

fuck off, earth.

Why doesn't she put "tongue in my asshole," the only use she has.

Dude who the fuck cares? Who cares what some faggot with a lot of money said on the floor of some faggy corporation with a woman in charge and a lot of money?
Do you guys start wanting me to put news articles out everytime a white guy refers to a black man at work as a darkie?

Shit, slow news day I guess.

How was that clever or tongue-in-cheek?

Those women need a dick in their cheek

>I fucking hate the Bay Area.
Sounds Melbourne as fuck

I don't know. I don't see it. At this point I'm amused that the media can simply just call something completely banal "clever" and then normies immediately fawn over it as if that were actually the case. The conditioning runs very deep.

>Investing in companys that allow women in to lead postions

>buying from companys that allow women in lead postions

On a scale from, retard to utter retard how retardet are you.

(((lady))) CFO
(((Mr.))) Drummond

Notice how quickly a female label changes from good to bad when a man accidentally does so in agreement.

Just like the opinions of women.

nail head

>these are the people who run your society

I don't even need the coincidence detector to tell me that woman is a kike, fucking hell ! That nose, that grin, those small beady eyes !!

all these silicon valley corps are shitholes of political correctness. they are so smart, so talented and yet so stupid and deluded.
fuck them. really.

It's just the programmers. Most engineers (software engineering doesn't count) tend to be center right or just apolitical.

No idea why software devs are the odd ones out.

really? may have to do with their education/training?
guess programmers mostly evolve from former mobbing victims who hid in front of their computers in mom's basement.

software engineer sounds more like serious college degree.

That ugly bitch got some huge buck teeth. Holy shit.

>software engineer
I don't get this meme
cs should be a bad mathematician, not a bad physicist

>Implying someone is a woman is sexist
I'm going to go call a random woman a cunt in response to this madness.

Thank G*d we are tackling this horrific use of common language instead of mass rape, execution and slavery in the ME and Africa

How dare you sully Muslims, respect their culture! We should feel ashamed of ours and fix ourselves before we are allowed to judge!

I fail to see sexism, in the German language, as with many other languages such as Spanish, various titles change according to gender, this is just ridiculous. I always thought 'lady' was just a fancy british title, completely not sexist.

>"the lady CFO."


White knight faggot

>coincidence detector to tell me that woman is a kike
The surname actually isn't kike, but "Ruth" is not only kike, it's almost surely orthodox kike, which explains looks.

you have to realize 80% of journalists are female now. a woman being offended is news to them. i cant wait to hear this chick tell this story in 20 years too because it will turn in to, "the shareholders would call me the lady CFO"

I wonder if there is an equivalent for "open source software" in other engineering field?
Maybe the do-it-yourself thing?
But I'm pretty sure it's highly correlated to the software engineers, the ones that aren't only playing video games and like to build something real out of their hands.

That could help explain why software engineers are more on the socialist side.

oh my god, I hate op now

>drummond with google since 1998
>porat with google since may 2015

yea so the shareholder probably just didnt know the lady's name because she's fucking new and he spoke a little inartfully

He probably just forgot her name.

are they trying to claim she isn't a lady CFO?

She's agender you fucking white male.

does she have dentures? what's wrong with her gums? or is she a lizard?

I know she's a gender Austrailia. Everyone is a gender.

((( )))

Everyone is an adult baby?

did Ruth even care or was it that nu male faggot who brought it up later?

> french

Where does this degeneracy comes from ?

How is this news

>be investor
>hold shares in hundreds of companies
>sit in the 114th of these shareholder meetings and it is only June yet
>want to ask CFO a question
>she wasn't here in the last meeting in march last year
>can't remember her name
>can't read the fucking little badge with her name on it
>fuck it I'll just call her the lady CFO
>lady is respectful right?
>libshits go ballistic

You'd think the CFO of Google could afford more realistic dentures.

Except Australians, we're all just cunts.

No comment on the accuracy of the chief financial officers answer. Just butt hurt over slip of the tongue . Women, I don't care if it works, I don't like the colour.

>MUH VAGINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Women really are the niggers of gender

She's an agenda