Im genuinely contemplaining killing myself on Christmas day

Im genuinely contemplaining killing myself on Christmas day

What the fuck should i watch to prevent me from doing it

Other urls found in this thread:

The other guys with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg

Oogieloves in The Big Balloon Adventure

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Take a dose of acid then watch enter the void

Either way, an acid trip should be taken before suicide. I dont like or do drugs anymore but thats a reasonably big life desicion so an amount of introspection is in order.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (2000)

Just do it
No one wants you here anyways and you'll be helping Sup Forums have one less scum that doesn't know sweet fuck about cinema

Santa Claus versus the Martians - mst3k edition
It will give you the will to live or take it from you utterly.
You have been warned.

Make passionate love to your significant other instead.

marathon the hobbit 1-3

take a dinner/bathroom break

marathon LotR trilogy

The seventh continent



watch it's a wonderful life and then realise that if you killed yourself no one would care like they all did in the movie

You know i never got that kill myself mood. If i ever reached that state i would literally try to find an user as desperate as me. Arrange a meeting sell my things and move together with him to fight our loneliness together. Hell you can even add more anons if you want. The more the better. If you want to kill yourself you have nothing to lose. Take a fucking chance at life.

Watch a heartwarming christmas movie if you choose not to follow my suggestion and contact loved ones

Talk to a loved one about how you feel.

The secret is to kill yourself now instead.

Then you won't be able to kill yourself on Christmas!
Can't kill yourself when you're dead, right?

Come and See

this might seem like a joke, but it's not. it will help drain a lot of your emotions.

I'll show you. I'm an absolute mad men.

>Either way, an acid trip should be taken before suicide.

This is true. If you really contemplate killing yourself, do acid and let go. After the trip, decide if it's time to meet the pepe in the sky.


Why do you think you matter so much? You don't.


>needing drugs to be introspective
How weak willed do you have to be


>You know i never got that kill myself mood. If i ever reached that state i would literally try to find an user as desperate as me. Arrange a meeting sell my things and move together with him to fight our loneliness together. Hell you can even add more anons if you want. The more the better. If you want to kill yourself you have nothing to lose. Take a fucking chance at life.

Thats....actually a great idea.
Who wants to live with me?

Harold and Maude

Op does but you sure don't

Don't do it OP, you are going to miss those tendies

>Who wants to live with me?
w-where do you live?


Drugs take you places that the human mind can never go unaltered. This is a fact.

You would probably have to meditate for 2 lifetimes with no breaks in order to get the introspective power of a well dosed trip. These things make and break people.

You like lotr?


>How weak willed do you have to be
LSD is something else user, you cannot get on that level with a normal head.


you admit you don't understand it, then you try to give advice. when you want to kill yourself its because youre incapable of doing all those things.

for instance, if youre paralyzed by fear. you can still do things, but its much harder for you. eventually the struggle of forcing yourself to try and try, and it never working wears you down.

eventually you get to a point where 'advice' doesn't reach you anymore. the idea of giving up starts to send you waves of dopamine. you are tired and you just want to go to sleep. you just want to rest.

people will call you a coward, or a pussy, or says you should 'man-up' or give life a 'fucking chance'.

but people like them are part of why you don't want to live in this world, anyway. and they don't really care either way. so its better to just rest.

oh fuck

My favorite movie, actually

Why not just go all in and just take DMT instead, you are offing youself anyway

Cool I'm sold, we can marathon it together

One LSD trip is not enough, you need multiple to get your life in a different direction

who would want to live with autists

>in a different direction
but a good or bad direction?

Thats my plan for Christmas actually, getting smashed drunk on chrap whiskey and marathoning LOTR

A good one if you're on the verge of killing yourself of course.

>marathon the Hobbiton 1-3

He's already suicidal mate

how do you know?

>muh LSD
How to detect a dullard who's literally incapable of having profound thoughts on his own. The sad thing is you're going to assume I'm straight edge because I'm against retards using drugs as some sort of revelatory crutch.

Came here to post this

You got nothing to lose bro, the only place to go when you're at the bottom is up. You'll die regardless if you want to or not so why not enjoy what's given to you while you can.


I have heard from some people that know people that have take LSD and they said that you can really lost your mind forever. Maybe not with one but with some of them yes.

Why not both?

In fact why stop at psychedelics, just go try every drug on the planet until you either OD on something, go insane, or rediscover your will to live. If you're gonna kill yourself anyway there's no harm in going all out.

Read the Bhagavad Gita.

>a 16 year-old

Are you a lady boy?

Like I said if you have nothing to lose any risk is worth it compared to death. That's also complete bullshit, the worst that can happen is it might speed up any mental illness you already have brewing in your head. That's if you have any family history of schizophrenia or whatever.

You just trip for some hours and return to normal later, hopefully with a more positive mindset.

Synecdoche NY

It's a smash hit comedy

i dont know if you are memeing or not, but i was actually planing on doing it for a long time.

That last sentence made me feel embarrassment of you.

Not memeing user. You really should check it out.

stream it