Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong.
What marine base is around orlando?
fag and gay
Why are they pushing this? He's Hindu, not Muslim, so it is not "not all "x".
>but then he infected them with AIDS in a big orgy
>gay marine
>poo in loo
>poo for you
>his poo saved seventy two
Let me take a wild guess, because they're dishonest piece of shits who are desperate as hell as all they have ever believed in, promoted and advocated for is falling apart in front of their eyes but they're too blinded and far gone to admit it?
Imagine you were one of them, you always pushed for this because you truly believed people were equal, everyone just needs a chance, we're all the same and so on and on. And now all you ever worked for is falling apart, you're seeing the numbers rolling in and they're damning. All these dead people, all these rapes, all this suffering and destruction and what's to come and you did this, you helped bring this about. The moment one of them admits to it, the only logical conclusion is for them to kill themselves in the most painfull and horrific way they can.
>first they come up with "it took 11 swat officers to gun one crazy down, do you really believe a single person with concealed gun would make a difference"
>now its "Single guy saved all those people, and HES A MUSLIM GUYS"
I love myself some retarded liberal logic in the morning
Source on Hindu? The article literally says Muslim (lies?)
There are some guys in the comment section mentioning the hindu part.
go to bed
Google it and you will a lot of articles saying he is Hindu.
>you could tell it was a high-caliber [weapon]
Stopped right there. Fucking bullshit
>'HE estimated (he saved) as many as 60 or 70.'
>“We need to reflect on these kind of acts also which Muslims are performing over there and the contributions Muslims have made over there,”
People actually eat this shit up, and go to bed happy.
>inb4 tomorrow we find out he wasn't really in Afghanistan or the Marines, he just got off bathsalts rehab
Because it will happen, this is just too much of a (((coincidence)))
I thought they only saved 30 people total though?
Resemblance to a young obama is uncanny. This is 100% psyops.
>Resemblance to a young obama is uncanny
Kek. The OP's pic is so fucking air brushed, it could have started out a white kid name Tony Smith from Ohio. They probably just lifted a stock photo from an old sears catalog
People do need to act
Remember the train incident in France with the guy and an AK?
2 soldiers and a bystander stopped him just as he was starting.
I bet the majority of people in Orlando cowered in corners and got executed.
>Imran Yousuf
Nope. Maybe he was a Hindu who converted to Islam, but no Hindu would have a name like that. They do a lot of these psyops here, where criminals conveniently have a Hindu sounding name or surname, and they mention only that, as if the criminal is Hindu.
disneyland is in california.
>disneyland is in california
But there are no alligators in california, so how could this be?
>citation needed
>Marine Training
>Opened Door
Prajeets are based, why would they slander Hindus
Holy shit they're already lying for Islam.
>citation needed
If you actually read the article you may actually get cancer, so here it is It's a classic piece of SWJ daydreams
if thats true how come Omar Mateen is still alive?
>sgt and deployment at 24 did he join at the tender age of 14
>all he did was open a latch on a door such hero
>no medals on his uniform
> :DDDDD???
Just a few more things
Meme that's gotta die soon
>Crown jewel of the Empire
DisneyWORLD is in florida, two different parks
But I heard that the BJP is the meme hindu fascist rayciss party.
Can't they do anything about it?
>Crown jewel of the Empire
You britts are just pissed we didn't start digging up diamond here until recently, long after you were gone, whereas the indians and africans had a shitload ready for the crown and scepters
Not shit, I've been to both, it was a joke
Nice flag by the way
Comments in article says he's hindu, but has a muslim name from his birth (muslim parents).
The "high caliber weapon" sounds like BS though. The M16 (and thus AR-15) doesn't sound anything like M-60 or AK-47. Besides that, 5.56 and .223 is not high caliber.
Anyway if he's bouncer, why wasn't he conceal carrying? He could have taken out the attacker.
THIS HOT GAY UNIFORMED STUD is saving lives while CHASING BUGS AND BASICALLY that's a Positive thing
It looks like they pulled his file. It lists his highest award as a achievment medal. Which is sort of laughable. Also he was some kind of electician or vehicle tech. So he never saw combat. It says he was in afghanistan in 2011 so more than likely he flew into camp leatherneck and never set foot off of it for his 6 month rotation.
If what he says is true and it very well may be then he did save lives. And it seems reasonable alot of people do freeze up with fear and need a leader in situations like that. But saying "I don't want to be called a hero" and in the same breath recounting your story to multiple papers is donald trump tier doublethink.
So it seems he did serve but not combat. And he probably did open that door.
The most fucked up part about it is i was in combat in afghanistan. But this guy is going to have way worse survivors guilt than anyone i know. It was his job to protect those people. He was the bouncer. And he probably did the right thing and saved the most lives by going for the door. But this poor bastard will think "what if" for the rest of his life. He's going to probably never let go those 50 people he couldn't save.
I got the same shit. But this poor bastard is going to have it 10 times worse.
>ID Cuck
>Stolen Valor
>Jealous of a gay marine
Why do you do that to yourself?
>this man gave up his islamic identity to serve our nation
>here's why you shouldn't expect others to do that
gotta have a hero of the story
This guy blocked a door which caused 50 people to die. Their contributions cancel each other out.
So 50 people got shot and killed, 50 people got shot and injured, 50 people got trapped by a door, 50 people got saved by a marine.
How many fucking people were at this small night club?
Looks like Sup Forums has been BTFO'd yet again.
For the love of Mike, of course there are good X (insert per minority here). And the following is true also:
If there are 1,000,000,000 billion Muslims and only one percent are willing to kill a non-Muslin, isn't that a secret army of ten million?
My math is not strong...
>defending muslims
you make me sick
Never been to a gay club? Sausage fest -- crowded AF.
Which was a joke? Land or world?
Because land is a total joke. You can see skyscrapers from inside the park, ruins the immersion.
If you remove all Muslims there's no shooting in the first place so I'm not sure how this guy is a shining example of why we should keep Muslims.
Straight male Disney fan reporting in.
Disneyland was built in 1950s on low budget. Many doubters in Disney Co. said this will not work... Huge success. Immediately, entrepreneurs ringed the park (DL) w/motels, gift stores, etc. Walt said f--- that noise. He said, When I build in Fla., I'm going to control every acre around me -- and bought vast tracts of land using shell companies to keep acquisition costs down, until the news leaked. Walt Disney World while named after Walt is a testament also to his bro Roy.
Ban Muslims from entering the country suddenly became deport all Muslims in America
Nice shitpost
Wow you're judging the entire religion islam by the actions of Mr.Yousuf? Thats really bigoted of you.
Chris Mintz was white and saved many people during the Umpqua shooting. What is the point of this thread or that image?
Disneyland (orig. park, Anaheim, Calif.) is MUCH MUCH smaller than WDW (Fla.). Ppl bought land around DL and built motels, gift shops, siphoning money away from Disney Co. Walt wisely said, to heck with that -- bought HUGE area in Fla. (WDWorld) and put many many hotels, tons of gift shops on vast property. Basically if you're staying "on" Dusney (WDW) in Irlando, you stay in their hotel, eat in their restaurants, etc. Smart capitalists, the Disney brothers. Btw, straight male Dismey fan here...
These are not illegal aliens you dumb fucks. Actually military service guarees citizenship; just like on starship Troopers.
If you guys can't into logic you should stop saying BTFO.
Now your on suicide watch you sharia cock sucking faggot.
>canadian humor
Explain why he would be deported if he is a citizen.
Pro tip, you can't.
6 million.
The only thing those bullets did is accelerate the pozzing.
#refugeeswelcome NOW
Wait, this guy opened a door to save himself, which incidentally saved other people, and somehow he's a hero? The guy's supposedly a marine. He's supposed to be seven feet tall and breathe goddamn fire and he didn't even attempt to engage the shooter. He just fled, and we're supposed to think he's awesome? Fuck that. A real hero would've at least tried distract the shooter or soak up some bullets.
you got a source buddy?
He is a fucking Hindu. Kebab killed more Hindus than any other group.