This is the scariest movies I've seen.
The atmosphere, the sounds, the japanese over the top acting, the pace, it's fucking good.
Any movies good as this one?
No meme answers like the Exorcist or the Shinning, I mean actual horror movies.
This is the scariest movies I've seen
Oh yeah the CGI babies were terrifying
Just fuck off, I dont even know why Sup Forums keeps pushing this film as a good horror movie, its boring T.B.H., let this meme die
Why do Japanese horror movies shit the bed with CGI and effects so badly?
They do this kind of low-key horror/suspense pretty good but then they ruin it with cheap effects.
Occult is even worse in this regard, the other dimension was straight up comical.
Shit flick desu
true that was awful, rest was great
dude is a horror movie, not a comedy why shouldn't be boring some times?
Its a documentary
not only japanese, cgi has ruined the horror genere worldwide but still
>Occult is even worse in this regard, the other dimension was straight up comical.
No, it's fucking good.
This and Borderlands are the only movies that have genuinely scared past the age of 12.
name a better one
Have you seen Occult?
When they show the bomber on "heaven" crying in pain it was straight out of Windows Movie Maker.
finally checked this out this past october, pretty good, way better than paranormal shittivity
will check
Lake Mungo
No I haven't
problem is normies love cgi
>lake mungo
what else?
I just watched Borderlands yesterday and was utterly dissapointed.
If I watched that movie without any recommendation I would forget it exists in a day.
Cliche, not original, cheesy sound design, nothing noteworthy except the camerwork was not annoying like in most found footage movies.
Why Kemode thought it was great is baffling to me.
I liked the atmosphere of it but I also found it quite underwhelming.
Although I kinda liked the reveal the climax of the movie was pretty boring.
Yes, I enjoyed the part when the autist screaming was supposed to tell me when a scene was scary.
>he can't into sarcasm
>Occult is even worse in this regard, the other dimension was straight up comical.
I honestly think the the other dimension scene was intended to be comical. Must be some kind of Japanese memeish bullshit.
I mean it was too stupid not to be on purpose, right?
Why are nips so good at terror?
All the west does are shitty jumpscares.
I thought something like that, it's hard to think that out of all the personnel involved on the movie no one stood up and said that it looked fucking stupid.
It pissed me off because I was really enjoying the movie until that and all the cheap effects they did before were good enough.
cause they are scary themselves
just imagine finding a little jap girl in a dark ally
Not sure if it can be considered true horror but Marebito is fucking kino.
Because their culture revolves heavily on the supernatural.
that just makes me hard desu
Is it the one with the whole on earth and vampires?
yeah but what if it's a ghost with that dark straight hair?
What is the name of that movie ?
arigato user-san
desu senpai
The film looked great until the final third. that 'reveal' lmao. How the fuck do you think that was scary? it was so bad me and my brother looked at each other like wtf and laughed like, is that it?
Terrible film.
Shrek 2
>me and my brother looked at each other
lol you can't watch a horror movie with a partner dude
that's cheating
you have to see it in the night and being alone
all movies become comedies when you are with a friend
O C C U L T (2009)
They were good at it because it made money in the late 90's to mid 2000's. You don't see Asian horror that much these days because the market got oversaturated after a while.
And western-style jumpscare horror never caught on in that part of the world, otherwise Japs or Koreans would churn them out by the dozen.
Hey man she was drugged and raped, you can't blame her. that's the whole point of the story, her guilt over being abused lead her to suicide