Who the fuck is he?
Who the fuck is he?
A big guy
Meme Plagueis
My digits say it's mace windu.
Palpatine cousin probably
Darth Icky
Discount Malgus
mace windu
turned to the dark side right before he died
"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself."
Did you just assume their gender?
>He had such knowledge of the flight plan, he could even keep the planes he cared about... from crashing. It was possible to learn this power, but not from a small guy.
Chirrut Îmwe
i really hope he actually is a giant
that would be fucking badass
Gallius Rax
>but not himself
So he's not Plagueis? Got it
He's saying that it's Sheev, you retard.
Mace Windu confirmed twisted by his hatred on a mission to restore the First Jedi Order to its former glory by force.
Din't windu get his arm cut off?
>implying you can't grow it back with ''the force''.
I don't care.
Woah woah woah...was Sheev telling Anakin his own backstory? Was Plagueis' apprentice Sheev?
Holy shit. RotS confirmed kino.
Least interesting character in TFA, they better make him better and not nuSheev in 8 and 9
Already a few points above the one movie throw aways like Maul, Dooky, and Coughing Robot.
Luke's new nemesis.
rotfl, fucking rotfl
giant Darth voldemort the white orc
Tarkin, his face was destroyed after the 2nd Deathstar.
I think he's supposed to be like 8 ft tall
OC villain
Darth Insanious
Darth Icky
Lord Voldemort
Darth Sidious
> plagueis
> he could save other people but not himself! how ironic!
lol at this hack series being this popular with adults
He's some fucking nobody Imperial doodad who used Machiavellian scheming to rise to Sheev's inner circle. It's in the spin-off novel apparently.
Generic evil bad guy with generic evil voice - brought to you by Disney. Presented by Dolby Digital 3D
Some Guy
>Generic evil bad guy with generic evil voice
Hold on I know this one. Darth Maul or General Grievous right?
He died on the first death star you moron
According to Hidalgo, he based Snoke on the EU character called Lord Cronal a Prophet of the Dark Side, Director of Imperial Intelligence. This is what is known on this character from the EU:
Cronal was a former Emperor's Hand, Dark Side Prophet and head of Imperial Intelligence.He commanded elite unit of Black painted strormtroopers (Shadow troopers or Blackhole troopers). A man who died and apperently brought himself back to life. He was involved in formation of the New Empire, much more disciplined and darker. He also commissioned the construction of a weapon capable of wiping out entire Star systems.
He used politics and connections to the old Imperial Senate to force the New Republic to look the other way while he rally and rebuild what was left of the former Empire military. Cronal was also a member of the Sorcerers of Rhand. A group who believed in a power greater than the Force which they called the Dark and that by following the Will or the Way of the Dark, they were granted special powers. He left this order to become a Prophet of the Dark Side. Cronal was interested and studied Skywalkers bloodline:"... for his visions and gnostic algorithms had exposed to him the secret of the Skywalker genealogy....".
According to the Aftermath books published as canon following TFA, there was a person introduced, known as the Operator based on the template of Cronal, this is what he says:
"This is how it must be. The Empire became this...ugly, inelegant machine. Crude and inefficient. We needed to be broken into pieces. We needed to get rid of those who want to see that old machine churning ineluctably forward. It's time for something better. Something new. An Empire worthy of the galaxy it will rule."
In the following book, the Operator is named as one Gallius Rax a force sensitive protege of Sheev Palpatine.
We revealed figure that evolved from the inteligent ambitious secret service human admiral to an absolute ruler of efficient militaristic regime ,who was injured in jet unknown event, who also obtained powers on the Dark side which transformed his body.
1. Born as a Force sensitive never trained formally to the level of a Jedi or a Sith.
2. Studied Dark side , Dark sorcery ,joined probably some Dark religion cult.
3. Because of his qualities he was employed by Palpatine as his chief of Intelligence and his hand, and received techings from Palatine (probabaly also from Vader).
4. In some event jet to be revealed he faced a challenge of his life (probably event mentioned in Aftermath --- the Operator 's apparent near death, heavy wounded but he returns).
5. He researched even further into the Dark side in the unknown regions of the galaxy, in order to obtain even more power, at the price of even more decay of his body.
"That all came out of conversations about what would have happened if the Nazis all went to Argentina but then started working together again? What could be born of that? Could The First Order exist as a group that actually admired The Empire? Could the work of The Empire be seen as unfulfilled? And could Vader be a martyr? Could there be a need to see through what didn't get done?"
―J.J. Abrams
Darth Plot Device