Are we witnessing the birth of Star Kino?
Are we witnessing the birth of Star Kino?
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>mfw people actually deny that Rogue One is the best shot Star Wars
Literally every frame in this movie is a perfectly calibrated masterpiece
you can pretty much tell which scenes were added and reshot, the bad ones
it has the honor of being the second good Star Wars film
what a dumb thread
Great framing and composition is not just "pretty pictures", the visuals should serve the actual narrative.
OP's pic is just an empty "pretty" picture.
except it actually does serve the narrative, which you'd know if you'd seen the film
My theory of those troopers is that they're clones
Their voices are distorted, but all exactly the same
They're elite
Makes perfect sense that they would be clone remnants
anyone have a pic of the cgi tarkin?
>he actually cares about "narrative"
Sure smells like reddit in here
You'd have to be retarded to not see the narrative.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but based on this image alone, I'd say the man on the left is either very dangerous/powerful or very important to them. And the setting tells me this person didn't want to be found. Am I in the ballpark?
Actually no. Film is a visual medium, as long as visuals are meaningful and pleasant, the film succeeds. There is a number of fantastic movies with hardly any "plot"
Yes I have seen it, they land hilariously far away just so the DP can make up a "pretty" contrasting dramatic shot.
Tell me how does it actually further detail the narrative?
Best part of the movie was how good the Star destroyers looked
The soundtrack and that scene actually work well together.
Who knows, TFA and R1 have been shit but maybe EpVIII is good
>They're elite
>Makes perfect sense that they would be clone remnants
They're Delta squad
Look at the vehicle in the background. It's not "hilariously far" away.
Hi, Mike, glad you stopped by.
You see, in things called movies making impactful and dramatic shots is more important than catering to your nitpicking autism. Cheers.
>Tell me how does it actually further detail the narrative?
By showing the Empire guys as the incompentent useless dumb asses they are. They trust their biggest weapon to an openly hostile engineer after killing his wife ffs
Shit plot for a shit movie, and it isn't that well shot tbqh
Where did I say the narrative is the most important element in filmmaking?
It is just one element of the whole.
>Film is a visual medium, as long as visuals are meaningful and pleasant, the film succeeds
lmao you don't even understand the movies you enjoy.
I agree that the actual storyline doesn't have to be great for a movie to be great in the end (Fury Road, The Revenant, Sicario), but in those movies the visuals still serve the narrative.
Movies would be a lot easier to make if you only needed to apply the basic photography rules to make a picture "pretty" and that's it.
Personally, I enjoyed all the Death Star porn shots.
Back to v kiddo
>implying /tv isn't just Sup Forums with Baneposting
They were pretty great desu.
ywn see this on the horizon, knowing this degenerate earth will be blown to smithereens within minutes