Denis Villeneuve is the best director of the 2010s
what a pleb thing to say.
Rogue One review: Atlas didnt shrug, but merely scuffled his feet.
The latest offering from the ever expansive multiverse of Disney cinematic universes heralds its entry not with a jocund clarion call, but something more akin to an oversaturated flatus. Rogue One approaches its viewer with an uncertain, pedantic swagger like a pickup artist botching his first seduction. It rotely stakes its claim in the cultural canon with feigned bravada, yet lacks the confidence to convince any but the most easily persuaded of the venerable fandom to which it caters.
Unfortunately, Rogue One is a filmic journey that beleaguers the suspension of disbelief by grounding its insecurities firmly outside of its laboriously constructed mise en scene; put another way, Rogue One is a movie that insists upon itself.
1.5/4 stars
>There """""people""""" somewhere RIGHT NOW who actually believe this (unironically)
And they're correct, capeshitter.
>Sup Forums loves him
>he starts to become mainstream and normies start to call him the best director currently
>"nah overrated hack"
He's "good" in a wave of total trash. His films only looks good compared to the shit that gets made today. They are never better than a strong 7
now wait for capeshitters and nolan drones to shit on your thread.
>retarded shit redditors say
Nolan gave us "the scene" he's solely for that the best director ever.
Fuck off, Reddit.
>Anti-feminist film maker.
What did the cognitive dissonance mean by this?
Yeah some people have good opinions, unlike you
>this is what retarded redditors actually believe
>no Enemy
Saramago is turning in his grave
Denis Villeneuve is a very good studio director, but he's not an auteur. if anything, his films have gotten worse in the 2010s, or he at least peaked early with Polytechnique and Incendies. which isn't to say that i dislike his films besides Arrival, which really is overrated crap, just that he is good and not great. "best director of the 2010s" is enormously hyperbolic
>implying Sicario had anything at all to do with feminism
the gender was pretty much irrelevant to Emily Blunt's character
show some fucking respect
What's the matter, Reddit?
Are you too stupid to realize that she was a WHORE?
only good thing about those movies is cinematography and that only in prisoners
arrival is fucking aftereffects all the way
he's like highbrow district 9 director who is already a homeless man's verhoeven
can't wait for some hard hitting immigrant/replicant juxtaposition in bladerunner with digital cross looming ominously in the fog
Haneke is the best director working today
how can i report this person?
>Gender is irrelevant.
>When she is literally the only woman in the force as depicted and gets blown the fuck out by everyone in the film.
Really fires up them neurons
>reddit is getting triggered
good but overrated
haven't seen it
Good but overrated
Only one where i feel it's actually as good as people say. Really enjoyed it a lot
okay baby-man that's enough
you're gettin banned for hate-speech
Arrival is the worst one
and sicario isnt good emily blunt made sure of it with her shit tier same acting
The Mexican guy is better.
You sure like talkin about Reddit in Sup Forums.
yea Cuarón
yea Iñarritu
Cuaron? lol
yea the fat one
Wow, such insightful critiques
Is there no moderation on this website?
... just wow...
I think the Revenant was pretty good, but not feeling rest of his works.
yes. it feels like you're projecting a message that the film really doesn't have. did you sympathize with del Toro or Brolin's characters, or feel that they were justified in their actions? because if so, you're basically missing the point of the film.
Sicario is like a modern-day Apocalypse Now i'm comparing content not quality, so don't skewer me, depicting a mostly upright soldier-type descending into a world they don't funny understand and, subsequently, being consumed and destroyed by it. her femininity isn't exactly irrelevant to the character, but it's far less important than her morals and strict adherence to the letter of the law. the film aims to show these as ineffectual in the face of the complexity and scale of the Mexican cartels, and i think succeeds in doing so.
but no, it's anti-feminist. you're right.
AGI is a hack and a hypocrite
never said it was an objective critique. It's my opinion, for me Villenueve is better than most of the shit made today but not "The best director of the 2010's"
Watch more films
Who's your pick my man?
No, PTA_______ is better
>Not birdboy
OP here. I was just joking. This guy fucking sucks mad dick and is mentally retarded based on Prisoners and Sicario.
>There Will Be Blood
>Not the best film of the past decade
Call the police, request to be transferred to the cyber department
He always finds a nice balance between plot-driven and character-driven movies, also he managed to squeeze a good performance out of Emily Blunt so he deserves a thousand oscars
i don't trust the police...
The majority of posters here don't even know what does a director do.
>judging a movie solely on it's narrative
I have about as much respect for Denis Villeneuve as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. He is reddit. He is video game hotpocket. He is capeshit. He is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about him.
He is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. He is Saturday morning cartoon. He is non-neurotypicality. He is memes. He is video game. He is Tarantino. He is imdb. He is facebook. He is ragecomics.
Poor bait pasta.
Next time try to copypaste something with actual arguments in it.
At least he's better than Harmony Korine, he'll always have that
I have about as much respect for your post as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.
It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is Saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is Tarantino. It is imdb. It is facebook. It is ragecomics.
Trully the real auteur of our time. Not a hack like Nolan and Refn.
>projecting a message that the film really doesn't have
this is pretty much all Sup Forums does unless the movie spells it out for them
This. Prisoners is THE example of inauthentic sensibility cinema. It doesn't get more juvenile "film buff" than this movie. Everything from the casting, to the themes, to the cinematography. It physically pains me to even think about it. Fincher was always the epitome of IMDB to me until this movie, but then Villenvue managed to topple him.
Korine is god tier when compared to memenueve
Unironically agree. I mean Prisoners isn't a bad movie but it perfectly crystallises the recent vexing trend of quasi cinema.
Prisoners > Incendies > Arrival > Sicario > rest of contemporary cinema
Spike Jonze
Yeah Rocco
>it's a Sup Forums shits on a director because he's become too popular episode
Prisoners and Sicario are just ok films with shit endings. The evil old lady and the Mexican James Bond shit were b-movie garbage.
Get some taste retards.
Incendies is on a whole another level compared to his US-made stuff