What the fuck did I just watch?
What the fuck did I just watch?
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A time travel movie
Rogue One review: Atlas didnt shrug, but merely scuffled his feet.
The latest offering from the ever expansive multiverse of Disney cinematic universes heralds its entry not with a jocund clarion call, but something more akin to an oversaturated flatus. Rogue One approaches its viewer with an uncertain, pedantic swagger like a pickup artist botching his first seduction. It rotely stakes its claim in the cultural canon with feigned bravada, yet lacks the confidence to convince any but the most easily persuaded of the venerable fandom to which it caters.
Unfortunately, Rogue One is a filmic journey that beleaguers the suspension of disbelief by grounding its insecurities firmly outside of its laboriously constructed mise en scene; put another way, Rogue One is a movie that insists upon itself.
1.5/4 stars
I remember watching this without subtitles once. I ended up not understanding a single thing about the whole movie. They were mumbling all the time and the story itself was too much without subtitles.
Watched it again with english subtitles and I still did not understand almost anything.
Then I gave up and never looked back (I do look back tho, hoping to find subtitles that are translated to norwegian). Should I just end it all?
A sci fi Kino for hipsters.
Wish I could help, seen it 3 times, still feel like I don't fully get it. I like that the review on the poster says "Donnie Darko for Grownups" I know to many grown men who still swear Donnie Darko the peak of cinema.
Pic related; my favorite time travel movie.
If reddit was a movie, it would be that one
You have watched this
Aaron did nothing wrong
Watch this video and (maybe) go back to it. You'll appreciate it more.
For real? Fuck that noise. I give up, I'm not dumb, the movie is dumb.
Pic related is better. Nice pic.
ITT: Movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching
I still can't make sense of it, but I did love it.
Even without understanding exactly where in time they were I appreciated everything else, the characters and the overarching story were great imo.
I will never fully understand where and when they are tho.
literally one of the worst """"""movies""""""" I've ever seen in my life
no redeemable qualities
about 2/3rds of a movie because the guy who wrote, directed, produced, gripped, etc, and starred in as the lead ran out of film stock and money.
>Sup Forums doesn't like Shane Carruth
why am i not surprised
>budget: 7000 USD
How did he do it?
Did r/Sup Forums tell you that would be funny?
his other movies proved hes a hack
i liked Primer, but Upstream Color was absolutely god-tier
I guess I got to watch it again but Primer kept me interested all the way through while I got bored of Upstream Color pretty quickly. What did you like about it specifically? I thought that the characters were not given enough initial time to develop. Instead, things just started to happen to them too quickly and I had no reason to care about them.
oh it was definitely not meant to be a joke
hey Shane, keep up the good work man, maybe one day you'll make a 5+/10 movie
if you want true time travel kino go watch timecrimes
primer is a pile of shit purposefully made to be a mess. there's nothing to get, it's just pointless
time travel kino
the movie is pretty simple. they go back in time several times to alter what their selves will do. the movie leaves out information on purpose. the movie is shot in multiple different timelines.
you're just retarded.
nah nigga
This will help.
Ps it wont.
mostly i was intrigued about where it was going?
like, ok these two got mentally conected to a couple of pigs, what happens next?
oh the pigs lost their son so they experiecne the threat and sadnessas well, what happens next?
through some bullshit mind recollection techniques they find the guy who put linked them to the pigs and kill him, what happens next?
they take care of the pigs and break the cycle that enslaved them in the firt place. thats it, it looks cool and it was fun to try and keep up without exposition
i like all that
a wannabbe hardscifi shit timetravel movie
I don't care how complex the movie was, none of these faggots can act and they constantly mumble and slur their words.