Carrie Fisher Suffers Massive Heart Attack on Plane

She'll be fine

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Rogue One review: Atlas didnt shrug, but merely scuffled his feet.

The latest offering from the ever expansive multiverse of Disney cinematic universes heralds its entry not with a jocund clarion call, but something more akin to an oversaturated flatus. Rogue One approaches its viewer with an uncertain, pedantic swagger like a pickup artist botching his first seduction. It rotely stakes its claim in the cultural canon with feigned bravada, yet lacks the confidence to convince any but the most easily persuaded of the venerable fandom to which it caters.

Unfortunately, Rogue One is a filmic journey that beleaguers the suspension of disbelief by grounding its insecurities firmly outside of its laboriously constructed mise en scene; put another way, Rogue One is a movie that insists upon itself.

1.5/4 stars

use the catalog, thread already up

Goodnight sweet princess

cocaine wrecks your heart

HAHAHAHAHA good :) Did you hear her voice in TFA? She deserves it for being a fucking ghoul.


>Rogue One approaches its viewer with an uncertain, pedantic swagger like a pickup artist botching his first seduction.

>I'm m'ladying as hard as I can


rip in piss sweet princess

Maybe she just got a little sniff of it.

It's fine, there's another Skywalker


What are you talking about? She looked great in Rogue One.

she prob already ded

No problem, there is another,

any survivors?



This is going to sound horrible, but what if she dies before Episode 9 can be filmed? Then what?


Just dress Natalie Portman up as an old cokehead

And if Hamill dies, they can do the same with Christensen.

Use her daughter and then use cgi and/or make up to make her look older and alter her voice with audio engineering.

Could plug any movie title in and this review works. It says nothing lol

Don't be stupid. He's already ruined one trilogy.

Well, we know Leia bites it in Episode 8 now. Whether that was the original plan or they add in her spaceship blowing up, we'll see.

Don't choke on your aspirations, Carrie

stale pasta, lads - do not feed - he's an idiot

i wasted a potential BLACKED dubs thread for her
I even used an artistic picture

please check 'em

It's not official or anything (yet) but I think she may have passed.

I mean, its sounds like she went into full cardiac arrest and if they didn't get her heart restarted then she's gone.

stop with the fucking dubs shit

Now do you understand the power of the dark side?
(forget the prequels, I was never like that as a youth, we were cool me and kenobi)

As weird as it sounds, I'm kinda envious of the medics who attended cos they would have got to sneak a peak at that rack (to do the heart monitor).


She was a good friend.


Perhaps they're wondering why you'd make a film featuring cgi'd versions of young princess leia if you new she would die on a plane......

fuck that snitch

>mise en scene

It's pasta, my friend - ignore it.

>Perhaps she's wondering why someone would shoot a scene with a CGI version of a woman, before having a heart attack on a plane?

weeza freeeeeeeee!


>15 min no pulse in the air
>15 min no pulse on the ground

I doubt she'll regain consciousness. :-(




>when the plane landed, paramedics worked on her for 15 minutes before restoring a pulse

oh fuck

Carrie Fisher?

more like



>She had an oxygen mask on her face

If I pull that off, will you die?

swim with the fishers

Disney is trying to kill off the old Star Wars actors that are necessary for the film but demand a ton of money *because* they are necessary in the film.

That "accidental" plane crash that Harrison Ford was in was designed to kill him. Ford is the highest grossing actor in history. Since Ford lived, and another attempt on his life would be suspicious, he was forced (heh) into TFA and got that huge paycheck. He was originally intended to be CGI.

Mark will be next, but he will be killed after episode 8 is finished since Mark will have extensive scenes with Rey. He'll return in cgi ghost form for 9.

>She's not even dead yet

Sup Forums needs to stop jumping the gun

She's as good as at this point.

Check your dates, Sup Forums, yer slippin'

>The Dark Knight
>Kill Two-Face, keep the Joker alive for sequels
>Heath Ledger dies

>Force Awakens
>Kill Han Solo, keep Leia alive for sequels
>Fisher dies

Is this a sign that Episode 8 will be the TDKR of Star Wars? After all, so far, the mid installment of each Star Wars trilogy are highly memetastic

>muh darkness and bad ending
>muh Boba Fett
>I am your father

>I hate sand

if she lives by chance, she's going to be pretty much braindead, civilian CPR is laughable in actually improving patient outcome

>We're told when the plane landed paramedics worked on Carrie for 15 minutes with CPR before they were able to get a pulse.

she's a potato now anyway

>Ayn Rand reference
Stopped reading there.

She will be fine

Apparently a paramedic administered the CPR, but she still was 15 minutes away from landing, so that isn't helping whatsoever.

Benny, you're hurting me...

Kek is too strong.

Give it an hour and I'm sure they'll start springing up.

We wouldn't have a Mexican cartel problem if she stopped buying cocaine. FACT

That is not good

man i really hope she doesnt die so i can still fap to young pictures of her.

I'd have stopped after 5.

Baneposting is the only funny thing left on Sup Forums.

hopefully she will be ok ;_;

What is going on? All the articles are vague as fuck..
She is dead isn't she?
Was she vaping coce on the plane?

At this moment they are probably contacting the family so they can make a decision whether to keep her on life support.

Sup Forums did this!

ya know what they say....

>30 minutes with little to no oxygen

Might aswell pull the plug now tbqh, thats going to be severe brain damage for sure

Say that when yer flat on your back, senpai.

The other posters are right, she is pretty much going to be a potato at this point. If the Upper Prymedial Lobe doesn't receive carbon dioxide for this amount of time permanent, severe brain damage sets in. Being in a decompressurized space such as an airplane cabin only makes matters worse because it elevinates your veins.

On top of all that, years of coke abuse has probably rendered her prediscomposed to cranial failure.

t. EMT

sorry to say this guys but I'm pretty sure she's dead, or at least brain dead.

Even 15 minutes without a pulse means that the brain and is starved of oxygen and the tissues of the body's organs start to die. And considering her age and existing health problems, it's not looking good

if she lives she'll be a vegetable

10+ minutes without air will ruin your brain


Rule of thumb is usually 10% less chance of survival for each minute with no pulse, and she was out for 15

Leia? More like Lay Dead

They don't delete all of the photos of you off of the Internet when you die mate.

Never tell me the odds.

ROTJ wasn't that bad...

shit, RIP :/


Her last tweet, boys.

Can somebody decode it?

It's people like you who don't let other people have HOPE.

I agree.

They say she's on a ventilator but I doubt she would ever be able to breathe without it. It's probably up to the family now as to whether they want to keep her on life support.


You don't get to bring freinds?

for you

itt: shitter trolls with no knowledge of medicine.
CPR saves lives, idiots.

welp looks like pol killed her guys

She is just plain ugly, why can no one else see it?

this is all a plan to get you to see episode 8

think about it
8 was never going to make anywhere near the amount 7 did and even IGER said so

if shes dead then they'll have the best marketing going for it

Feels like Sup Forums with the people trying desperately hard to be funny and edgy for a le epin :DDD screenshot

yeah but i'd feel kinda bad.
id have to wait a few years, cause i fap to princess diana every once in a while.

>use the catalog

literally fuck off, nerd. i'll post whatever I feel like