Reminder Kathleen Kennedy is cancer and George Lucas would not allow this shit
Reminder Kathleen Kennedy is cancer and George Lucas would not allow this shit
what's it like to fuck men? i'm curious
Rogue One review: Atlas didnt shrug, but merely scuffled his feet.
The latest offering from the ever expansive multiverse of Disney cinematic universes heralds its entry not with a jocund clarion call, but something more akin to an oversaturated flatus. Rogue One approaches its viewer with an uncertain, pedantic swagger like a pickup artist botching his first seduction. It rotely stakes its claim in the cultural canon with feigned bravada, yet lacks the confidence to convince any but the most easily persuaded of the venerable fandom to which it caters.
Unfortunately, Rogue One is a filmic journey that beleaguers the suspension of disbelief by grounding its insecurities firmly outside of its laboriously constructed mise en scene; put another way, Rogue One is a movie that insists upon itself.
1.5/4 stars
Oh, now I finally understand why Sup Forums hates DisneyWars
but Lucas allows this?
Wow dasiyfags are reaching, you don't have to be gay to not want to fuck someone who looks and sounds like Daisy Ridley you good goy
you gay?
Lucas is a fucking hack. Worse than Bay and Snyder.
Now you want me to cherrypick unflattering pictures of Hershlag and Fisher (rip)?
>unironically thinking bay makes anything good
But Sup Forums is full of neckbeards who love Snyder
>George Lucas would not allow this shit
He literally hired her though
You ain't seen bad boys 2?
Not an argument
Bunny a CUTE! CUTE!!!!
>forgetting Lucas fucking promoted her
imagine to lick both they pusy!
i'll allow it
Felicity Jones is motherfucking THIRY FIVE years old and still looks like she could easily be in her twenties.
I imagine she would be ageing even better if she were doing some sort of physical activity.
>You will never gf someone with such good telomeres
Reminder that Brad Bird (The Incredibles) was slated to direct Episode VII but the (((studio execs))) gave the franchise to (((J. J. Abrams))) because he has less skin on his dick. If only there was a way we could unite against hate, a fantasy mythos we could rally behind to overcome racial discrimination in Hollywood.
>shows picture with literally no contrast just whiteness so you can't actually see her face
>half her face is teeth
She just turned 33 and she doesn't have kids, it's not a fucking miracle, that's normal
>making cartoons
To think we could have had Liz Olsen and Tatiana Maslany instead of this, too bad they would've been genuinely good leading ladies instead of pet Britslags for Queen Roastie.
how about you get rid of your shitty post, kid?
most actresses who want to make it in Hollywood take incredibly good care of their skin if they haven't 'made it' in their twenties yet, hoping they can still play '20s' roles in their thirties and have another shot at making it. Take any popular actress around 28-35 and you'll notice that their skin is much purer than the average mid 20s to mid 30s woman. It's because they're desperate.
It'll hit hard when she does have kids. Pregnancy after your mid-30s really does a number.
Star Wars is a cartoon, I'm not sure if you've noticed.
I'm not a kid.
I'd like for you to take it back, or I will SAGE this thread. I have warned you...
is this how you want it to be?
i'm gonna hide this thread.
JJ is better.
Take your kiddie shit director out of here.
I don't know how you managed to make looking young a bad thing in your mind but somehow you did it.
>The Incredibles
>executive producer: JJ Abrams
not really a compelling argument.
I don't particularly care if a girl looks young or not. I find women between the ages of 14-60 something hot. I was just explaining that it's partially genes, and it's partially a young woman's lifestyle tailored around preventing her skin from aging. I understand it because I'm into body/skin care myself.
You're right, I posted the M:I wrong movie :^) If you seriously don't think The Incredibles is a better movie than Cloverfield I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Abrams produced that
Pregnancy does a number no matter when, i mean, just think about it - for a whole nine months your hormones are all fucked up, you can't use half of beauty projects, you crave random awful crap, gain a shitton of weight you have to rapidly lose, then you can't fucking sleep for like a year. It's never good and that's if you're pregnant ONCE, rich people obviously have it better though cause they have nannies and cooks, etc.
> George Lucas would not allow that shit
Oh just fuck off with this shit. Lucas is a hack, and clinging to your Prequels doesn't change that. Lets see what he's been involved with since Revenge of The Sith
> Clone Wars film
> Indiana Jones 4
> Red Tails
> Strange magic
All complete dogshit with almost no redeeming qualities. The only movies he's had involvement with that weren't shit were ROTS and ROTJ. Oh, not to mention he went and put horrid CGI in the original films for no reason whatsoever.
> B-b-but female protagonists!
> B-but Disney!
Yeah, Abrams is he's a good producer with good organizational skills and can keep things looking sharp and stay on budget. Its a shame he doesn't have an ounce of artistic soul in his body.
yeah because George Lucas is cancer.
who do you think has the tastier pusy?
/r/ing the picture that implies her teeth are for cracking shellfish
Lucas is even more of an SJW thaty Kennedy
He would have made Finn give Rey the BBC on screen
thats a hard one
daisy is younger and fresher but she has that pusy disease
so maybe the other one
brad bird is shit
>Told the kikes to go fuck themselves and made the Prequels based
sweet carrot juice
does that explain why Mission Impossible 3 is the best in the franchise?
why do you people romanticize Lucas?
Bunny obviously, duh
Daisy is a filthy slag
No that would be the PSH effect. They're all forgettable trash anyway, I was trying to point out that Brad Bird is eminently capable of directing a live action blockbuster.
you shut your mouth, the MI franchise is great
It's like the Bourne movies except actually fun and enjoyable.
>calls people gay
>wants to fuck a xenomorph
xenomorphs are sexy
This /threads the thread
Lucas hasnt put out anything good since the original trilogy
Sup Forums has jumped the shark if we are going to seriously meme that Lucas could produce anything better than the prequels
>Fuck Empire, the most critically acclaimed of his moves was as attached
And attack of the clones, considered to be the worst is as attached
>Lucas writes a general story and then continues to get credit for other people cleaning up his work
She better be eating my carrot.
I rabbit!