ITT: Liberal Porn
ITT: Liberal Porn
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in what way
>we wuz continental soldiers
>finna kil dat muhfuggin cornwallis
>nigga dun scuffed muh shoes
>*grabs crotch*
I don't care what you think, it's great.
musical theatre is the most plebeian thing in existance
so it's liberal because it doesn't hate blacks or use racial pejoratives? interesting
It was a different time.
the only reason anyone knows this exists is because trump needed a distraction for his bannon appointment and the left desperately needed a proxy to express their angst through
this is why Trump won
And why the Democrats will never win another presidential election
Who are you quoting?
Look at that smug mfer on the left, like he knows he could run away from the plantation anytime he wants or something
Do hillbillies like theater?
Is that a rape joke? Because it comes across as one.
niggers rape and assault all the time
But I guess women like the attention from niggers
And beta male liberal cucks take the womans side
ofc it is, he's fucking black
unfortunately i don't think the republican party took the hint from how trump won. they're still going to do retarded shit like trying to ban abortion which will only serve to increase nonwhite population growth and piss centrists off.
the dems still have a shot at the executive branch unless trump tightens the leash on his minions, which will be hard because they still hate him for cooping their shit party.
>black guy has sex with drunk white girl
>white guy has sex with drunk white girl
ITT: things that trigger fascists
GET THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>nigger gets condemned for rape
>white man walks free
name literally one thing wrong with this
Shit tier Aaron Burr, Leslie Odom Jr will always be the best
and now for the female perspective you need only reverse the greentext; this is the source of our disgruntlement old bean.
just switch out feminazi for
>literal nazi
and nigger scum to
You don't even know what that means, do you?
Things that trigger libfucks
>i don't think the republican party took the hint from how trump won.
I think most of the ones that mattered can see
Trump is going to run the cucks & neo-cons out of the party
Trump will also be ending the policy of single mothers, they will no longer be seeing kids as a means of profit
I think overturning abortion as a RIGHT is good as a fuck you to liberals
Ultimately I expect blacks & spics will always have access to abortions, certainly it would be insane to do otherwise
>trump will run out the neocons
>literally every economic appointment is a neoliberal
lol what please explain what you think a neoconservative is
how is trump going to get pro-business republican congressmen unelected? I'm very interested in your theory
Neo-con is the jewish former trotskyites that were part of the bush cabal
They are fucking gone
They are now appointing actual conservatives to his government.
>watching videos of the crowd
>99.99% of the crowd are overweight white people
tip top kek
Really anything by Sorkin that touches on politics
>think overturning abortion as a RIGHT is good as a fuck you to liberals
Ultimately I expect blacks & spics will always have access to abortions, certainly it would be insane to do otherwise
are there any conservatives who aren't hateful racists? also why would you want abortion banned when it leads directly to more poor black kids in fatherless homes who will inevitably end up as criminals and welfare leeches?
They're mostly the ones that can afford it
oh you're one of the crazy conspiracy theorists who reject history and empirical evidence. well a neoconservative is actually just the name republicans applied to themselves during the reagan surge of the 80s. they were characterized by conservative family values and supply side economic policies ie reagonomics. these are still the same policies espoused by most republican congressmen and is evidenced by their legislative choices, such as lower corporate taxes, business deregulation, anti abortion and gay marriage, etc. you guys are fascinating to talk to. where did you obtain your knowledge of american politics?
white people are the only ones who watch plays what were you expecting?
>Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among conservative leaning Democrats who became disenchanted with the party's foreign policy.
What the fuck do you think the "neo" stands for?
Erasing white people from their own history counts as "not hating blacks?" Jesus.
Neo-cons were the Never Trumpers that have removed themselves from the republican party now
White's do it with Egypt, so a Spanish guy decided to cast his characters as minorites because of the hip hop element's of the musical
This isn't tv or movies
You saying the GOP is kike free now?
Its rich old white lady's idea of not being racist
Much like little kids looking at a tiger in the zoo
Old rich white women want to look at dancing negros...they just don't want them in their neighborhood
>and why the Democrats will never win another presidential election
You realize this is the exact same thing Dems were saying about Republicans for the past 8 years right? You're lucky if Trump makes it past his first full term; as soon as the Dems put up ANYONE that's marginally better than hillary he's done
Most women get raped by people of similar ethnicity, because it's mostly family and social circles
only the commie kikes
>Erasing white people from their own history
It's a fucking play, bet you've never complained about jesus being white in any adaptation ever
All non-rape porn is liberal porn. Conservatives are too uptight to understand or enjoy sex.
I don't understand this word. What is it even supposed to be? I have never heard someone use this word
Jesus WAS white
its a black thing
it's like wanna
It's a play, retard.
Have you ever even attended one?
You do realise Shakespeare used to have plays where men dressed as women, right?
>Jesus WAS white
Oh, that's a good one.
>Jesus WAS white
literally false
>You do realise Shakespeare used to have plays where men dressed as women, right?
That's just being patrician, though. Everyone knows men make better women than women themselves do.
That's irrelevant to the point, retard.
If you visit the south you will.
Finna is a permutation of fixing to.
Fixing to implies one is in the process of doing something.
>Finna get dat ass beat talkin' all that shit, nigga.
>Dear fellow, there is a likelihood the content of your casual discourse will inevitably bring harm upon your person.
It's true. M-Maybe I can be your cute girlfriend tonight, a-user-kun?~
eh, if it's good enough for Mike "bbq for lgbtq" Pence then it's good enough for me.
>Jesus was white
Oh boy
why do yanks say "Patty" instead of "Paddy"?
americans are better at euroslime holidays than the euros are lol
This thread is absolute shit and no one here really cares about Hamilton or has seen or even listened to it, but it's the greatest artistic achievement of the 21st century and the GOAT Broadway cast album.
It's literally the truth, and therefore completely relevant. It was done for a particular, objective reason. Having black Hermione is just tokenism.
if no one here has seen it then how do you know it's the greatest artistic achievement of the 21st century, idiot?
>the greatest artistic achievement of the 21st century
i haven't seen it but it probably isn't
This show is the worst leftporn on earth
next you will say car commercials are "art"
because I've seen it, idiot
>It's literally the truth, and therefore completely relevant. It was done for a particular, objective reason. Having black Hermione is just tokenism.
Nice value judgement, retard.
>is able to suspend disbelief when a man is playing a woman
>is unable to suspend disbelief when a black woman plays a white woman
Really jogs the noggin
that's impossible though because my dick is the greatest artistic achievement of the 21st century
then i guess someone here HAS seen it, idiot
and GoT has slowly become leftporn over time
I normally don't like musicals. I really enjoyed Book of Mormon, but that's about it other than Hamilton. I don't typically enjoy hip hop either.
"people are mean. let's just kill them."
not him, but the idea that conservatives are all hicks is really holding back the dems
its like europe wanting to believe refugees are helpless and innocent
>fixing to
Aah ok makes sense now
Your dick was created in the 21st century? Get out of here, underage fag.
This won best picture solely due to it being leftporn, but then everyone forgot it even existed.
Finna is ridiculous because it's slang for slang. Finna means "I am fitting to" or "I am fixing to" which is already not proper english.
Finna is literally DOUBLE NIGGER slang.
>lets show these fascist drumpf supporters by fucking them up physically with their free speech
Republican reps and senators will have Trump out of office and Pence installed as soon as possible.
cringe post
no i had my operation in march
and can anyone believe this one best picture in 2015?
I mean for fuck's sake it's a catholic child abuse scandal movie a decade after that was relevant, and it won best picture? Talk about the academy having no idea what to vote for. They might as well have picked Mad Max.
How so
Neocon is a form of foreign policy, it doesn't relate to economy and social policies.
These threads are 100% proof of why Sup Forums doesn't belong in a artistic inclined board like Sup Forums.
I already knew objective truth was something you leftists don't care for, but you don't half hide it, do you?
Spotlight was a good movie, but it's very simple in scope and execution. It could very easily have been a tv movie. Weird choice for best picture, but it was a pretty weak year for nominees. I would've voted for The Big Short out of what was nominated, but that or Mad Max doesn't feel much like a bp winner either.
how is this not a minstrel show?
you invited us by spamming Sup Forums with dead carrie fisher threads
Kek, wut? Crash was redpilled as fuck.
>coming to Sup Forums to do anything but troll the edgy polfags
>I already knew objective truth was something you leftists don't care for, but you don't half hide it, do you?
Give one example of an objective truth.
Spotlight is a legit movie and the Catholic church still needs to answer for this pedophile bullshit.
Hiring this new damage control Pope who tongues the assholes of Muslims changes nothing.
BTW, they bring up the suspiciousness of a Jew newspaper editor going after Catholics in the movie.
the thought of someone spending all day trolling teenagers is somehow even more pathetic than the average Sup Forums conspiratard
found the commie
My previous, infallible statements.