Alanna Masterson (Tara)

>Dear Instagram trolls, body shamers, and the men and woman who think it's ok to comment on my weight: I hope that you don't have children. And if you do, I hope you teach them about kindness and acceptance. I hope they learn that it isn't ok to make fun of people or call people names. I hope one day YOU learn what it takes to be a parent. A kind, selfless parent. A working parent. A parent that puts themselves in someone else's shoes. Maybe you can't get it through your thick fucking skull, but nursing a baby for a year (and pumping in a van between takes, in the dead of summer in Georgia) is a lot of work, determination, and scheduling. So before you decide to make a comment about my chest being "too large" or how "fat" I've become, just know that this little girl got the best start to life. I wouldn't have changed it for a second. I would've gladly continued to eat enough calories to produce milk for her little bones to grow. Also, grow the fuck up. Your mother should be ashamed for raising such a judgmental bully. I'm sure she knows how "courageous" you must be for trolling and hiding behind your Iphone and computers. P.s. I would LOVE to see any man or woman give birth to a baby, nurse the baby, and then work 17 hour days and NAIL their own stunts. P.s.s. Be kind to each other. We need it now more than ever

Well what do you guys have to say for yourselves?

Shut the fuck up cow, enjoy being known for being the worst fucking episode of the Walking dead. I hope her kid dies, and her husband too.

fuck off OP

Why are people making fun of her body when they could be making fun of her being a Scientologist?

What a lazy fatass

we watch tv to see hot chicks not dumpy fat cunts.

You are serious? She's a scientologist? Fuck now I can't look at her the same anymore

or her shit acting
or shit character

Shut up you cis het white male!

had no idea she was a scientologist. what a waste.

Can you just imagine her lying spread eagled on your bed, sliding up on top of her and entering her missionary style, slowly thrusting your quivering member into her steamy box while french kissing her Kentucky fried tasting mouth hole.

To be fair, I blame the writers for her shitty character. Its hard for anyone to execute a character if they're badly written.

>Your mother should be ashamed for raising such a judgmental bully.
Like I give a fuck I'm a grown ass man.

I'm proud of her, to be honest. If she'd be my breeding slut she'd better fatten up so my offspring becomes as virile as me.


It makes sense that she's on walking dead, because she's going to contract diabetes and her feet will become necrotic.

big is beautiful

It's obviously babyweight, anyway she's thick as hell so i don't mind since i'm not a gay.

That's a giant fucking baby.

Fat people >>>> autists who shop people to be fat

It might have been, doesn't matter since it happens with alot of women.

We aren't talking about "alot" of women, we're talking about this ham destroyer.

Where did it all go so wrong?

The spoon.

This. We should help her know the truth of her cult.

What a disgusting fat whale. I dont need to hear her excuses for being FAT.

What did she mean by this?

She is included in that group of women, as everyone can see.

We aren't talking about that group of women, we're talking about this ham nebula.

she found abandoned army truck full of food rations

I want to strip both of them, hang them upside down, spread their legs and saw them both in half like the pigs they are.

Oh, you're shitposting. Ok then.

Since you're done, we can get back to talking about this monster fat ham dynamo.

this desu~

i want to rub baby oil all over her body and gently wrestle with her

Long pig bacon. Good choice user.


You gotta be careful with Hispanic women

Many of them are quite beautiful when young but they are remarkably fertile. If you stay in a room with them too long or forget to wear underwear, they get pregnant, and begin a metamorphosis into a short, stocky, manfaced creature wider than it is tall with a uterus that will literally reach into your seminal vesicles and gather your sperm if your penis gets too close. She is the ultimate baby-manufacturing machine, the paragon of fertility. See: Ariel Winter

Nothing gentle about that much gravity, just ask the moon.

This is much better than just making a joke and moving on with your life

So... this is her before giving birth right?

>Be kind to each other. We need it now more than ever

no we don't

Her whole family are. Her brother is Hyde from That 70s Show.

>hey trolls and body shamers
>it's not okay to call people names

Also Francis from Malcolm in the Middle.


They also haven't spoken to their father since he left the church about 10 years ago.

poor daddy

There's nothing in this world more tragic than a cute girl throwing away her beauty and getting fat.

Lets have a moment of silence for cute Alanna.

She's also a Scientologist, so honestly nothing of value was lost.

I hope she enjoys paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to scientology in the coming years. That TWD money will run out fast, and she's going to have a hard time finding more work considering her """""acting""""" abilities.

Honestly though, she's the worst part of the show right now, by far. Glenn is dead, and he's the only character she has had any kind of development with. She's just useless space right now and there are far more important characters than her.


Pregnant women are fucking disgusting looking. Just another case of men buttering women up to make themselves feel better.

t. fat bastard

should have killed her instead of abraham. It makes no sense for someone living in a community that rations their supplies to gain so much weight in such a short amount of time. Timeline wise she's only been in the show for like half a year. All the other shit I can deal with. But this? Suspension of Disbelief ruined.

I heard about this shit but couldn't be assed to look it up.
Is she mad people where talking about how larger her tits have gotten?
Was that the body shaming she's talking about?

What a chatty bitch.

She gained a lot of weight and it was quite obvious in the show. People made fun of it and it hurt her feelings.

I agree. Sasha's actress was pregnant during filming at one point and you couldn't tell. She's also lost the baby weight pretty fast

I don't blame her or her brothers for being scientologists. They cant really help it, they were born into it.

I do blame her for getting fat on a show thats about people struggling to survive in post-apocalyptic America. Shit makes no sense.

How come her bros (pic related and the guy from That 70's Show) didn't make anything of their careers after their respective shows ended?

She was supposed to be Alyx in the HL2 movie. Now that will never happen.

Hey man if anything scientology is probably holding her baby hostage in ther """day care""" or whatever and are raising them to become indoctrinated scientology kids. Like they do to the less succesful scientologists.

$cientologist weirdos

Post her big fat juicy tits or fuck off

But those titties tho...

lol what a fatty


Fuck off, episode 2 this season with Carol and Morgan in the Kingdom was the worst.

Why do they always fall for it and respond to the trolls? Once people know they're blasted about it, it will just get worse.

uh what the fuck am I looking at?

How about having some artistic integrity and maintain some semblance of realism when portraying a character that is living in a world with scarce resources, by not putting on weight, which goes against everything portrayed.

I can't believe she let herself go like this

Why do some women think they need to gain 100 lbs to have a kid and then think they should just stay fat forever?

Wait, she's not pregnant?

>supernatural dad is the hottest of the family
step the fuck up kids

because they want the gainz

She had her kid before filming started

Are you sure about that?

Gave birth November 4, 2015

who would win in a fight

so if all you get are zombies what does that make you?


Most people seem to be under the impression that you need a +1000 calorie bulk during pregnancy.

And filming for season 7 started in May 2016

Hhhhhnnnnggggg what I wouldn't give to lick the sweat from under her tits.

Don't really care, I still wanna suck on those titties

Don't Scientologists have to give birth without making any sound?

I'll never understand why they didn't kill her character off. She got fat when her character is supposed to be starving. Pretty fucking stupid.

isnt pregnancy a beautiful thing?

indeed, calling her fat is going easy on her.

She's actually in an episode of Malcolm in the middle. The one where Malcolm has school pictures and makes a big fuss over it. She plays a teen mom ironically

Yeah I think no pain medications

>She plays a teen mom ironically
How is that ironic?

At a certain age you can think for yourself. They have access to the outside world. Many second and third generation kids have gotten out of it despite being born into it cause they knew this shit was a literal cult.

The one that is fatter than her has better posture.


>is a scientologist

She's a lazy fat fuck. My mom had 3 kids and didn't gain a single pound because he works out every day

>durr think of the kids

Kids will be the first to call her fat.

>Zombie apocalypse
>People already resorting to cannibalism
>Somehow gain weight

>My mom had 3 kids and didn't gain a single pound because he works out every day

Were there any complications with your mom's sex change?

>Where did it all go so wrong?
She found a mate and had a baby. That's what happens when you ejaculate inside an actual female instead of your palm.