Do you think he regrets selling his baby and see it being used to peddle this bullshit multi-cultural liberal political agenda Disney have?
Do you think he regrets selling his baby and see it being used to peddle this bullshit multi-cultural liberal political...
I think he would laugh at you and be happy you hate Star Wars because you unironically say shit like "multi-cultural liberal political agenda"
Chris Weitz, pls go.
George hates Star Wars so no. Plus he is so old, he isn't going to do anything with it, might as well sell it and see what they would do
Well he did call Disney "white slavers". He figured they would milk it hard, but I don't think he anticipated the agenda pushing.
Poor George, I know I'd feel like shit if my original ideas were used to indoctrinate the masses.
He sold it to the highest offer
I bet he "regrets" it
It was his final fuck you.
You hate star wars, how about 20 fucking years of it by the Holywood machine you FUCKS
I hated the prequel trilogy but appreciate Lucas just wanted to tell a story of what he created and that was it.
Disney have taken this brand and used it in such a nefarious and sinister way that it was tainted everything Lucas worked hard for.
He's married to a black woman. You are all stupid.
George is a liberal race mixer has black gfs
What does this even mean and where is it from?
he is shilling his blog
GL being wed to a back woman means nothing. He never used his work to promote it.
>"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians"
>sells franchise to jews
I have no idea, I don't care
Lucas was always about the money. He's also a pretentious fraud!!!FACT!!!
then shut the fuck up
>being this mad because nobody cares about your crappy blog
Eat shit and die, nigger
>wannabe Armond White experiencing a mental breakdown
no if anything the fans should feel regret because all their hate forced him to sell it now look what we're stuck with.
star wars forcing agendas. and no white males allowed. this is basically karma for what the fans did to george.
He didn't have to sell it though. There was really no need for him to do so, he didn't need the money and if he wanted new films to be made he could have commissioned them himself and retained some degree of creative control over what is produced.
The guy who married a black woman and made a movie about the Tuskegee airmen definitely fits your pro white narrative
the guy who said he sold it to "white slavers" no less
at least the prequels are memorably bad. rogue one and episode 7 are just boring and bland. theyre too safe and i cant remember hardly any of the characters names from either movie.
wow what a fresh and original opinion
just because RLM said it doesnt mean its not true.
wow what a tedious redditor
>muh RLM
>muh Reddit
so fresh and original
Yes, he's said as much several times. He got triggered so hard by the universal hate for the prequels that he cut off his own nose to spite his face.
The new star wars movies are so bland and "safe" I can guarantee you that Lucas felt sick watching them
They're not even art, they more resemble some kind of advertisement to as many target audiences as possible
One of each race and nationality, there is even a Chinese guy who speaks Cantonese.
>this is the average Sup Forums poster in 2016
really disappointing desu
Then fuck off back where you came from, pleb
George Lucas is a Beta Cuck wuss. His entire work is undone by the fact that his ex-wife gets more nerd credit for the OT than he does. What a pussy faggot. Don't speak to me or my son ever again, you limp-dicked homo, LMFAO!
he didn't need the money or clearly want money either since he also gave billions away to charity.
probably he realized thanks to the prequel hating from spoiled petty fanboys it didn't matter what he made it would be hated either way.
so he sold it to keep it alive for the fans.
im kinda glad what disney are reducing the franchise to, eventually there will be so many films, so much agenda and pandering, the franchise will be milked to death and people will start hating them again, it's already started.
and star wars will eventually die and that's what the fans deserve.
embarrassing post my friend
Don't blame the fans for Lucas making a shit PT
t. cuck
You don't have to be a liberal to have a black wife
GL is entirely to blame for the prequels. No one but him called the shots on that. The prequals rests solely on George, and George alone.
He got 2 billion worth of Disney stock.
Disney stock was worth $50 when Disney bought Lucasfilm. Now it's worth $105.
He can wipe away tears of regret with Jackson Pollock paintings.
I honestly can't tell if the average r/starwarsleaks troglodyte is this dumb or you are just pretending to be retarded at this point.
Either way I pity you.
George doesn't really 'get' people, and he may have gone a bit far in a few places, but the prequels are full of cool new ideas that advance the lore, the NuWars shit is the blandest kind of semi-heated pap.
Do you think they regret buying it now Carries dead?
Say goodbye, cuck.
They have the rights to the character, if she does die they can still put cgi leia's in future movies.
Cool new ideas? Like Dexter Jexter? Or the fat Jar-Jar creature king?
And what lore? The books, that even back in the Lucas days where c-grade and liable to change everything he opted to do a movie?
They weren't all hits but at least they were new ideas. Name one cool thing from TFA or R1.
I liked him better when he was called R2D2.
You God damn privileged shitlord.
>You see
>it's an r2d2
>but with a
>ball body
>and it
Can't say I really see anything new being brought to the table.
The coolest, most novel idea about TFA was characters I could actually like and relate to. Unlike Anakin Skywanker. Or Mace WinDex. Or Queer Amagama.
Really? Which characters? Marey Sue? Bix Nood Trooper? Ace Pilot Guy? Yeah such deep and memorable characters!
mad libtard is mad
Down's Syndrome Potato Sue? That's what you found cool about TFA? Her """acting""" was worse than anything in the prequels, yes, even Jar Jar.
awww poor triggered wittle white boys, life must be so hard for you
Rey's character had some flaws, yes. But her performance was at least believable and relatable. Especially compared to "I don't like sand. It's coarse, and gets into everything. I wish I could just wish my feelings away!"
"Anakin, you are tearing me apart :-( "
I just want to caress her. Please don't judge
"His baby," was originally concocted as a scheme to sell toys to children.
In other words, no.
Reminder that he thought he would have creative input in it
What was wrong with Rogue One besides the weird as fuck pacing
>liberal political agenda
you're not aware of him buying an entire plot of land and turning it into affordable housing just to piss off his neighbors, are you
maybe you should get information from places that aren't Sup Forums and breitbart
This is the guy that made Red Tails and complained about Hollywood boycotting his movie because it was about black people or something, if anything he probably loves this multi-cultural thing
Hahahhahaha, George Lucas thought that Disney would actually give a fuck about what he had to say!
>political agenda
The characters are one dimensional as all fuck giving you literally no reason to care about their inevitable demise and the references to the other Star Wars movie feel awkwardly shoe horned in.
Even Vader who was undoubtedly the best part of the movie felt frankly unnecessary
Sup Forums please go
>George Lucas
>not a liberal
do you think jews just invaded Hollywood 6 years ago? They made the original films too.
That is how you fuck with people you hate. Patrician prank.
That's not liberal you fucking idiot
>"George Lucas says he loves ‘Rogue One.’" - The Washington Post
I guess he feels alright about it
In that same interview didn't he make a few passing shots at Force Awakens?
For my money, Revenge of the Sith is better than both "New" movies. And that's without mentioning George's original trilogy.
It wasn't mentioned, but I wouldn't put it past him. I think Rogue One did a better job at capturing the feeling of Star Wars than Episode 7, but it still had its flaws. Regardless, I enjoyed both films.
Revenge of the Sith was great to me but the last time I saw it I was a kid so I may be remembering with rose tinted goggles.
>George Lucas
>not one of the biggest liberals to ever work in Hollywood
>Revenge of the Sith
>good at all in any way except when compared to clones
i mean it's literally garbage, i'm not talking about MUH CHILDHOOD, it's actual trash that would have never got off a notepad in a real production
it was better than return of the jedi
I disagree, out of all the prequel movies (including Rogue One), ROTS was the only one that felt even mildly necessary. And yeah of course there was some incredibly clunky dialogue and character moments but at the same time the movie somehow still worked for the most part despite having a lot of that
Fuck off you utter cretin
Not at all. Imagine having all the Star Wars man children on your back. Fuck that.
he just had a mulatto kid so I doubt it
They're doing a bit more with The Force(tm).
Kylo can stop blaster bolts and hold them in mid air.
MaRey Sue is apparently able to pick up force powers by touching objects that other force users have touched.
Rey's biggest 'flaw' was that she had no fucking flaws as a character you retard.
how can rey be a relatable character when she has no relatable faults and can seemingly do incredibly difficult things in a fraction of the required time. It's just lazy writing.
you're an idiot
Disney Wars are still better than the prequels
u mad white boi?
Married a Black girl
Has a Black baby
Funds pro-Black movies
Wants to build low-cost housing (aka housing projects) for blacks
Introducing the idea of a dark side character feeling and struggling with a pull to the light side. The Force is much better now than in the prequels.
>he's cucking the black men
the absolute legend!
The worst part about all this is that there are people out there, millions, over the age of 16, who actually enjoyed it. It makes me depressed that these people obtain the right to vote.
Not to mention that a bunch of you losers actually saw it in cinema, and you have to realise that you are encouraging this shit whether you like it or not. You absolutely pathetic manchildren deserve to be neutred, you've lost all rights to manhood.
*spits on the floor*
so vader then?
>tfw Dissney assasinates Carrie Fisher to gain sympathy points and divert attention from mixed Rogue One reception
Think about it. She was causing problems since the begining with all the shit she spewing. Her death solves almost too many of Disneys problems.
Oh look another butthurt trumptard