I have to say I'm pretty disgusted and disappointed by Sup Forums's reaction to Jo Cox's death these past 24 hours. I thought you guys were more savvy.

About 45% of you seem to be falling for the globalist narrative, buying the 'He shouted 'Britain First!' thing and praising the killer as a 'nationalist hero'.

Another 45% seem to recognize that it was either a false flag attack organized by the globalists or that the random act of a mental patient is being spun by the media in a way that serves the globalist agenda - but then dismiss it as either likely to backfire or as something that will only make a small dent in Brexit support.

But let's be realistic, guys. It's over. Before this, 'Leave' would have had a clear win. After this, 'Leave' is likely to get 20% at most. Henceforth, in the public mind, voting against Merkel and Juncker is voting to stab to death the mothers of small children.

It's the most masterful 'coup de theatre' I have seen globalism pull in years. This was so perfectly and absolutely what they needed that - even though I have never been into conspiracy and false flag theories - I now have great sympathy for the "nutjobs" who would contend that this was planned, organized and paid for by the globalist elite. The stakes of Brexit were massive for them. It would have meant the end of the globalist order in Europe. Now they have killed it - by sacrificing one of their own in the most cold and brutal way.

But even if that isn't the case, we need to stop deluding ourselves that they aren't successfully spinning this in a way that serves their purposes as much as a real organized assassination would.

NO ONE, from the "grieving husband" to the Guardian to Merkel to Canadian MPs and the Washington Post, is treating this as what it probably was: a mental patient going berserk and this woman dying when she stuck her nose in. EVERYONE is making this a "Brexit murder" - and make no mistake, it HAS effectively murdered Brexit.

Other urls found in this thread:

This board is fucking retarded.

Oh fuck off you demotivation shill. Vast mayority of people either don't give a fuck or merely gloat about it not because they believe that nutter was a hero but because he offed some random communist.

Their immediate jump at screaming he was a nationalist is increasingly backfiring especially because it makes zero sense with his background and everyone is saying that he never was political making them come off as desperate and dishonest.

Bitch had it coming

Half the people commenting right now are paid hillary shills

I dont care about this woman, and very few voters will.

Definitely a false flag. Investigate her candidate selection and any events she took part in as an MP.

>The Oxfam tug-of-war pictures were taken Wednesday
Look into her husband.

IF ONLY she was actually dead.

Yeah, ever noticed they tend to attach random pictures to their posts which are incredible unfitting? Look at the second and fourth poster.

Very few is a bit of an overstatement. I'd say close to 0

why do all the faggots not even try and mimic a normal posting style?

you all stand out so obnoxiously it's funny.

>meme that one Bloomberg poll to oblivion in the aftermath of Orlando
>turns out a lot more people agree with Trump on mudslimes than the shills had indicated

>thinking everyone yelling over each other less than 24 hours after an important shooting is indicative of a large scale opinion
>in a time where even the most normal of normies are catching on to this level of bullshit

Its over, Brexit is surely stumped. I'm a #CruzMissile now

Believe me, I wish with all my heart that you were right. I am British myself, although I live in France. Brexit would have caused me endless hassle. I would have had to either give up my citizenship or begin to apply for visas every six months. But I desperately wanted it to happen all the same.
But now, "demotivating" or not, the truth is it's not going to.
Mark my words: the 'Leave' campaign will collapse. On June 23rd there will be a massive 'no-mother-murder' vote and almost intolerable degrees of smug globalist jubilation.
To be less 'demotivating', though, let me add that - although with this fucking breathtaking (and breathtakingly brutal and callous) bit of gamesmanship, the globalists have surely won the battle, they have probably thereby lost the war. Very possibly, they have murdered one of their own to hold on to power. At the very least, they have shamelessly instrumentalized her death. That will work against them in the end. Not this year - this year they win, God help us - nor next year, nor the next. But one day people will see, and understand, and remember.

It's not "demotivation". As Chesterton wrote:

I tell you naught for your comfort,
Yea, naught for your desire.
Save that the sky grows darker yet
And the sea rises higher.

Night shall be thrice night over you
And heaven an iron cope
I teach you joy without a cause
Yea, faith without a hope.



>praising someone for a win when the game isn't over

Wew lad fuck off

>it's ogre
You convinced me, I'm now #killer4clinton

This is exactly what I am pointing to. I am not a shill. I am the very opposite. I am just trying to get you guys to wake up - as indeed, I have to say, I hadn't really, myself, woken up until this Jo Cox thing - to the ABSOLUTE FUCKING DESPERATE RUTHLESSNESS of the people we are fighting against here.

The stakes of Brexit were HUGE for them. We have proof now, or at least a great probability, that they will not stop at brutally killing one of their own and then shedding crocodile tears about it in order to hold onto power at all costs.

We are going to lose AGAIN if we don't see the defeat that is coming next week and LEARN from it. I honestly wasn't clear myself until now that we are up against the FUCKING DEVIL here.

>speak in absolutes in terms of not only a Brexit loss, but a crushing one
>not a shill

I get that you euros are cucked beyond belief, but anyone who believed in Brexit from the start would be feeling doubtful at most. That is a reasonable feeling in wake of recent events. Absolute despair is not. Fuck off. Preach this bullshit after the vote IF they lose. Then maybe people might not hate your guts.

yeah, it's a muslim in paris ... cant believe you are actually buying into his troll. of course they want you to remain, the channel is the ultimate safe harbor. if it doesnt pass, expect the queen to step in this year in the name of self preservation.

>Let us throw out reason, logic and common sense because some politician died. She would have wanted it this way

I can't believe people are falling for this obviously fabricated narrative. Even people falling for it seems to be part of it.


I love how internet kids always come up with new buzzwords to hide their complete lack of argumentation

Israeli shuts down "demotivating" discussion of just how powerful and ruthless our globalist enemies are.
Makes you think, doesn't it?

TRIPLE fucking lol!
"Globalism" is a NEW BUZZWORD!
Jesus FUCK can words even express how much you need to go back....


>it's just politics and populism when lefties do it
>muh make britain great again and complete retarded brexit rethoric is ok

ugh, just fucking kill yourself

Nothing happening for a long time.
Trump leads polls-Orlando.
Brexit leads - Cox.
Fuck this shit, is everyone blind?

If you are so retarded to fall for spinning then you deserve the spinning m8.

>I would have had to either give up my citizenship or begin to apply for visas every six months.

Source for that plz thx.

>being this delusional
What a fucking day next friday is going to be.

When the leave vote is confirmed you better have your
>b-but you guise will get a shit deal! It's not real independence
>you're still c-cucks!
>londonistan tho!

Aww man I can't fucking wait lads.

Pottymouth betrays you as an SJW. Can't help yourself can you.
Go away Shill.

You're here forever friendo, Britain won't take you back.

Is it not the case? I haven't checked out the details because until now, as an EU citizen, I have been able to move freely throughout Europe. But I imagine - no one really knows for sure, of course, because (as the "remainers" have emphasized, "Farage has no idea what will happen after Brexit") - that if Britain quits the EU the same rules will apply to British citizens in France as apply at present, say, to US citizens in the UK. And I know from friends' experiences that a US citizen who doesn't have some damn good reason to stay on will be deported from the UK after six months if they do not leave of their own accord, as will a US citizen in France, Germany and so on.
If Brexit happens, I will be in the same position.


Her death was inevitable.
Like the Roman, some of us predicted a river foaming with much blood.

He may have been a nutter, but it was his MPs steadfast commitment to increase the population of immigrants which triggered him.

Of course her murder is terrible, but I would argue that something like it was inevitable when the views of the native white British (including the violent nutters) are ignored for 50 years.

This is the future we chose. Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away.

yes, and her wonderful husband being fired from a charity for hitting on women?

All coincidence...

Did you just coin the phrase "demotivation shill"?

I like it.


Don't see a source in your post desu senpai so no.


Rule Britannia.

May leave succeed

I'm pretty sure we're woke around here bro. Don't mistakes the shill flood for Sup Forums

The husband is truly disgusting.
Not for the "hitting on women" - which is probably a sign of hope for him in the age of the Nu-Man.
But because he was the one who fired the starting pistol BEFORE HER CORPSE WAS EVEN FUCKING COLD for the spinning of this in the terms:

"Either you are for Britain regaining its national sovereignty AND for murdering mothers of small children in the street, or you are for the subjugation of Europe's peoples by a globalist elite in Brussels AND for children being allowed to group with living mothers; one or the other; you can't separate these elements out."

His "heartfelt words" talking about "the hate that killed her" turned a meaningless act of mental illness into a brush to tar the entire non-progressive world with before the blood had dried on her corpse.

He was an adviser to Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown: a professional shill out of whom the last trace of genuine human feeling for anybody had surely been driven decades ago.

This is what I mean about NOT UNDERESTIMATING THE ABSOLUTELY DEMONIC NATURE of the people we are up against here.

It's funny that Cruz is a failure as a politician but will live forever as a meme

Tu pourras dire ça quand le vote sera fait, OP.

En attendant, tu prends les électeurs britanniques pour des cons, ce qu'ils ne sont pas, en tout cas bien moins que nous (on a élu Sarko, puis après Hollande, et on va peut-être élire Le Pen à la prochaine, niveau connerie on peut difficilement surpasser).

La récup autour de ce meurtre apparaît pour ce qu'elle est: odieuse. Et ça se voit.

Autre chose aussi: ce n'est pas l'UKIP (à 95% brexit) ou les tories (60% brexit) qui vont décider du résultat, mais les cols bleues des zones industrielles du nord de l'Angleterre, qui sont les laissés pour compte de l'Europe.

Ceux là, le sort d'une libérale de Londres ils en ont rien à foutre.

I agree that Brexit is over

This was perfect for remain, they had no real arguments, they were losing in the polls, and then out of fucking nowhere some psycho shoots an irrelevant MP over nothing. What a stroke of (((luck))).

this desu

everyone i've seen today has been saying "have you seen that story about the stabbing? bloody terrible innit?"

...and that's literally it. No maymay about voting in, nothing about the EU, nothing about switching votes. The media might try but it's failing hard

>go camping for a week
>come back

british people killing everyone

every gay person is shot in orlando

some singer dies

wtf is going on?

what is this nigger and who did he kill some political figure?

What do (((you))) mean by this?

Hear, hear

The only thing i thought when i saw the story in our news was: "why is the husband not sad?"

This guy needs to be investigated thoroughly, for large cash withdrawels in the last 2 months.

This has all the hallmarks of an assassination.

have some respect m8.

Just look at this beautiful picture of her.

Why are you in France if you're not working on becoming French and assimilating?

I bet you don't even speak French.

>Dual citizenship was officially recognized for both men and women on 9 January 1973, during which time possession of more than one nationality does not affected French nationality.


>Frog being a defeatist cuck

Who would've thunk?

My hopes are that a person smart enough to vote leave can't be dumb enough to buy that shit.

Also she's not dead. She's in Celeb Island with Elvis.

Does anyone else find it sickening that the Cox's like branding themselves as 'activists' and 'campaigners'?

Do people at the top of what passes for charities these days truly think they are doing much more than lining their own pockets?

>After this, 'Leave' is likely to get 20% at most
lol go fuck yourself. It's still gonna be close, although admittedly Leave's momentum is going to take a hit. How big or small that hit is is yet to be seen.

>"Britain First!"
= nationalist hero

>"Allahu Akbar!"
= terrorist

lmao cocks

>A frenchie thinks they know exactly how the British people will react.
You don't know shit. England won a match that day, you think any of us really care? We want OUT. We've wanted out for decades.
You think one commie dies and all our opinions will magically change?

do not lose hope, there is still about another week or so, happenings may happen, its still ramadan regardless

For anyone who doesn't get the meme, I can spell it out: Jo was in favour of bombing Syria.

>wearing hijab


You left your proxy on, Chang.

>one post by this ID

Demotivating shill.


This is a deliberate tactic to skew the result by disheartening you and making you stay home on polling day.

Do your duty to your conscience and your country.

Vote for what you believe in.

Stop hoaxing stuff, you large handed, strong jawed Women!

>Death to the enemy!
= national hero
>Death to my allies
= traitor

cant unsee

When all is lost and the world burns around you, what more is there to do than sit back and laugh smugly at it? You seem to grasp the extent of their power. They control the traditional media 100%. Digital media, especially forums, are harder to police. So they've taken to policing language to ensure certain beyond-the-pale topics will never be discussed. The best we can do is keep tugging at every little thread. Eventually they may over-react and like when your immune system goes fucky, destroy themselves.

= bantz master


That is a real bias on Sup Forums

>About 45% of you seem to be falling for the globalist narrative, buying the 'He shouted 'Britain First!' thing and praising the killer as a 'nationalist hero'.
>Another 45% seem to recognize that it was either a false flag attack organized by the globalists or that the random act of a mental patient is being spun by the media in a way that serves the globalist agenda - but then dismiss it as either likely to backfire or as something that will only make a small dent in Brexit support.

I support neither of these views, as my conclusion claims.

Globalists want to decrease average annual salaries of all workers. Globalists want to slow the growth of the world population. Globalists want to increase the number and rate of corporate monopolies. Globalists want full control over corporate and central banking. Globalists want full control over currency. Globalists want full control over national governments. Globalists want to exist outside of national government by creating a global governance and a global currency. Globalists want to end competition for their wealth and create a permanent global upper 0.5% wealth class. Globalists want a return to the feudal system with their families forever at the top of the pyramid.

Now why on earth would anyone vote REMAIN? The only sane vote is to VOTE LEAVE!

Chill out frog, you think there isn't an organization that wants Brexit? You think they didn't see something like this coming?

The globalist Jews are nothing but impostors; daddy's home and the kikes are going to "fall down the stairs" tonight.

Tu sous-estimes le poids du sentiment, divorcé de toute raison, chez l'électorat anglais - avant tout parmi les femmes, qui en forment à la fin la moitié.
L'assaut mediatique des interpretations forcées est aussi presque sans précedent. On trouve des versions du narratif 'c'est la faute à Farage' dans presque tous les journaux et les émissions de télé au cours des dernières 24 heures, du Daily Star jusqu'àu Spectator, et l'homme - mais avant tout la femme - est une créature chez qui la verité cedera à la pression du mensonge, si on augmente cette pression au-délà d'un certain point, meme si les deux - verité et mensonge - sont reconnus, sur le plan rational, pour ce qu'ils sont.

Et en quoi serait-il 'con' d'élire Marine Le Pen? Elle est, à présent. le seul espoir de la France - et beaucoup moins con qu'elle n'en a l'air d'etre:

The fact that this stupid cunt would wear a woman-suppressing article of clothing shows just how much of a piece of shit she is.

Leave will get far more than 20%, but you're right that this is likely to have SOME impact. In my opinion it'll probably swing some of the undecided voters towards Leave, because they'll have finally been convinced that Remain is for violent right-wingers. So while Leave had been making really good progress in the past couple of weeks, I'm now going back to my original prediction of 55% in favour of Remain. Also, don't think it was a false flag, just think that the pro-Remain media has jumped onto it very quickly to use it for their advantage, and there's nothing the pro-Leave media can do to spin it their way without looking like heartless cunts. It's a lose-lose for Leave, and a huge stroke of luck for Remain.

this is how conflict works...

I swear the shit that people get away with on the internet

You people are so melodramatic, you'd have thought this was /lgbt/
The vast majority of people making this about the referendum are the brexiteers, just trying to save their own necks.
I feel confident that this isn't going to make a significant change in the vote.
It's a tragedy on its own terms.

>>Actually believing they killed her on purpose for political reasons like the nutjobs. Being this utterly stupid.

>After this, 'Leave' is likely to get 20% at most
top kek, would be incredibly surprised if leave got less than 40% of the vote even after this.

Someone who believes that the "Brexiteers" "necks needed to be saved" - when they were drawing up on a 10 point lead in the polls just 24 hours ago, before this - "feels confident" that this staging of a pro-Brexit assassination of a mother of three is "not going to make a significant change in the vote".

Makes you think, doesn't it?

3 polls are out and we are still leading

shut up merde for brains

This fucking guy, seriously.

If the Cox scam knocks it down to 49% it will have completely served its purpose.

And vote to stay in Europe, indeed.

To shill for the "Stay" side on this board seems like a waste of time.

Couldn't you spend your shekels better elsewhere?

You see, this is what I mean, kid.

Making shit up that you would LIKE to be true doesn't help "the cause"

No new poll has come out since 6 o'clock yesterday evening when this happened.

it's strange as shit

I mean, to say
>About 45% of you seem to be falling for the globalist narrative, buying the 'He shouted 'Britain First!'
just pure wut

This happened at 13:45 local time yesterday

Nobody seems to give a fuck, except for a tiny percent of the Far Left. There's a thing trending on FB that Polly Toynbee of the Guardian said the mood is ugly, but 99% of Brits think she's a fat, ugly old leftie hag, literally worthless. Honestly, everyone is socially, publicly sad a mother has died, but the Left are universally despised and people aren't so stupid they won't see a Muslim witness who wasn't there claiming 'Britain First terrorist killer' as something suspicious. Plus a 15 year old Muslim just got arrested in London on terrorist charges so it's business as usual.

Fine. So cite the new poll result.

Oh my fucking God did he really used his wife's murder to grab votes?

Fuck off French fag

See this faggot, people? See how he tries his hardest to shill against Brexit?

Realize that the campaigning was halted and this defeatist propaganda is being spewed forth out of fear. Fear that Brexit will succeed. And it shall!

They knew that they were losing, but they couldn't stop the opposing campaign by itself, so they stopped both instead, because that damages the Brexit cause more than their own.

And now, a week before the referendum, they're going out full force, trying to dissuade everyone from voting, or trying to make them sympathize with their pro EU rhetoric. Hell, they're going so far to even propose the cancellation of the referendum itself!

Someone confident in their cause would never do that! This is the last resort of a cornered rat. A week to go and it will all be over.

As long as you Brits don't give up, in a week you'll have your country back!


top kek

Pray tell, why do you care so much for Britain to leave? What is it to you?


I really hope people aren't so retarded as to throw away the vote for this aspie cunt taking out some random politician.

Good point, we need to meme about how he was marginalised by a progressive looney.