WTF I love mexicans now
WTF I love mexicans now
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Oscar is from El Salvador I believe.
Pic related
Guatemala. Basically Mexico tho
neo star wars makes me want to watch my wife get TACOD
Neither of them are mexican.
And I want to run my tongue along Oscar Isaac's sweaty, hairy taint
Diego Luna is Mexican/English
Not really, we have more indios
Cuban dad, tho
that looks kinda nasty
>mexican cuisine
>Looks gross
>Is delicious
Typical Mexican food
>I love spics
What did he mean by this
"I love hispanics!"
Such pathetic signaling.
>that looks kinda nasty
Trump Grille is reputedly terrible.
Why is his skin orange?
Who will based Gael get to play?
He looks like a rare Pepe
Darth Loco
southern mexico basically
that's not mexican
>Darth Loco
That isn't a mexican dish, it's fastfood shit invented by gringos, just like "chinese" food isn't chinese at all.
That's the whole point of the controversy of that photo.
>Oscar Isaac
wtf i hate white people now
>you will never have papi's cummies on your face
superior white hispanic coming through
White Hispanics with no mestizo or indio genes are unironically the master race
Shame they get lumped with Mestizo "Hispanics"
Mestizos are trying to turn hispanic into a race which is stupid
Can we pretend they are white guys?
>white hispanic
Do you just mean Spanish people? From you know, actual Spain?
You wish
>he doesn't know about spain
Oscar Isaac has insane screen presence.
I found out my GF wrote an erotic letter to nim nd sent it to his address...
>MFW cucked by Oscar Isaac
You mean, your ex-GF?
ikr that scene when finn tries to give poe his jacket back in tfa made me cry
>spain is whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite
I like the Isaac guy, he looks like a tan, pussified version of my gramps
dunno about the terrorist looking one though, is rogue one any good
Rogue one was a bad movie but Diego Luna is a cutie
I'm Portuguese and I don't know any black people.
Gel Garcia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>todo
piss of you moop
Diego luna is mexican. He was born in mexico. His father is mexican and his mom was british.
Stop this meme please. He's as mexican as they come. And oscar isaacs is like guatemalan or hondurean. "Isaacs" is actually his middle name, not his surname
>Not Italians
this guy should've been Casian or whatever, at least he can speak English, no like Luna
Gael definitely wouldn't been more charismatic but I'd rather him not die in a single movie
those dudes are handsome enough to be honorary white
And we love you too, user
Look at the mirror mate
Oscar looked white as fuck in Robin Hood 2010
Why is your skin shit colored?
Oscar Isaac is half jewish
wtf I love jews now
>mfw there is a wall around the brown stuff
He isn't, stfu
White latinos are Hollywood's new safe choice for diversity, it seems.
>He's not Mexican
>He is from the district of Guatemala in Mexico
lol Mexicans get all butthurt because normal people don't care enough to learn different provinces of Mexico.
look it up bozo
That's because you're the black guy you're looking for
these vatos should be building a fucking wall instead of fucking up star wars movies