What do non-Muslim non-Whites (PoC's) think of Islam?

What do non-Muslim non-Whites (PoC's) think of Islam?

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Violent religion Osama bin Laden pork burka

I don't think of Islam or Christianity. I think of Muslims and Christians.

despise it

Okay, so what is your opinion on Muslims?

Good people.

I find Islam to be a thought-terminating cliché

I'm an atheist all religions are equally stupid IMO.

I'm Chinese and we had a relatively large Muslim community in my city of Xi'an who came from a group called the Hui. Hui are alright but I don't like Ughyrs who are Muslim.


I heard Hui are not really religious and just keep some Muslim traditions like not eating por and stuff. What do you think of foreign Muslims?

Abrahamic religions are trash

I work with a Muslim from Iran and he is very friendly. I haven't much interaction with many other Muslims so I'm not sure. Hui can be religious but they are not extreme, many still wear Islamic hats and attend mosque but aren't aggressive about their faith.

A huge meme.

I've heard that Hui have a sort of hatred for Uyghurs

Shias are based


Ibadis are based

Sunnis are a mixed bag but generally bretty good in my experience

I'm not sure, I've not really had many pleasant expirences with Ughyrs so don't blame Hui if that's the case. Ughyrs are a lot more conservative and at times radical and have committed terrorist attacks. I've seen them hit women in public and then get arrested by soldiers.

Should convert desu.

Alireza pls. Your ilk are just as inclined to chimp out.


I'm a gook btw. All non whites should convert to Islam against the wh*tes. Inshallah.

>What do non-Muslim non-Whites (PoC's) think of Islam?
>several diaspoa-fag muslims post anyways


Nice meme

Yes what will unite us non-whites? A shared religion the wh*tes despises will be answer. Imagine a single united asian caliphate can do to the west.

>adopt an ideology that would make you even more backward
a truly non-white thing to do


Look who's talking. The backwards post communist shithole.
You are not on par with Western Europe and you never will be
Were it not for Tesla, your contributions would have been on par with fucking Ghana.

>You are not on par with Western Europe and you never will be
Neither will you mudshits be lmao

leave ghana alone

>Imagine what a single united X can do to X.
Your stupid hypothetical isn't impressing anyone.

>A shared religion the wh*tes despises will be answer.
What about Bosnia and Albania? They are White Muslims.

>replying to autistic diasporafag fantasies
Don't do that

some religion is stupider than others, abrahamic religions are based on lowest form of reasoning.

Must be exterminated

I am muslim

Praise Allah

Great now we have islamic ms13

I'm too enlightened too think

>non-Muslim non-Whites (PoC's)


Are you insulting Islam? I will behead you, you infidel.

>abrahamic religions are based on lowest form of reasoning.
They have by far the most intellectual and developed theology Mr. Chang

Stop using the term poc or I will use my inherent evil white powers to smite you

Is toxic bullshit and should be destroyed.



stop larping, juan

Moderate Islam, like one in Russia is ok.

Islam is a compendium of all shit in the Middle east

what does moderate entail in this case?

*smites 77587470 boy*

There is no moderate islam, Just muslims who don't follow half the orders mohamad gave.

Quiet heathen.

فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَأُعَذِّبُهُمْ عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَمَا لَهُم مِّن نَّاصِرِينَ

>Islamic country flags on Sup Forums usually dislike Islam and what is does to their country
>Islamic diasporafag immigrants go on about how great it is
Really makes you think

Islam is a compendium of all shit in the Middle east


This literally doesn't prove anything. Now, shoo and stop trying to derail my thread.

You probably won't reach 30 and you'll already be dead so fuck you Moorish shit.

إِنَّمَا جَزَاءُ الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُوا أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوا أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلَافٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ

Who does this?

t. Mohammed Ibn Al-Chang

any muslim with IQ above 90 knows the religion makes no sense and is retarded

Islam is a compendium of all shit in the Middle east


Morocco is not an Islamic State!

I would say the same thing about the Muslims here in the U.S. Famalam

>Islam is the official state religion

Do you see the younger generation in your country being less religious?

>t. Mohamed El Rodriguez


Doesn't that mean 87% of your countrys population is below 90iq

Or are Christians uber smart now

nobody here takes religion seriously mohammad

It needs reform. I'm sure there are decent muslim people, but the ideology itself incompatible with western values. A lot of people don't realize the concept of separation of Church and State doesn't exist within Islam. It's as much a political ideology as it is a religious one.

Have you ever been in /mena/ or the Syrian civil war general?

Islam is stupid.

no need for reform of Islam, it just need purification, back to the roots without the bidaah and such.
Reforms like church means no one will take the church seriously anymore, as seen in the examples up until today.

I'm a white guy so I'm not going to answer for myself, but the black people I live around seem to not really know what to think. They only know about Christianity and only the kinds that are popular with black people around here - so that's the ME churches and the even more jump-and-shout kind of Baptist churches. They see black Muslims occasionally but that's rare.

I think if they were more familiar they would understand that the African Muslim Arabic slave trade is what put them on the ships in the first place, and they'd be back in chains and under the whip if Islam ever came back to their lives.

If by Reform you mean Reformation, definitely not. They're going through their Reformation right now, and, like the European Reformation, it's shit. Same church burning, mass murdering, killing people over nothing nonsense. That's what the Reformation really was. Muslims don't want or need our mistakes.

I'm brown and I think muslims should go fuck themselves.

Are you the bahamas girl?
Agnostic Arab, born Christian. I went through different stages growing up; at first it was hatred towards any muslim. Then it was confusion since as I grew older and became less sheltered I realised no matter how "Australian" I act I'll always be an outsider and lumped in with Muslims which made me a lot more sympathetic. Now that I'm even older, I find that I'm more in the middle. A lot less radical in my views. I believe that while Islam has many flaws, there are good and bad people of every faith and I should judge a person based on their character instead of their religion/ political leaning/ life style choices etc.