
>With all the compassion in my heart, I just want to say to white people sampling others' music: what you're engaging in is colonialism. Name it for what it is.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Ever the student, the Smith-educated Garbus, who writes most of Tune-Yards' lyrics, designed an anti-racist curriculum for herself. She attended a six-month anti-racist workshop at the East Bay Meditation Center. She read the work of noted anti-racist educator Tim Wise and explored the activism of Standing Up for Racial Justice, a nationwide, progressive activism network dedicated to "moving white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority." Seeking new musical communities, she learned to DJ. Well aware that her sincerity would seem to some the epitome of white liberal sanctimoniousness, she sat with the discomfort that realization brought, along with many other vexed emotions. And she and Brenner made music, working with a small handful of collaborators to focus and complicate their excited, beat-driven arrangements, building glass houses of sound to better illuminate Garbus's confrontations with her own internalized secrets and lies.

dubs decide where I drink tonight

she literally brainwashed herself

This is really, really unfortunate. To put in all of that effort, to spend all of that time and still make shit music.

Strip Club

in front of your parents

>black hip-hop artists sample whites
>not a peep

>white rock artists sample blacks
>"You're a colonialist"

Never mind that this has absolutely nothing to do with colonialism as an act. Colonialism is taking over land, exerting your culture onto others, and wiping a culture out entirely, little by little. What Merrill is commenting on is white people utilising an aspect of black culture and using it to shape their own. In a very fundamental, important way this is the opposite of colonialism.

Who said this? The girl from Tune-Yards? She makes all of her fucking music doing that

yeah but haven't you heard? she's woke now

I've always seen her as an SJW artist but this is a new level.


I think vapid appropriation of culture via music is a problem, but the fact that she's likening it to colonialism makes me value her intellect a lot less because it's like she doesn't know what colonialism is when she talks about that. Blues - a genre started by black people - itself took a major influence from European folk. But everybody who bemoans the adoption of blues by white people ignores this, because it's an affirmation of a cycle as opposed to an affirmation of their worldview that whites are all cultural thieves. Like, it's not that simple, and it's a horribly naive viewpoint that isn't substantiated by history. Every genre of music that has ever existed is in some way inspired by a culture or style that exists outside our own. It's called an adoption of influence, whereby we make something special to us our own in a meaningful way.

Her hyperbolically referring to copying Somali music as colonialism had better just be hyperbole and not a serious political statement, because it's more than a little silly.

Worst band on the planet. No hyperbole.

Le bump.

Oops I can't use "le" because I'm not French. And I shouldn't be using this computer because I'm not Japanese. Goddamn it.


I think this might be the breaking point with me. I'm sympathetic to people's suspicions of cultural appropriation, but she trivialised the true horror of colonialism by comparing her writing Somali-inspired tunes to it. It actually pisses me off. Maybe it pisses me off because I like Merrill, and I like Tune-Yards, and up until now I've generally respected even opinions I disagree with when it relates to cultural appropriation. But it's like this specific combination has made me go insane.

are you going to be okay my dude?

Prolly not.


Her one meme song "gangsta" sounds like it's ripping off tons of black culture, she should kill """her""""self


I'm really glad I'm not surrounded by nuts like this and my racial ambiguity stops me from getting tested on if I'm racist or not all the time.


and yet she won't be affected by it

why doesn't she just kill herself then?


BASED reddit stands with her #Metoo

I always thought tuneyards womyn was black. Why does she sing with that accent and ebonics?

outside your crush's house and throw rocks at her window

these days they would call the police on you and you would be charged. 2018's great eh?

the woods in the dark

>artist becomes concerned with sociopolitical issues and starts pushing them into their music
>music immediately becomes absolute garbage
Every. Single. Time.

i have always fucking hated every single thing about this band and i'm glad you fans are realizing how retarded they are finally.

While fucking a girl's brains out


Nikki Nack is bretty gud though

In the privacy of a McDonalds bathroom stall.
