shes going to be fine guys
now fuck off
shes going to be fine guys
now fuck off
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that's what they want you to think...
Come on Carrie!
What is the point of living afte ra massive heart attack like that?
How could you do anything knowing your heart is one beat away from exploding for good?
Stable = vegetable
i'm still worried.
good luck, princess leia
Shell be fine
>Clinically dead for like half an hour
If she ever wakes up she'll be barely functional for the rest of her life
FYI - so is yours, life is unpredictable and you could be dead in a second. Do you want to keep living?
Because with good enough grafting and if the heart didn't suffer that much damage you can still lead a normal life. She's 60 she wouldn't really be doing sports anyway.
If you get a heart transplant you are sort of fucked.
Sure she's 'stable' but she was 15 mins without a pulse so her brain is almost certainly mush. They'll turn off the life support once they get a scan of her brain.
>Trevorrow why are you filming all my scenes first on a green room?
You're infering a lot based on nothing
Reply to this post with delicious cunny or the aneurysm will wake you up tonight before it takes you.
Based Carrie
Heart attacks get cucked
She'll get on medications, diet, perhaps bypass grafts. As long as she is compliant, she will be fine. As long as the MI itself doesn't kill you outright and you seek treatment immediately after symptoms start, people can live pretty normal lives.
>Why are you filming all my scenes on a visual effects computer?
>Can anyone hear me?
>Why am I floating and translucent?
Hell be fine
chances of a second heart attack after one like this are sky high iirc
also I thought she was at least 70, what the fuck, cocaine is a hell of a drug indeed
She was still supposedly not breathing for up to 10 minutes. The brain is royally fucked if it goes so much as FIVE minutes without oxygen.
She might be alive, but she's gonna be in Stephen Hawking levels of fucked up now
where did this information come form?
The people(s) that broke the news, which were passengers that were there next to her when it happened.
I'm just going to reply to be safe.
She wasn't just lying there dead you know, they probably put that mask that breathes for you on her and shit
fuck u
And since they were in the air it's probably much worse then that. Who knows how many timezones they passed in those "10 minutes"
Just like her father
Do you think he pulls up old photos of her JUST before he cums? I do that with my sis.
It's actually 15 minutes.
This. If the reports are true she'll live but the chances of brain damage are high. If true she won't be acting again.
Hell, she wouldn't be acting again after a massive heart attack anyway. He has a much higher chance now and a 60 it's not good.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
She becomes a super genius?
shut up
tfw she'll need a respirator for the rest of her life and it will sound just like Vader.
>Stephen Hawkings levels of fucked up
So she's going to become a genius?
>tfw too intelligent to do starwars
You could probably pass at least one timezone in that time so that is one hour that she was out
Young hillary clinton will suffice?
You watch your mouth, fella. This isn't Vietnam.
>She was still supposedly not breathing for up to 10 minutes. The brain is royally fucked if it goes so much as FIVE minutes without oxygen.
>She might be alive, but she's gonna be in Stephen Hawking levels of fucked up now
There was a paramedic on board who did CPR for 15 minutes. That way oxygen keeps getting pumped around which decreases the chance of severe brain damage.
She's not escaping death. KEK wills it.
she's dead, Jim
Glad this happend to prove there is no God
>Person does massive amounts of cocaine for years
>Go into their 60s overweight
>Has a heart attack on a plane
>Goes without oxygen for 15 minutes
>Everything's gonna be A-OK guys!
that's where you're wrong faggot, I've been holding my breath for 11 minutes now and i'm fiiii dskjlfl; lshtbz rt"f
I was hoping she died. I'm about to watch Rogue One with friends and was hoping to tell them "Woah, Carrie Fisher died!" after the movie ends. They dont know about the cardiac arrest yet.
delicious cunny
cocaine wins yet again
You can breathe as long as you want, but the oxygenated blood needs to get around the body, that's hard when your heart is not working.
>what is cpr
Jesus christ this fucking board is full of morons.
She's going to survive, be on intensive care, and then someone will forward an illustration of her as she is now being throated by Salacious Crumb and her brain will explode.
This is the only way we can stop that from happening:
I cringed at this Reddit-tier response DESU
wish a nigga would
So's OP
My grandfather survived 4 heart attacks and died of cancer years later, you can totally get by after one heart attack
this is how they do the exchange. the lizard carrie fisher is now in control
>Harrison Ford did blow off those tits before fucking her in the ass and dumping his nuts in her throat
Truly he is a man to be revered.
Is everyone on this board a dumb asshole who has an opinion on shit they know nothing about?
she surely was hot as fuck
Are you?
This is the single hottest image of her I've ever seen. Better than any still from the actual film. If she had the hair-buns from ANH, this would be my personal 10/10.
Delicious cunny
You've gotta go back
not even trying to be edgy, but does anyone else think she always seemed like a cunt ?
in interviews and the like i never got a nice vibe from her, kind of snarky.
that's a good thing, she has a good sense of humor and doesn't take fame too seriously or bother to play the PR game
i'm not saying she SHOULD be nice, being fake is even worse, but being a cunt is still shit.
>>delicious cunny
what did he mean by this
i dont want to fap user. why u do this to me :(
Just waiting for the family to show up and say goodbye before pulling the plug or organ harvesting.
I swear to god heart, if you ever attack me, it's over between us. I don't forgive as easily as Carrie.
There's a difference between not breathing with no CPR and not breathing with prolonged CPR. CPR Moves oxygen around the body.
if you doing CPR for more then 10 minutes you are still going to have serious problems.
15 minutes without a pulse, user. CPR doesn't get much oxygen to the brain.
how the fuck do you recover after 15 minutes of your heart stopping and no oxygen going to your brain?
>For the rest of her "life"
Fuck When are they going to learn not to mess with KEK and Trump!!
how will this affect max landis?
She'll be fine. She's still making movies!
God Bless you Carrie Fisher.
So that means she won't be in Episode 9? Obviously they did all the filming for Episode 8 but how will they explain her absence or if she can't talk properly anymore?
You should have shown her to be Force Sensitive and a master of the force not a boring general in Force Awakens
You don fucked up
If you have watched the BBC show Life On Mars, it explains that our brain stays alive after our heart stops for a while.
This is when people have near death experiences and see things because they think they are dead but are actually still alive even though their heart has stopped
15 minutes of no oxygen=catastrophic cell death. Any brain activity past a few minutes is just the brain preparing to shut down.
>'quick, fly her against the time zones to minimise the impact of her brain death!'