What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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Trump curse claims another.
wtf I hate trump now
the list of celebrities kek has ruined is too large for it to be a coincidence
add her to the list
>I love Coke, Coke is good for you!
Maybe she drank a little too much Cocaine-cola
why does this keep happening ?
what kind of superpowers does Trump have
She's takes the old Coke
She so old she probably thinks there's still cocaine in Coke.
he has the blessing of KEK
"heart attack"
>the same company that puts food acid E338 in their drink
>the same company that used paramilitaries to murder union workers in Columbia
>the same company that uses slave labor to build soccer stadiums in Qatar for FIFA
If you drink coca cola you ARE a bad person and it can be completely qualified and no amount of 'I don't care about slaves in Qatar rhetoric is gonna be able to wash away that blood on your hands. Maybe some coca cola will wash it off though but then your hands might get sticky :o)
I don't drink that shit 2 years. Feels good man.
This is why I drink Pepsi.
>caring about any of these
That's why you're a fat and lazy idiot and you're why the west is decaying.
>Caring about countries that aren't your homeland
>Caring about people who aren't your countrymen
What a cuck.
What a Man
Reawakened frog God
The west is decaying because our hearts don't bleed enough for third world shitholes?
>Our President calls Rand Paul a retard
What a glorious time to be alive.
post the one with the autism spectrum
I haven't drank it in over a year now.
>bash the chosen child of kek
>get fucked in an airplane with hours left of the flight.
Meme magic is a scary power.
Obama never called Rand Paul a retard dude...
its like what i imagine would happen if an australian shitposter finally got good enough internet to use anything other than Sup Forums
>BTFO of the Avengers
>BTFO of the Rebel Alliance
Is there anything Emperor Trump can't do?
>that burn on kasich
i hate the man and i hate his politics but i love his tweets
have another one fat ass diabetic
Meme Magic has been unleashed and now it cannot be controlled. We've awakened powers we had no business dealing with.
Lose an election
4 years of tears
The cult of personality around this man on Sup Forums of all places is cringe worthy desu
she was having a stroke all the way to before the election.
Not as quote unquote cringe worthy as someone who says "f.a.m"
Not an argument
>Implying I can even see the blood on my hands from all the fat this diabolical drink has subjected my body to
shes actually one of the few funny women
>everyone talks about trump
>half of everyone shit talks trump
>woah dude a hundred or two hundred people have had a bad time praise kek
i voted for him but youre retarded and autistic
>its a "le ebin reidditor feels the need to share his opinions on a mogolian cave painting imageboard" episode