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>pedophile edition
Merry Christmas, Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
>le everyone i don't like is a pedophile meme
bloodraven is a pedophile stalker
That's not how you say Doran Martell.
gylbert was right
gylbert king
doran is your average garden variety pedo. bloodraven is a superpedo.
What about Davos then?
how is davos a pedo?
that was the show forcing a libtard meme
two headed hobgoblin
He kept hanging around and playing with a little girl
If Bloodraven and Doran are pedos, so is he
Littledick is a given, of course
baka, davos didnt stalk shireen and they were clearly just buds, fuck off and stop projecting
unlike doran who watches kids play in water and bloodraven whos only company is children and who manipulated a little boy hed been spying on since birth into coming to his dark isolated cave
Tyrion is no where near one of my favourite characters and that rings true for others but what specifically is about Tyrion that Sansafags get so triggered by him? Like I see them always blame him for nearly everything bad that happens to Sansa in KL and laugh that she left him to take the blame for Joffrey's death, is it really because he made her undress and touche d her on their wedding night? They go on and on about how Tyrion should have pulled a Jaime and told Tywin to get lost when he bought the wedding up etc.
That's called "being a cute young girl".
Also wtf, there's like 3 guys who ever wanted her in the story. LF for obvious reason, Sandor because he wanted to settle and she was jsut about the only innocent lady-like girl... And Marillion, who wanted to fuck every single girl in the seven kingdoms.
oh and they think hes a piece of shit for cursing Sansa in his thoughts for leaving him to die for a murder he didnt commit.
you have to be pretty fucking retarded to be a sansafag.
and fucking retarded people tend to have fucking retarded illogical thoughts.
I love Bran! And I'm not a pedo!
me too, tbqh
And CLEGANEBOWL.... I suppose... that's off the table as well.
why doesnt bloodraven get more shit?
>ive been watching you since you were born
>i saw your first steps
>i invaded your first dream
>i sent two other kids to bring you to me
>far, far away where nobody can hear you scream
>i live with other small people who call themselves CHILDREN of the forest
>dont be scared of the dark its like your mothers milk :^]
whats wrong with grrm?
>whats wrong with grrm?
like a lot of liberals hes a borderline paedophile
it was a different time
You know you're on Sup Forums right, Salty Cunt?
/got/ is not Sup Forums
/got/ is its own entity.
everyone on /got/ is sane it's not like Sup Forums.
>everyone on /got/ is sane
oh yeah we're degenerates for sure but hes a bigger sicko who thinks and lets all this shit stew in his cuck mind
a different time you mean in asoiaf or a century ago when grrm was born?
bloodraven is clearly evil.
made me look :D you magnificent bastard xD
will never happen
You have 10 seconds to cast one of these (or all)
Alys Karstark
Mya Stone
Jeyne Poole (for her Ramsay Arc)
Milana Vayntrub
Alice Eve
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Don't care about Jeyne
Jonsa to the rescue
Jonsa again
Doing god's work son. Even if your ship a shit
Cast her /got/
horse #223
Too fat for a normal horse.
Maybe The Mountain's war steed.
Merry Christmas
Merry Branmas*
What the fuck is a mesa? Like Jar-Jar Binx?
Who would win in a fight, Barristan the Old vs. shirtless Ramsay?
Depends. Is Barristan as scared of dogs as ironautists are?
Reminder that Game of Thrones ended in S5 with Stannis and partially in S4 with Tywin. I'm only watching to see how this all ends, but the most boring houses are the ones that remain. Fucking Targ shits, edgelord Greyjoys and literally who's like the Tarlys.
Baratheons, Lannisters, ACTUAL Starks. Those I found interesting. From S1 to S4-5 the show was about competing nobles vying for power. Stannis had the better claim but was arguably a worse leader than Tywin who himself had to rely on medieval Elliot Rodger to be the public face of his faction.
All the characters had negatives and positives to them. Tywin was a dick but he was a good administrator. Stannis was the rightful ruler, charismatic perhaps not to the bread and circus lowborn but to his men, but at the same time he was ruthless and willing to do anything, including killing his brother, to get the throne. Robb had noble goals, but was ultimately beholden to 'Northern honor' and had to dance around his vassals.
Now in S6 and in S7 too we have a Mary Sue working with the 'noble savages' and literally doing nothing wrong ever as well as a Villain Sue who can decapitate the entire ruling class of Westeros and somehow get away with it scot-free and STILL have followers like her cuck brother and the Tarlys for some reason. The only other rival is king MUH DICK of the Redneck Islands.
Never has a show started off so high and ended on such a low note. Jesus Christ, I hope the fat fuck doesn't follow Dungeons and Dragons' idea of a storyline.
>ships and pasta are now all that are left to bump /got/
maybe she would be fit to be the horse for Lord-Too-Fat-Too-Sit-A-Horse?
>hmm...still no Jaqen H'Ghar Thread
Will there be ever a Jaqen/Faceless Men Thread #?
Is this old black man a pedo?
King Jaime
Stop trying to make this into pasta, it will never catch on
Daily Reminder than Septon Utt did nothing wrong he is a good man of faith.
Please go fuck yourself plebface.
No, just your garden variety rapist.
>be a black rapist in Braavos
>gets boring after a while
>learns about bix noods establishing comprehensive bad ass gang
>he heard you must be nuffin or sumfin
>he dindu nuffin
>close enuff
>everyone on /got/ is sane
When you and i realize there Redditors outside who thinks that:
>Jaqen and old nigger are the same person
>Jaqen wearing a old
Nigger face because YOLO
>Jaqen wants to be a old nigger
Haha hihi ahahahaha
>Septon Utt
Literally Who
literally read the books you mentally challenged showfag filth
I've read the books years before the show started and I don't remember every little irrelevant character who was mentioned once in passing
I wonder if stannis put it in melisandres nigger hole
Nice villain music.
>"this pains me my lord"
bravo D&D
>tfw Qyburn will never be your grandfather
It's ok, not everyone is autistic masterrace
>le autism meme
fuck off
Literally meme characters: the show
>le witty imp
>le tragic burned man
>le damsel in distress
>stannis le autistic mannis
>king in le north
>le ebin assassin
>le gay man
>le friendzoned guy
>le bitchy queen
>le bastard
>le stronk wymyn
>le ebin psychopath
>le 20 goodmen
>le sneks
>le stronk man
>le cunny
>le black man
>le CIA
>le serious man
>le no balls
>le sexy man
>le pornstar
>le witty mercenary
>le one-handed knight
>le kniggit man
>le frog eating gril
>le mother of le dragons
>le incest child
>le witty grandma
>le witty liberal homeless man
>le fat guy
>le chubby nice man
>le old wise man
>le little boy
>le disfigured little girl
>le minority
>le boat guy
>le whore
>le dead guy
>le norwegian beard guy
>le ginger minge
>le tragic tortured no le dick guy
>le smirking wymyn
>le cock merchant guy
>le big dick guy
>le honourable decapitated guy
>le princess of dorne
>le sexy red womyn
>le normal name guy
>le fat king
>le not in this show anymore
>le big guy
>le gigantur nun
the show is a joke everyone agrees, but putting "le" in front of a character description doesn't make it a meme. Or you could do that to any show or movie.
>le female vampire
>le angry terrorist
>le violent cop
>le tough cowboy
who /The mind trick queen/ here?
I have no idea who you're talking about
Who did she trick again
She tricked herself into thinking she's smart
Too bad it also meant tricking thousands of men to die for her selfish, petty reasons.
OP here, I have to go
Keep the general alive
Honestly thought they were gonna go somewhere with Sansa literally betraying Jon and sending him to a battle he would've surely lost. Yet all we get is a shitty catfight between Sansa and Arya while Jon's off fucking a foreign whore.
My friend (who is working on GoT production since season 3) refused to tell me anything about season 7, but I got something from him. Jon Snow was supposed to be more dark and brutal character after his ressurection. They even tried to shoot some scenes with this "new Jon," but Kit Harington looked ridiculous and couldn't play baddass Jon. They had to make major changes on the last moment. (maybe if they could pull it, his relationship with Daenerys wouldn't sound so stupid)
He also said HBO is not happy with season 7 leaks and is working on special measures to secure last episodes and also to secure, now its highly valued Westworld.
>They even tried to shoot some scenes with this "new Jon," but Kit Harington looked ridiculous and couldn't play baddass Jon.
tumblr into thinking she's a worthwhile character.
d&d as well
I never understood this meme. What is a dusty mesa?
Areo Hotah
Merry Christmas Eve. /got/
Good to see this meme is back
we all know how shitty he is as an actor, you don't need to make stories to say it
This duo had so much fucking potential and the show fucking ruined it (Still a bit hopeful about them in the books)
>sansa and not arya