Seinfeld is unrealistic. How could a guy like George go out with so many women? He's short, bald, no job, no money and lives with his parents.
Seinfeld is unrealistic. How could a guy like George go out with so many women? He's short, bald, no job...
Just b yourself :^)
I just think a lotta people owe him a lotta favors so he gets set up on dates a lot.
He's an excellent liar
he's the opposite of everyone you've ever met
jews have high verbal IQs
>no money
>works as an admin for the yankees
George is the definition of charismatic badass. The embodiment of attractive personality. Hell, if I was a woman I'd let him slam my sweet cunt with his circumcised cock all fucking day so long as he kept complaining about shit in a comical fashion.
he's charismatic. it's no surprise you have to ask how he hooked up with women. you clearly lack charisma.
Chicks dig the bad boys
He's Larry David's self insert.
It was the 90s the era of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Does this explain things for you?
Because, contrary to what Sup Forumsirgins, personality is the number one turn on for women.
Provided you aren't completely disgusting, you could swagger your way into any woman's heart with varying levels of difficulty.
That's why you sing showtunes and practice your stand up routine while fingering girls
You sound really bitter.
>personality is the number one turn on for women.
he's tall and loaded with cash. also probably has a huge cock
>roastie took some poor sucker to prom for brownie points and fucked chad in his limo afterwards
What's wrong with the chicks. Former addicts, daddy issues, what's the poison? Until I hear any of these guys talk I'm not going to just assume they're funny or interesting.
Schizophrenics? The guy loaded?
Those girls aren't exactly "beautiful"
And the guy on the right doesn't look half bad, just a pointy nose
So these were these week long relationships, or?
Probably a doctor or some rich accountant
>thick heads of hair, tall, young
George is none of these, along with being poor and unlikeable.
Also fairly tall, just needs to put on some weight
>being this triggered
>being this defensive
>being this delusional
>making this any excuses
It's because white women love Asian men.
Well I'm glad your picture supply of mentally broken girls has run out. Is this how you stop yourself from feeling like a retard for rehearsing "hello" in front of mirrors every day?
>all that projecting
Nice bait.
Nice dubs.
>Seinfeld is unrealistic
It's a sitcom, not a documentary.
George was originally written as a consistent loser (i.e. a schlemazzel). Eventually they tired of that and decided to give him good fortune so he could bungle that.
Nice dubs again.
Ayy lmao
I don't get it.
Its just a bunch of normal looking guys with girls that have make-up on.
I thought it was pretty clear I don't make effort - because when you say "personality", you don't mean an objectively good personality. You don't mean being actually funny or engaging or interesting. You mean one designed specifically to attract women coming from behind.
I know your type. You talk and behave differently than people who grow up with natural charisma. I have friends who grew up with it and I still love being around them. I had a couple of friends just like you, they all end up back in the same place and they're always less fun to be around once they go that path. They're disingenuous. Trying to be people they're not. I cut them out of my life. You go off acting high and mighty as though you weren't in the same lowly position because, hey at least you're trying to better yourself. But its a fruitless effort. The smarter ones among us at least have the ability to recognize that. You're a dog chasing cars, telling everyone to come along and chase with him.
>yfw typing this autistic rant
>this whole post
Is this a pasta?if not,this is prime pasta material . especially if you put alittle more autism
Was it though? You never denied any of the things I said, so I have to assume I was right. In that case I can guarantee I will be happier than you ever will be.
ITT: Normie's and artists who pretend to understand one another
kek I know shitposting to get autistic replies like that is pretty autistic myself, but responses like that are worth it. fuckin' saved
You're all fucking spazoid autismos, just a head's up.
Can we get back to talking about seinfeld?
The Barber is my all time favorite episode
why? it's not that great
I just liked it.