Were RedLetterMedia right about The Force Awakens?
Were RedLetterMedia right about The Force Awakens?
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a little bit right, but I actually didn't mind the movie
I've never cared about star wars stuff so my opinion is pretty invalid though
The points they raised were all correct, but as the example of Rogue One shows, you can do much worse with the franchise. I'd laugh if you told me a year ago that I'd be looking at TFA as a positive frame of reference but after RO, I guess that's where we are.
Yes, TFA was a masterpiece. R1 was awful because it was different.
>it's a manchildren argue about the critics who spoonfeed them their opinions episode
Well considering it was their opinions, yes.
The real question is, were the right about Rogue One?
Sorta, it's not a bad movie. It's just a rehash. R1 was utter trash though.
you know, i saw TFA finally the other night.
it was ok the only thing that bugged me was, the relations between the main characters seemed so rushed that it was hard to feel like they all bonded THAT close THAT quick. Like for example Finn and Poe.
And also the whole Rey using Jedi powers without EVER having any training of any kind.
Other then that it was pretty decent.
They liked it because it was very competent at copying the original Star Wars. They hated Rogue One because it was shit at copying the original Star Wars. A true patrician realizes that both films are shit.
They were right for the wrong reasons.
Yes. TFA is real Star Wars.
Rogue One is a fake.
They said they were bored in the first half of the movie. To me, it was the second half when people I didn't care about fought over something I knew they'd succeed in getting that I realized there was no tension in the film. There was literally nothing to care about in the second half.
>TFA is better than R1
holy kek
Half of their criticisms are right and half are the dumbest things I've ever heard.
It's a world building film, and it did well at that.
Did anyone honestly go into it expecting crazy plot twists and epic tension? Every complaint I have seen about Rogue One has seemed like bad expectations.
"Daisy Ridley was charismatic as hell" - Mike "Neckbeard Tears" Stoklasa
Same here. I found the first part of the movie a little bit interesting. But when it gets to the mindless action part I got sleepy. It's not like it was bad, I just couldn't care.
RLM officially jumped the shark
A world building film? Are you joking? Literally all it did was present elements that were already built into the world from previous SW movies.
reddit letter cuckia
They have become memes of themselves.
What is with the "Wellllll Jaaaayyyyy, what did you think of the mmooooooviiiiieeee?" *slowly turns head toward camera* line delivery?
They played out a story that we knew existed.
>world building film
WTF even is that? Do films not have to try to tell a coherent and interesting story these days?
yeah they said it was Glib facsimile in their last vlog
All of its strengths are lifted straight out of ANH. It's a carbon copy of a very good film which sounded like a bad thing a year ago but now, in retrospect, it's better than an original, badly made movie.
Which makes that story completely pointless.
This film did tell a coherent story, unless you're retarded.
But I don't need an incredibly interesting story when it's set within a universe that I am already interested in. I was expecting Black Hawk Down and that's what I got.
What is with this "MUH INTERESTING CHARACTERS" meme? I remember a time when too much exposition was considered bad.
No it's not, because we get to actually see it, rather than imagine it.
Let me guess, you went to film school and your thesis film had a cliffhanger ending "so the audience could decide how it ends"?
remember how they used to make fun of obnoxious yelling youtubers
now they actually are obnoxious yelling youtubers
We didn't see it because it existed as backstory in a pre existing film that actually had a full story arc. It existed as actual world building in another film. Nothing about R1 is "world building."
It could still have been done interestingly if there was anything at stake.
>if we don't succeed, another team will be sent but something really bad is going to happen and we need to avoid that
Does that ring a bell? Like the rebels having to destroy the Death Star before it blows up Yavin 4? You need something to be at stake in the battle, otherwise you have no investment in the end.
no but its ironic :^)
The making fun of other youtubers was pathetic to begin with. They just used it to try to portray themselves as cool or somehow better than the rest. They do the same shit.
I don't know, you're the one inventing "world building movies" like that's a thing now. A movie could be happening in the most interesting world imaginable but if I don't care about anything that's happening, then it's a failure.
And don't give me that black and white fallacy. The alternative to no exposition is not too much exposition, it's just enough exposition. I'd sacrifice most of the boring space battle and all of Vader's screen presence for any emotional connection with the characters.
No. They complained about the tone and said it didn't work like they wanted another clone wars. They asked for more backstory and exposition scenes for the characters, which were not at all necessary, and I'm sure they would've bitched about about them as bloat if they were included. Their arguments were genuinely lazy, stupid, and wrong.
Exposition and characterization are not the same thing, you dumb fuck.
>Were RedLetterMedia right about The Force Awakens?
Which time?
They didn't want more backstory, they wanted more characterization.
>it's a world building film
You're a really stupid idiot. You know that, right?
>caring about RLMS opinion on star wars after mike said "i loved it it was everything I'd hoped for"
Problem officer?
>"Rogue One is like a fan film"
>These people defend The Force Awaken
I don't remember what Red Letter Media said about the Force Awakens.
But promising everyone a sequel and giving them a remake of A New Hope is some underhanded bullshit.
>And also the whole Rey using Jedi powers without EVER having any training of any kind.
You were clearly supposed to think she may have been taken away from Luke's Youngling Farm and dropped there unceremoniously and quickly, probably to be saved from the Knights of Ren attacks.
No you fucking weren't.
Regardless of the complaints people have for Rouge One. Mine being the ugly use of CG actors instead of replacing them with REAL actors to take their place. I'm not that much of a cuck to detail to whine about not having the original actors in place. How ever, I felt less guilty giving them money to see it over The Force Awakens. I actually enjoyed this movie, and did not expect everyone to die at the end.
Also, K was great.
which time? they did a complete 180
Explain to me how it wasn't? Where we plainly see in the movie the Empire acquisition of their religious artifacts in a Jedi's temple.
No they fucked up with their decision and should have hated it and gave Rogue One a decent review
RLM is always right.