Why is Sup Forums's favorite Star Wars movie in line with mainstream opinion? Sure Sup Forums hates TFA which is an anti-mainstream thing to do, but still.
Why is Sup Forums's favorite Star Wars movie in line with mainstream opinion...
I find your lack of face disturbing, OP
Maybe it's the most common pick for the favorite because it's definitely the best one?
It isn't. A New Hope is their favorite because most people here are hacks who are blinded by nostalgia.
I haven't seen many middle-aged '77 dads around here
5>4>R1>6=7>rest is objectively correct
Probably the most common mainstream ranking
because it's an objective opinion, maybe? it's clearly the best star wars movie
Only the plebs in this place consider ESB to be the best, or ANH for that matter.
Contrarians probably say one of the prequels is the best, for that's what, in their ridiculous delusions, they believe.
Memers will say one of the Disney flicks is the best for bait.
But true patricians KNOW that Return Of The Jedi is the undisputed best Star Wars film.
>ESB is so good that it transcends Sup Forums's desire to be hipster and hate what's popular
>AOTC is so lousy that it does the opposite
>mfw TFA is my unironic favorite because I was a hardcore Lucas hater
It has the best scene in the whole saga.
>not "I am your father"
VI > V > III > IV > I > R1 > VII > II
Fuck you.
Rogue One is not fucking better than RotJ, despite the Ewoks. Fuck off.
>both Disneys near the bottom and below I
>almost hipster but V is still near the top and the favorite is still an original trilogy movie
>What's in there?
>Only what you take with you...
That gives me chills every time. I am your father does not.
Revenge of the Sith is the only Sup Forums approved kino. Anyone who says differently is a reddit, Sup Forums, or Sup Forums shitposter.
Found the contrarian hipster
3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>2>1>6>4 >>>>>> Rogue One >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Force Awakens
Found the other contrarian hipster
maybe you've just found yourself on the wrong board
3 > 1 > 2 > dog shit > the rest of these """""movies""""" (more like toilet paper lmao)
Found the Ultimate Contrarian Hipster Lifeform
Star Wars films are juvenile and it's a hodgepodge of ideas from other stories with some cliche characters. It's only good for a fun flick with your kids.
Revenge of the Sith is objectively the funniest film ever made. If Lucas had to make those mediocre action flicks to set up this masterpiece, it was worth it. I'm sorry if you never matured past the mental age of 12 and think Star Wars is actually good.
>Sup Forums's desire to be hipster and hate what's popular
>TFA is my unironic favorite because I was a hardcore Lucas hater
>I only watch mature movies for mature people like myself
V > IV > VI = III > I > II = VII
ESB is so good plebs and patricians are united.
ANH is for contrarians who are still rational.
ROTJ is for contrarians who like to bait.
Ep. 1 is for the hardcore contrarian. He cites the political theme (without realizing the plot is swiss cheese).
Ep. 2 is purely bait.
Ep. 3 is for young millennial who grew up watching the prequels.
TFA is, same as above, but is in love with virtue signaling.
R1 is for the Lucas haters, knowing it is better than TFA.
>ESB is so good plebs and patricians are united.
>ANH is for contrarians who are still rational.
And '77 middle-aged dads who fell in love with the movie
>ROTJ is for contrarians who like to bait.
Entry-level contrarians maybe, since it's usually ranked just below ESB and ANH
>Ep. 1 is for the hardcore contrarian. He cites the political theme (without realizing the plot is swiss cheese).
>Ep. 2 is purely bait.
>Ep. 3 is for young millennial who grew up watching the prequels.
True, I have a friend who fits the bill exactly
>TFA is, same as above, but is in love with virtue signaling.
Not true, it's for the hardcore prequel haters and Tumblrinas
>R1 is for the Lucas haters, knowing it is better than TFA.
Because sometime a film is so good it's impossible to not proclaim it as the best in a series, like Empire and Spider-Man 2.
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 3 > RO > 1 > 2
Not a bad ranking
5 > 4 >>> R1 = 6 > 7 = 3 >>> 1 > 2
7, and 6 > 3
You're basically arguing which capeshit movie is better and calling anyone who likes the only one that's any good "contrarian"
its objectively the best film. get your head out of your contrarian ass
Bretty gud. Good to know that the tastes of SW fans here aren't as abysmal as the DCEU and Pokémon fans.
I can understand why people dislike TFA, since you have to have had a certain type of involvement with Star Wars beforehand to really love it.
But liking I and II more than it, especially if using extremes, is the true crime
>ep. 1 is good
I'd say the likes of you disliking TFA are far higher if you do have actually had some involvement with the franchise beforehand since it all makes it so obvious what a rethread the whole thing is.
This, it's like arguing which marvel flick is the best, when the only one that's even watchable is Spiderman.
As long as 4 and 5 are top 2 and 1 and 2 are bottom it's probably a solid ranking desu.
>a certain type
I mean a certain SPECIFIC type, as in hating Lucas and his attitude towards the franchise and its fans
>found yet another contrarian hipster
3 is the only good one you idiot. Sheev and Anakin memes make it one of the greatest films of all time, rather than a mediocre pop action movie.
My favorite was a New Hope. It was the perfect story, self-contained and universe building with the hero's journey perfectly told. Empire is only as good as it is because New Hope did all the heavy lifting and laid such a great framework for it to exist in.
And honestly, I liked Return better than Empire too. I don't think of the Ewoks, I think of Jabba's Palace, of the silhouettes of Luke and Vader fighting across the Death Star with the Emperor watching, and finally Vader's redemption and death. Those scenes were better than Luke's training, the father reveal or Cloud City to me.
I felt that way about rogue One but I think it's best to just agree to disagree about nuWars.
>yfw ESB is so transcendent that the ROTS memers are a vocal minority even among the vocal minority that is Sup Forums
ESB managed to be highly original despite being a sequel. ESB probably more iconic than ANH.
>memes make a movie good
>And honestly, I liked Return better than Empire too. I don't think of the Ewoks, I think of Jabba's Palace, of the silhouettes of Luke and Vader fighting across the Death Star with the Emperor watching, and finally Vader's redemption and death. Those scenes were better than Luke's training, the father reveal or Cloud City to me.
True, it did have some of the highlights of the whole saga which is why some people love it
The ewoks were downright benign compared to the cancerous fucking gungans.
>cancerous fucking gungans.
Meeeesa think yousa reddit.
If my little brother is watching one of the other Star Wars movies on tv, I usually get bored and leave the room. When I watch RotS, I'm on the floor straining from the fatigue from deep laughing and crying for 2.5 hours. It's difficult to make it through the whole movie, especially the Sheev scenes.
>special thanks to the Cave Springs Home for the Mentally Challenged for facilitating our visit.
This line always chokes me up.
>Search your feelings, father. You can't do this. I feel the conflict in you, let go of your hate!
>> It is... too late for me, son.
He says it so gently and sadly, it always gets me.
Reddit and the mainstream like it because it develops ideas from ANH: we see more of le force and a cool fight with Vader.
Sup Forums likes it because bespin is kino and the bad guys win, preventing a cliche happily ever after resolution (which of course occurs in ROTJ).
ANH is my favorite. no meme, not lying. It's my favorite movie of all time, and Ive had this opinion a long time
>the first movie is the best everyone else is blinded by nostalgia
what did he mean by this?
my nigga.