He did literally nothing wrong.
He did literally nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
He fucked Kai Winn now go eat a dick.
He had a half breed daughter
>Race traitor
>ridgenose fucker
>Shabbos solid for the Dominion
Neither did he.
Absolutely nothing wrong
raped that cardi instead of letting her cuck him with oak tree.
Memes aside, he actually literally figuratively did nothing wrong.
Is it possible for a person like galactic Satan Dukat to even exist?
His reasons weren't even for Ziyal or Sisko (or else he would've gone to Sisko first).
The only way he exists is through the existence of the Pah-Wraiths. Just like Sisko, he was being willed to a spot so that Pah-Wraiths could use him to get into the "Temple"
>Fucking Behr turning the ending of a good show into complete fantasy-magixck
What is it with the DS9 creative team that can't stick the landing to sci-fi shows?
Garak is a good lizard and did nothing wrong.
didnt do anything right either
why have you insisted on ruining the majority of trekthreads lately?
get out of here forever
B-b-but I don't want to die.
Picard would have let him live.
Nah, he needs of the many outweigh the few. He would have convinced him to do the right thing and sacrifice his life for the lives of two others.
It sucks because Tuvix is way more interesting than Neelix or Tuvok in my opinion.
Then Janeway is a shit captain for not convincing him of that.
Also isn't that 'needs of the many' a vulcan thing? If he was half vulcan he should've felt that way anyway.
>It sucks because Tuvix is way more interesting than Neelix or Tuvok in my opinion.
Actually, I felt he took away from the uniqueness of both characters by trying to combine the two.
To each xe own?
Janeway didn't have the luxury to sit around and convince him, it was the end of the episode
picard would chop the baby in half.
Yeah, I'm just going to go to voat now. Goodbye forever.
I can't believe /trek/ has descended to the level of accepting and encouraging cancerous tripfaggots.
Hey, fuck this guy.
He's mad because he can't filter real space n- - - - - .
Keep on chuggin'!
Neelix legit creeps me out. It doesn't help that he is an actual child molester.
Wasn't there a rumor that they made the human characters on VOY boring so the aliens could stand out?
Just filter him!
Fuck sake, no one likes him, but he's not the only plague on these threads.
I just leave if they continue to swirl the drain.
There's another guy that comes here lately who's just copy+paste character faces onto another people and put bland observations - GUY.
Yes, they suck badly, but at least the BF guy allows you to filter his horrific commentary and faggotry.
This. complaining about tripfags doesn't make any sense. they're the only shitposters that you can actually ignore.
This. I don't even like myself. Maybe as a Christmas gift to you guys I'll go lay face down in a ditch somewhere or something. That or Red Lobster gift cards.
This. Janeway is a murderer, a sexy murderer.
Data and Geordie would have found a better solution because they are not retards
Fuck them.
You're at least nice but not saccharin diabetes nice with fanfiction.. OH WAIT NONONONO STOP STOP
Why does he even exist? Is he a bad attempt at a comic relief character? Does Star Trek even need a comic relief character? What does Neelix add to the show and overall story?
Yes, let me filter him when every user in the thread responds to his posts dutifully as they do every other post in the thread because they love talking about Star Trek so much that none of them can resist responding to every post containing even the slightest amount of provocation. That will quell the cancer.
No. This trip fucking faggot must be stopped, because /trek/ has no impulse control.
The only thing that was done wrong with him was not letting his character just exit the fucking series in Waltz.
Once more, the end of the dominion war arc should have been the end of the show.
Basically, the whole fucking show just lingered on for a bit too fucking long.
But I suppose they absolutely HAD to tie up that "you will not find peace on Bajor" bullshit with Sisko and Sisko being a half-god.
Neelix, like all characters on Voyager, suffered from nobody knowing what direction to take or keep them in AND that big fucking reset button that happened at the end of nearly every fucking episode.
That's not to say that Neelix (like the other characters) didn't have their one or two episodes where they absolutely shined, be those episodes about them or episodes where they were simply involved.
Personally, the episode where Neelix is brought back from the dead and he has to struggle with his faith is a pretty good one.
Mainly because how often on Trek do you actually see a character struggle with their faiths? Human faiths are generally never talked about (except in Chakotay's wishy-washy spirtiual bullshit) and Klingons never seem to wrestle with it at all (Be'Lana went full on into her faith in her struggle episode).
Now, here is a question...
Is Data the best invention for a character ever to have been made in a show about exploring the human condition?
You actually need to go and fucking watch the entire Voyager series.
He has way more character development than Harry Kim or Chakotay and can actually act.
His character is written so zany and corny in the beginning that we forget he goes through a crazy arc and returns a little to his roots and comes out a more interesting part of the crew. In the end, after going through episodes like Fair Trade and Mortal Coil and Rise, he was no longer annoying "Renaissance Man" but knew he had to do something to be useful. When Kes left, they finally started noticing him more but gave him less attention.
So, it was like they give him more quality time after Seven showed up but less time overall.
He's not a great character but they never even knew WTF to do with him in the first place that when they do hit it out of the park with stuff like Fair Trade and Mortal Coil, we finally see they neglected a great actor and a potentially compelling character.
Tom Paris just needed to be allowed to figure that shit out.
>He is an ace pilot of a starship.
>Designs starships.
>Designed a starship with a warp drive that broke the law of physics that turned him and janeway into salamanders and then had salamander children.
>Designed new bulkheads during the Year of Hell.
>Was a spy to lure in and stop the Ocompa and Seska.
>Able to fight off warships in a shuttlecraft while the shuttlecraft is fucked up and WIN.
>Field medic and replacement doctor at times.
>found problems in some brand new quantum slipstream drive that saved the fucking ship.
The list goes on and on and on really.
and yet he got demoted and imprisoned for a month because he saved an aquatic planet
meanwhile the doctor betrays Voyager and the entire crew and gets away with it
I've gotten through about two seasons of VOY and it is a really rough watch for me. I watch Star Trek for character drama more than plot, and between the Space Native American that I cant take seriously, the child molesting chef I cant take seriously, and the boring human cast it's really hard to become invested in anyone. I don't care what happens to any of these people, except for EMH but he's a hologram.
He's under the whims of a fucking lunatic of a captain.
Remember, this is the same captain that put a permanent black-mark on Harry Kim's record for fucking an alien chick and getting an STD.
Ya know, the same shit that all the other fucking characters get to do without any problems what so ever.
For fucks sake, Paris got implicated in a murder because he wanted to fuck a bird-girl.
Had the Federation not just got out of a fucking brutal war when Janeway got back they would have likely decommissioned her and sent her to a fucking mental ward.
Much like TNG, its not going to pick up and become better until season 3.
If you bothered to watch Voyager without the DS9 emblem on the lapel you'd realize that their main cast is actually on par with (that is Voyager's main cast).
Mulgrew might be a schizo crazy cunt, but there's no denying Mulgrew is a legit good actor and at least somewhat intelligent when you listen to her interviews. Beltran never got a chance to play Chakotay properly because they purposely wrote him blandly and understated as possible Berman saw to it that whenever the Captain or Neelix or the species of the week was on screen that they remain as background as possible.
I'd say out of all the Voyager cast that you've got Harry Kim, Chakotay, and Kes as the expendables. The rest are great actors and eventually become memorable characters.
I mean, in a pinch DS9's main cast was better only because Armin Shimmerman was a main billed character. Without Dukat or Garak, they are just as bland, and WAY more ham-fisted than the Voyager crew (and not in a loveable TOS kind of way).
>Remember, this is the same captain that put a permanent black-mark on Harry Kim's record for fucking an alien chick and getting an STD.
This kept him out of Command until he was 70.
Yeah from what I saw of VOY so far I really like Tom Paris and B'Elanna, and from what I hear theirs is one of the better relationships in Star Trek, so I am looking forward to that. I guess the show just follows the Trek rule, and I have to plow through a few bad seasons until it picks up steam. I think it's just harder for me because you're right, I love DS9 so much and I just want more of that.
But I do disagree with you about the DS9 cast being bland. Kira and Jadzia maybe, but Sisko is great because he is a ends justify the means guy, Odo deals a lot with being an outsider, O'Brien is your simple somewhat conservative Irish everyman that the audience can relate to, and Bashir is this guy who is lonely and puts on a front of being this super awesome playboy genius.
But, I will give Voyager more of a chance, it's just like I said, it's been hard for me to really sit down and pay attention to it because I haven't really become invested in any of the characters yet.
Is that younger Taguro
And Sisko would have adopted the lizard babies.
And taught them baseball.
>But I do disagree with you about the DS9 cast being bland. Kira and Jadzia maybe, but Sisko is great because he is a ends justify the means guy
These are the three reasons why, you named them.
It comes down to acting and who's acting which characters.
I thought Avery Brooks' acting at times felt like the equivalent of reading your lines on stilts. Choppy and affected.
Terry Ferrell was essentially the eye candy but they tried to make her a bad ass, a genius, and a guru all at once. She actually loses any character she originally had in the beginning by acting out the same safe cotton ball voiced beats over and over whether it be while fighting Worf or doing the technobabble in OPs.
Nana Visitor actually gets the most props from me because she wasn't really a trained actor and made a transition from back ground dancer / aerobics person. And, in a way, she's sort of the ideal person for Kira Nerys because her whiny, drop of the hat anger seems expected of her character. But you can tell that at times she's really putting on the character.
>oh and also I think the character of Bashir is rather dull and his acting a bit over the top, mainly pre-Dominion War, but we'll just not bring that up kthx
This picture makes me both simultaneously happy and sad.
Sisko should be on Bajor right now raising Tom Paris' and Janeway's Warp 10 babies.
She literally did nothing wrong besides getting manipulated by Dukat.
I agree with you about pre-Dominion war Bashir though. A lot of people hated him, and you can tell the writers had no idea what to do with his character, but I like him because I think it is fucking cute because he is just such a fucking awkward nerd.
I think his character really starts to pick up steam with the episode where he is trying to cure that plague on that planet and he just kept making things worse. That's where he starts to lose a lot of his boyish innocence that he had in the beginning of the show.
I really hate the genetically engineered thing with him though. It really doesn't add anything to his character. I like the idea that he accomplished everything he has on his own, and at times they just turned him into Data which threw me off and kind of made me mad.
She did literary nothing wrong.
He literally did nothing wrong.
>Wasn't there a rumor that they made the human characters on VOY boring so the aliens could stand out?
>Where do I begin when it comes to answering what I thought were the missed opportunities on Voyager? I think it would be best if we go back to the beginning. When casting ended on Voyager, all the actors were invited by executive producer Rick Berman to attend a congratulatory luncheon. It was during this lunch that Berman informed us that he expected all actors portraying human roles to follow his decree. He told us that we were to underplay our human characters. He wanted our line delivery to be as military -- and subsequently devoid of emotion -- as possible, since this, in his opinion, was the only way to make the aliens look real.
>My first thought was, “That's not right! What the heck was Berman talking about? Was he pulling our legs? The human characters shouldn't be forced to muffle their emotions. We were human, not androids!” But, being the newbie in Hollywood, I did not make any objections... yet. During the entire first year filming Voyager, actors were required to re-shoot certain scenes because of excessive emotion. I personally had to re-shoot only a couple of scenes, since I learned my lesson early that crossing the writer/producers was an unwise decision. Kate Mulgrew held the record for the most re-shoots, numbering in the double digits. It is a little-known fact that during the first season, Mulgrew's Janeway had a teary eye on more than one occasion, only to be vetoed by the producers and covered up with a re-shoot. If you can allow Captain Picard to bawl his eyes out for 10 minutes over the death of his relatives in the opening of the film Generations, then how on earth can you not allow Captain Janeway the chance to show some genuine emotion?
>Love, your pal, Garrett Wang
Okay, memesters. Who the fuck did anything wrong in the Trek universe then?
You swung 10 times and finally hit something but it was a foul ball.
He literally stepped in some flowers the piece of shit.
Here's why the DS9 cast is way better than the VOY cast: The DS9 cast actually has believable and enjoyable character interactions. Every single one of them has at least one other person whose presence brings out the best in them, be it Sisko/Dax, Sisko/Kira, Kira/Dax, Bashir/O'Brien, Odo/Quark, Kira/Odo, Quark/Dax, etc.
Voyager only has Janeway/Tuvok and Doc/7.
Paris/Kim is the worst because it's fake as fuck. They never have any real reason to be together, their relationship is artificially thrown together in Voyager's first ten minutes. It can never ever measure up to the greats of Bashir/O'Brien, Geordi/Data or Spock/McCoy.
Outside the universe, here's the Official List of Star Trek Production Personnel Who Did Nothing Wrong:
JJ Abrams
Stuart Baird
Rick Berman
Brannon Braga
Fred Freiberger
Jamake Highwater
Maurice Hurley
Alex Kurtzman
Justin Lin
Damon Lindelof
John Logan
Leonard Maizlish
Leslie Moonves
Roberto Orci
Simon Pegg
Gene Roddenberry
>I really hate the genetically engineered thing with him though. It really doesn't add anything to his character. I like the idea that he accomplished everything he has on his own, and at times they just turned him into Data which threw me off and kind of made me mad.
That's because Ira Steven-Behr is rather shit when you come right down to figuring out what to do with a character specifically.
He can fit everyone and the pieces into a bigger backdrop like the Dominion War or work in all sorts of drama into an already blueprinted story but he doesn't know what to do with characters in general.
They had Jeri Taylor at one point, Ron Moore, Michael Piller, that Wolfe kid, and a couple Bryan Fuller episodes, you would've thought at some point they could've figured Julian out.
He was supposed to get wiser but he became more autistic is what I think it comes down to. And that was ex post facto; out of nowhere he's a real math whiz when his Egyptian mother and south London father show up.
>Rick Berman did nothing wrong
You belong in a K-Mart
My tits are too big for Kmart.
then lose some weight
>Voyager only has Janeway/Tuvok and Doc/7.
>Paris/Kim is the worst because it's fake as fuck. They never have any real reason to be together, their relationship is artificially thrown together in Voyager's first ten minutes. It can never ever measure up to the greats of Bashir/O'Brien, Geordi/Data or Spock/McCoy.
Well I don't think anyone is trying to measure up BLT and Paris to anything near the greats but they didn't start "hitting it off" really until S3 (that is, the writers were not shipping them until that season so everything prior to it was circumstantial).
If you analyse it, their relationship makes perfect sense. Tom enjoys a good challenge and BLT is like fireball wrapped in a glacier. That was the matchstick of their relationship and it ignited in the episode where they get stuck in space and the fiery half-Klingon is forced to call out her own bullshit. No one else but Tom's character would have the gull (nor the guts) to really give her the go unless you a were Vulcan in his first Pon Farr.
So, maybe I'm forgetting something, but they weren't even considered in the first season and it wasn't early season 3 that they start playing up their interactions.
>you forgot Tuvok/Neelix, but that was hit or miss most of the time IMO
this traitor
I don't count the child molester for anything good.
I'd fuck Kai Winn.
Why did the Bajorans constantly pretend like Cardies raped and pillaged their planet..
..when we all know that can't deny the ridged Cardie Cock (RCC)
Janeway is the only character who everyone agrees is a true monster. Archer did some horrible shit, but they were the honest mistakes of Starfleet's first captain finding humanity's way in the galaxy.
Wow, this thread is fucking SHIT.
>they were the honest mistakes of Starfleet's first captain finding humanity's way in the galaxy.
It's the 21st century and I can tell you RIGHT NOW why it's a bad idea to bring your dog on missions or to consign an entire civilization to extinction.
In 200 years, the philosophers and bureaucrats writing regulations at Starfleet headquarters should not be completely clueless. They should have written some handy guidelines so that Archer would know what to do in situations like those.
Enterprise paints a picture of a humanity that has devolved into total fucking idiots.
Okay? What would make it not shit?
Intellegent descussion, new meme image macroes, lack of repetition, and quality banter
>implying bajorans were allowed to use all those services
>"Don't put General in the OP! That attracts the shitposters!"
>"Don't put Trek in the OP! That attracts the shitposters!"
We're trying it your way, this is the future that you asked for.
>thread turns out to be shit anyway even without "Trek" or "general" in the OP
Oh well.
just rewatched duet, 10/10
I was thinking more about how Archer denies an escaped sex slave asylum because "muh states' rights".
>have a borg drone
>have the opportunity to destroy the borg forever
>don't do it because muh genocide
>they proceed to genocide hundreds of planets
are we sure this nigga isn't still Locutus?
Trek OPs should ideally ask original, entertaining, and hopefully novel questions about particular episodes or the nature of Star Trek. Failing that, new spins on old questions are good.
"Dukat did nothing wrong" is a stale meme based on a previous stale meme of "Dukat is best character"
It's time to clean up Trekthreads and get rid of this dross. No tolerance.
wasn't someone else that made him change his mind?
Archer also stole ship parts and tortured people. It's one of the reasons I love him as a captain. Morally grey Trek characters are always some of the best.The ENT crew were flying by the seat of their pants half the time which made the show entertaining.
I wish we could have some indication that he was actually bothered by having to take those actions. Instead he forgot them entirely, like they never happened.
When he has PTSD dreams about fighting Xindi soldiers again, he should have instead been having PTSD dreams about torturing and stranding civilians.
Ultimately, the occupation of Bajor rocketed that planet and its shitty people into the modern galaxy.
Before the Cardasians arrived on Bajor the people there were all stuck in a caste-based society where your bloodline determined your occupation.
They would have never made it to the galactic stage for possibly hundreds of years without Cardassia's direct injection of technology.
There was plenty of "intelligent" discussion going on about DS9/VOY cast et al.
What's with all the reposts?
I like your question usually but I don't think it works this time.
We get an incomplete picture of what the occupation entailed.
The Bajorans were being utilized in many different ways other than just labor workers and outright slaves.
Remember, the scientist that discovered and researched Odo when he was first found was a Bajoran and was obviously doing his research during the occupation.
We only get to hear about the occupation from who?
The freedom fighters so of course they'll say every cardassian was bad.
The religious/government leaders of Bajor so they'll say it was all bad.
And of course from the cardassians (dukat mostly) who would say that the Bajorans were being a constant pain in unprovoked ways (which is also not the entire truth of what went on).
And our snapshots are almost never on the planet. They are on the STATION which was an ore-refinery and admittedly being filled with slave labor.
But again...where did this Bajoran scientist come from?
someone needs to make a cardassian occupation of bajor version of this
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
It was the drone himself.
The Borg get kinda fucked up as they're used more and more in the series.
Ultimately in TNG we find that Hue's (the drone's) new found individuality ended up fucking up the ship that he was on so badly that the entire ship that collected him was pretty much disconnected and that left Lore to go experiment on them.
Then they get a fucking "queen" because the movie needs a BIG BAD.
Then Voyager just routinely shits all over them...
Yet they keep being regarded as the biggest fucking threat ever.
The biggest success of DS9, I think, was taking the Ferengi and turning them into an actual likable, somewhat plausible, and at some times identifiable species/character set.
And in a wonderful hat-trick, also sometimes made the Ferengi more of an embodiment of that federation/human grand ideal than the actual humans themselves.
Why does Garak get sent to jail like 3 times and then its just randomly never mentioned again? I thought DS9 was episodic
Tried to murder the entire main cast and genocide the changeling race? That's an overnight in Odo's holding cells buster!
>That's six months in a holding cell, buster!
>Coincidentally, our next episode is six months away.
why did Sisko never save Riker's brother?
How about BANNING the shitposters?
This faggot needs a permaban.
See shit like your meme.
Crap like this is why Prop. 8 passed.
Good luck with that.
Alright number one, I want you, Geordi, Worf, Data, and Troi to beam down to that deadly planet full of noxious fumes and survey the land. We're getting some heavy interference so we won't be able to use the Enterprise to help you.
>But Captain, Geordi is just an engineer and Troi is the counselor, why are they coming?
That's an order number one
>But Captain, why are you sending the entire senior staff on this mission and not like, some random ensign
Because fuck you, that's why. Now beam down there and don't come back until you've mapped the entirety of the planets surface.
What did Picard mean by this?
redpill me on cardassian facial hair