I fucking hate nihilists

I fucking hate nihilists.

nihilists don't even think about you

Cry more, Christcuck

nihilists don't care.

Aren't nihilists the ones crying though?

>realizing nothing actually matters
>literally no reason to not do whatever you want
ok, friend

What does this have to do with EtV?

OP just learned about Nietzsche.

what white people really think happens

Then why does the floaty guy stay in his same stupid circle instead of floating off into space and hanging out with Martians? Now that would have been a movie.

"I want to do despicable things through my life without being judged bcs nothing matters" the belief
Nihilism is a joke

this movie is about the tibetan bible

trips confirm

Better than "I want to do despicable things through my life but it totes okay cuz I believe in God" the belief

I'm not a pleb nihilist, but I'm not a Christfag either. Stop thinking in black and white, ironically you're just as much of a sheeple as religious people. Topkek.

last 30 mins of this movie is shit


I've never made it past the first 45 minutes of this movie. Either because I get too high, I end up fucking whoever I'm watching it with, or I pass the fuck out. And I've literally tried like 5+ times now.

This is film + mushrooms = ayyyeeeeee

this film is kinda meh desu

sure drugs are kool

I think it's kino. I don't know why it gets so much hate.

Nihilist here. I don't care. You can keep on hating nihilists or you can stop, it's all the same in the end.
