Is galaxy quest the best parody of all time?
Is galaxy quest the best parody of all time?
That would be your life.
It's pretty good
It would be if it were a parody
>Is galaxy quest the best documentary of all time?
yes, due in large part that it's also a decent standalone film
Dark Star was so fucking god damned amazing its script spawned Alien.
Starship Troopers exist you know
wtf I love Sigourney Weaver now
Where have you been lad?
S. Weaver is the best pair-o'-Ds of all time.
Not really.
It's just a sic-fi fanboy version of The Three Amigos when you really think about it.
I wish I could miniaturize myself and live in between her tits.
mmmm it's hard for me to say in a world where
Airplane! and Spaceballs! exists.
But it's not a parody user
Honestly OP I'd call Galaxy Quest the best parody film of the 90's.
Best I can do.
I simply can't call it the best of all time when it has some incredible competition from Young Frankestein, Monty Python, Spaceballs, and Airplane!
This is Spinal Tap is a parody.
> GQ Wesley is still more likeable than TNG Wesley
young frankenstein sure, but airplane? Over rated af. Of the few parodies I've seen, blazing saddles, naked gun, galaxy quest and escape from la and others shit on it.
airplane is the quintessential parody film, no, the best comedy film ever. not all the jokes land like when i first saw it, but as i get older my appreciation for the jokes grows the smaller bits are more interesting and oddly enough sort of contemporary for a film of the late 70s
My problem with it is the casting. The leads are woefully unfunny. There's still some great scenes but it'll never be a classic for me.
Did Moot finally get a sex change?
nice blog comments
>Is galaxy quest the best parody of all time?
Scary Movie 3 tho
For me I love the leads especially if you've seen the sequel because their chemistry is obviously at its best here but theyre not really the central focus because its a disaster movie everyone on board is likeable and funny. they captured lighting in a bottle with airplane. its not no pun intended airtight but its a quality made absurdist comedy
Did anyone else fap like crazy to her when this movie came out?
she looks like a pornstar that I used to fap to all the time.
Nah, it was terrible
This. It's not funny at all
>You broke the bloody ship!
Welp time to fap again
I bet you're manletty enough to fit right in between those gorgeous bags of sand without any shrinking
she's always been great milf tier
>that pic
thanks for reminding me
but thats susan sarandon
The armpits are wrong.
doesnt even make sense
M-mommy why are you looking at me like that
Tits too big there.
Galaxy Quest is hardly even a parody. Besides the main Star Trek references and influences most of the movie is original. It's more like an action comedy that goes "member Staaar Trek!?". An actual parody would be something like Young Frankenstein, Scary Movie(s), Airplane.
She turned around a couple times in Galaxy Quest and the ass was flat. She has always had an awful ass, I'd literally rather fondle a man's ass.
Galaxy Quest is within the 5 best Star Trek movies, and that is a FACT.
The pitch wasn't
>dude let's make fun of star trek lmao
It was
>dude what if star trek was secretly actually real whoah
In fact don't a lot of trekkies actually consider it canon or something weird like that?
Of course you would rather touch man ass you gay nigger
>Siggy will never be your slightly overbearing mother who gives you BJ's for good grades