So Disney goes crawling back to George Lucas to save the franchise . How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Disney hires Lucas to direct
not jar jar happy, but pretty happy
Useless. Call me when they hire him to direct and write the Old Republic and Dune while we're at it.
It's not true. It's impossible.
I wonder if the sequel will deal with the theme of "hope" this movie kept shoving down our throats
Meesa mouy mouy lookin forto dat!
all the way to the fucking bank
Please no
I like how OP provides no source and no one asks for it
[citation needed]
>Sup Forums
> implying he was ever a director
If they hire him, he'll hire someone else to do the job.
Do you guys think he will make a good sequel to rogue one? I would like to see what happens now that the rebellion has the Death Star plans.
>Disney in charge of fucking their own shit up
A New Hope is the Rogue One sequel.
Aren't you a smart cookie?
no it's fanfic garbage
>Not getting the joke
Jesus fucking Christ.
Fucking retard
The joke could be better constructed.
Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!
>george lucas sells to disney thinking they'll fuck it up and come crawling to him
>Disney star wars is wildly successful
>George doesn't quite grasp this
>keeps talking about how hes available to direct a sequel
>they make a prequel specifically as a "fuck you."
Go back to redit fag
they're making a prequel to a side story?
rogue one being a prequel to a new hope is disney saying "this is the closest you'll ever come to directing a sequel."
Microsoft is making a sequel to 343 Industries's Halo Reach.
>hurr durr sources
fuck off, reddirt
>This many people not getting the joke
We have to go back
heh nicety done.
>Rogue One sequel
if you're going to make bait, at least try and make it believable.
oh I get it, heh, funny.
>Disney goes crawling back to George Lucas
Yeah, they're in such financial trouble I don't see what else they could do. Fucking moron.
I wonder how some of you manage to function on a day to day basis.
So many retards itt.
Trump voter and probable flat-earther detected.
will we see a return to nigger sidekicks?