Let's have a comfy holiday horror thread, Sup Forums. Whatcha watching?
Just finished pic related. A slightly bigger budget would have helped with the characterization of Jane Doe but it's not bad at all.
Let's have a comfy holiday horror thread, Sup Forums. Whatcha watching?
Just finished pic related. A slightly bigger budget would have helped with the characterization of Jane Doe but it's not bad at all.
Is that a remake of The Corpse of Anna Fritz?
I just watched The Accountant. It was bad enough to be scary
watching pic related right now
thankfully it's only 76 mins :/
I would have appreciated any answers or insight regarding literally any part of the plot
Haven't seen that but no, it's something else entirely. Based on the synopsis it's more like The Corpse of Anna Fritz is a remake of Deadgirl.
That one lost me halfway. It would have benefited from more scenes showing the interaction between the girl and the prisoner.
you're supposed to just turn your brain off to enjoy this flick
Rigor Mortis for best hopping zombie.
Why are 90's Jap horror flicks so comfy? Pic related. I just love the way they're shot.
i watched a shitload horror movies past few days. annoying trend are these time loop ones, i hate them
Which ones? Timecrimes and Triangle? I dig both of those.
pic unrelated
checking back in. The Eyes of My Mother wasn't great. 5/10
watching The Interior now...
Recommend me some terror kino pls, no asian shit
Deadgirl makes me wonder if I'd bang a hot zombie I would
Just watched don't breathe. Fucking fantastic, anyone have anything similar?
I would have liked it too but the film had too many dumb/implausible/underdeveloped shit.
You might like green room which is in the same light
this movie is KINO as fuck
>Tfw they fucking screwed up Cell's adaption.
>Was so bad it didn't even get a wide release
Idk what you mean by terror but Maniac 2012 is great.
leave now whiteman from town
how did she regen from previous attacks? only her outside regen? because as soon the father made the deal, she starts to regen everything.
Pretty sure I tried watching that and dropped it 30 minutes in. But that monster is making me want to pick it up