>comedians and feminists are enemies
I dont understand. Sup Forums told me louis ck was the cuck king. was i lied to:???
"feminists cant take a joke"
He never was
Louis being an anti-white cuck has nothing to do with his views on feminism.
>He unironically watches Louis C.K.
reflect on the fact that gamergate and cuck memes mobilized at least 10s of thousands of neets to vote. Sup Forums has power nobody assumed, no wonder moot ran. this shit nuclear
This is right, remember he's mexican so his anti white stance is not self-hating but jealousy
he loves big black cock in his daughters
What is the deal with the Louis CK is a cuck meme?
Did he say something in one of his bits about someone fucking his wife or something? The only stuff I remember is him talking about how glad he is that he divorced his wife.
he's clearly pandering to both sides
He's had a few bits when he talks about what shitty people whites are, and how we're deserve it when blacks rape us for the awful things we've done.
No, seriously.
He's just telling the truth. Nobody respects feminists.
>Sorry I'm being so negative. I'm a bummer. I don't know--I shouldn't be. I'm a very, you know, lucky guy. I've got a lot going for me: I'm healthy, I'm relatively young, I'm white...which, thank God for that shit, boy. That is a huge leg up. Are you kidding me? Oh, God, I love being white. I really do. Seriously, if you're not white, you're missing out. Because this shit is thoroughly good. Let me be clear, by the way. I'm not saying that white people are better. I'm saying that being white is clearly better. Who could even argue? If it was an option, I would re-up every year.
>"Oh, yeah, I'll take 'white' again, absolutely. I've been enjoying that. I'm gonna stick with white, thank you."
>Here's how great it is to be white: I can get in a time machine and go to any time, and it would be fucking awesome when I get there! That is exclusively a white privilege. Black people can't fuck with time machines! A black guy in a time machine's like, "Hey, anything before 1980, no thank you. I don't want to go."
>But I can go to any time! The year 2. I don't even know what's happening then, but I know when I get there...
>"Welcome, we have a table right here for you, sir."
>"Thank you. Oh, it's lovely here in the year 2."
>I can go to any time--in the past. I don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that. We're not going to just fall from number one to two. They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever. And we totally deserve it. But for now, wheeeeeeee!
>Now, if you're white and you don't admit that it's great, you're an asshole. It is great. And I'm a man. How many advantages could one person have? I'm a white man. You can't even hurt my feelings! What can you really call a white man that really digs deep?
>"Hey, cracker."
>"Uh. Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called me a cracker. Bringing me back to owning land and people, what a drag."
How fucking new can you be?
Wow a comedian talks about edgy things that hurts bitches feeling
stfu cuck, learn to take a fucking joke and quit being a pussy
>The lights dim on a packed auditorium and the audience comes to a hush
>The heavy beats of drums are heard from the stage
>A red spotlight flashes a light onto the black bodies of dozens of men naked except for masks, all dancing in two lines
>The crowd bursts into a tribal cheer
>Numerous audience members go into orgasmic fits
>The lines split, and a fat black buck waddles forward with Louis CK, bound in chains, on a rope, and throws him forward
>The crowd screams at the top of their lungs in joy
>Louis gets up, pulls down his gag, and picks up the microphone
>"I know I know I'll put it back on in a second, WHO HERE LIKES BIG BLACK COCK?"
>The crowd begins roaring and moaning in joy
>Louis claps his hands twice and two black bulls bring in his naked daughter, limbs tied to a spit
>"How many you think'll fit guys? One, maybe two?"
>The crowd begins screaming numbers at random
>"Let's see, how many beautiful black bucks do we have here? Not just on stage guys come on!"
>Various colored men and women pile into the aisles and climb up the stage
>The drumming reaches a climax as Louis's daughter is untied from the spit and black bodies begin to descend on her
>"Well guys! Looks like my job here is done!"
>Louis puts his gag back on, and the Nubian that pulled him in drags him to the onstage orgy, throwing him into the teeming mass of black bodies
>agrees with CK that black people should hold down whitey and fuck us in the ass forever because we deserve it
>calls others "cuck"
Well prepped, friend.
>learn to take a fucking joke
the problem is the the joke isn't funny, just cucky
it boils down to feminists and progressives should "do more" -- it is still cuck tier criticism.
Just focusing on them directly gives them more weight then they deserve.
But he also said he's happy to be white.
would you mind posting a picture of yourself so i can determine how masculine you are. i want to know if i should align myself with the "anti cucks"
said the cuck
>Bringing me back to owning land and people
Holy shit! Did he just admit he owned slaves?!
Back to Facebook faggot
That audience gave me cancer. I can't even hear myself process what he's saying.
what upset you?
what did daniel tosh do?
Link to his rape jokes?
If you're not immediately assuming everything that a pol SJW says is a lie, you're uninformed. If it's proven otherwise, fair enough, but 99.999% of shit out of pol is pure bullshit; it's a board of pathological liars who mostly lie so they can pretend they're victims.
"Let's kill the jews"
-Louis CK, 2016
>"libtards can't take the bantz!"
>liberal comedian makes a joke that offends Sup Forumskid feelings
>"sh-shut it down!!!"
>To the women I say "shut the fuck up for a minute, let's all get back together and kill the jews"
Ok, I thought the memes were out of hand but now I get it. This guy is a fucking faggot. I hate cuckposting but it seems like the memes apply to him.
We oughta take it further though. Ruin his career instead of just shitposting on Sup Forums about what a fag he is.
this honestly isnt that much different from what bill says to pregnant nia in his latest podcast
Is this a real quote
please fuck off
>Sup Forums talks about white superiority
>ck talks about white superiority because it sucks being nonwhite
You're joking right?
Everything he said is true and it's also funny. There isn't a single statement there that was incorrect (however, we don't know about the future).
>Everything he said is true
>White people deserve to be held down and fucked in the ass forever
You won't get an upvote from me.
For all the retard hicks on Sup Forums, a lot of times you do get information that news websites simply won't provide. Not a single mainstream news site covered the announcement that US agents were captured in Syria.
Louie is the greatest comedy of our time. Horace and Pete is a fucking masterpiece. Sup Forumsis full of plebs and children.
Pretty much this. He made 1 joke about indians having sex with white people and Sup Forums flipped about. He's made jokes where he even said the word nigger.
Sup Forums lies about everything.
Not a "few bits", it was 1
and it wasn't blacks, it was indians
CK gives it to both sides. But since Sup Forums (i.e. Sup Forums) is worse than SJWs they throw a bitchfest anytime he offends them.
Sup Forums never talks about this faggot. I only hear about him on Sup Forums.
Liberals are natural redpillers. Once you're targeted by them and see their true form, the transition begins.
>Everything he said is true and it's also funny. There isn't a single statement there that was incorrect
You are an absolute fucking retard. The word "slave" derives from "Slav". Europe has been invaded by muslims for centuries, triggering the crusades. The meme that whites have never been oppressed is false.
>The meme that whites have never been oppressed is false.
Obviously, since you made it up.
and by mexican you mean hungarian jew (he's got that Soros mouth)
>generalizing whites as a monolithic group
Yeah, I'm sure Irish and Jewish people were having a blast throughout history, definitely.
inb4 not white
>Here's how great it is to be white: I can get in a time machine and go to any time, and it would be fucking awesome when I get there! That is exclusively a white privilege.
Learn to read faggot.
He said any time, not any time and any place.
>louis walks onstage dragging his 2 preteen daughters with him while theyre sobbing
>the girls are crying and begging louis to let them go
>the girls are uncontrollably sobbing at this point and begging their dad to let them go as a mob of african americans has gathered in front of their stage stroking their dicks chanting deep-jungle african tunes
>louis throws the kids into the black mob
>louis's phone rings and its his accountant asking him if he should put "mexican jewish" as his ethnicity in his forms cause thats what his papers state
>louis unzips his pants gracefully and eagerly spreads his asshole for the bulls, unfortunately no one takes advantage of him as theyre too busy devastating his kids's orifices
It's a meme you dip
>muh pure blooded Aryan
Fuck off Sup Forums
hoo wee, you guys just btfo'd those Sup Forums weenies racist bigots
> "quietly Jewish"
Sup Forums is pro-Jew now because their god-emperor Trump is.
That wasn't why, it's because he said
>I can go to any time--in the past. I don't want to go to the future and find out what happens to white people because we're gonna pay hard for this shit, you got to know that. We're not going to just fall from number one to two. They're gonna hold us down and fuck us in the ass forever. And we totally deserve it. But for now, wheeeeeeee!
>He said any time, not any time and any place.
I don't think the white slaves of the past would agree.
lol triggered as fuck
fuck off fag
Funny young comedian gets married, she's pumped full of semen, she gives birth and he becomes a dad, UNFUNNY! Many such cases.
i got mildly upset at that not because of what he says but because he pretend that he is part of the white group when he clearly is a kike, it would be like some actually white comedian saying unironically :"we black folks been acting a fool, squandering the gift the white man bestowed upon us"
Is this a real quote? It seems like it would be.
>making a joke about social politics means he hates whites and loves minorities
Do we have to have a discussion about how comedy works? He also said indians weren't violent and just ate shit off the ground. Do you really think he's making a statement of historical fact with that?
He just wants to be triggered, reason has no effect.
>lets all get back together, and kill the jews
What did he mean by this? not trolling he actually said it
Is this the most cringe worthy scene from the show?
But in the year 2 he would get enslaved by the romans
Anyone else notice how the video in OP is about how feminists can't take a joke, but the thread is full of white men who clearly can't take a joke?
Really makes you think.
Excellent observation, user. I believe this falls under "white fragility".
What you really need to be asking yourself is, "should I really be concerned about silly terms that often come from pathologically insecure individuals who grovel at the feet of Donald fucking Trump?"
Comedians need to take the piss out of people.
Feminists hate people who take the piss out of people
It would be funnier if it was. Otherwise its like making a
>you ever notice how people do X? Isn't that crazy?
except X is something people never do. It could still be funny and I think Louis is funny, but false premises can hurt a punchline.
>one side wants to silence comedians for being insensitive
>the other side says you literal dropped babbies are retarded and don't deserve a say in what gets said
stop pretending you think, retard. comedians like louie ck make bank off playing both sides. into the trash.
then answer your question in the affirmative and shape up
Oh man, so much silencing going on. I don't know how white male comedians do it, they're just getting silenced left and right. We are literally just one tweet away from all comedy being silent.
Stay fragile, peckerwood.
The irony of a bootlicker calling someone a cuck...
"Fuck the feminazis, fuck the SJWs, fuck this PC culture preventing me from saying what I want because they are just forwarding their agenda."
>"Waaaaaahh, why can't things go back to the way they were where I could say racist things and totally get away with it?!"
are you literally patton oswalt? the irony in a faggot like you calling the other side fragile. if you faggots weren't completely worthless to society you'd be creating your own comedy or media instead of nagging people who actually create shit.
>being upset that tv and movies don't coddle your feely weelys
if you're nothing but an audience member then stfu, that's practically rule number one
Well you're somewhat right, Sup Forums only hates that shit so they can say nigger, but the things you mentioned are all about pushing a bulmshit. They simply take complex issues and make it black&require so anyone that disagrees with them is clearly see as part of the 'wrong side'.
There's very little difference between a SJW and your traditional racist. They both think of minorities as being inferior, the difference is SJWs treat minorities like an endangered species, your traditional racist treats minorities like an invasive species.
Socioeconomic status does correlate with race, but correlation is not causation. SJWs, being the shallow fuckers they are, don't bother to try to understand the causes. If they really cared about helping people instead of whining and virtue signaling they would be working to improve the educational system and reform the criminal justice system.
ginger fag still doesn't know how cell phones work I bet
t. the leader of gamergate
And this brand of sarcasm is pretty much what I've come to expect from most liberals whenever people bring up oppression that doesn't fit their narrative...
>"Hey, maybe it's not a good idea to constantly demonize white men as oppressors and everything that's wrong with society"
>"Wow. Oh yeah, we toootally need to pander more to white men. Like... white men have it sooo rough these days. Like, I really feel bad for you."
.t shit reddit says
Show me where any part of what he said is not true.
pls can we go back to the era when Sup Forums was just filled with misanthropes instead of neo-nationalist shitdicks
how about you go back to the front page of the internet
go back to stormfront
>haha I made a jab at feminists now you have no choice but to listen to me when I say that we should murder all white men and black men should rape and inseminate white women