Defend this

Defend this

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whites and asians are naturally feminine. the future belongs to tyrone, juan, and mohammed

Kind of looks like Bannon is checking him out

It's true. Being able to lift weight hasn't been that useful in the last 2500 years.
In fact, the left can just force the right to his weights.

All non-Whites except East Asians are subhuman low-IQ animals who should be kept in zoos and all those who disagree are liberally brainwashed cucks. Praise Hitler. White pride worldwide.

The guy on the left made a meme reality TV star billionaire president of the United States and is in his inner circle influencing his decisions.

Seems like he is pretty smart in a Machiavellian way.

This guy gets it. But India already is a zoo. So you can just keep living there.

t. pic

wtf is this

Who even is the guy on the left

I didn't need my sides anyway.

*force the right to lift his weights


You know we can see you flag when you post right?

Still laugh every time I am reminded that this guy is your actual president. Top fucking kek.


it's not funny

It is from the other side of the glass.

/lat/'s chris-chan

>Mr. Poo's nightly Sup Forums posting gimmick is taken seriously

have you not seen his fiasco with session
the man is blinded by his own hubris

It's afternoon here.


reported for fat shaming and ageism

reported for being aryan

It's night here


yep it's gr8 m8

Not sure, link?
Always up for a sensible chuckle.

who wore it better?

he probably doesn't have one, his Facebook friends just told him to be upset about it so he is

any current news about jeff sessions

actually complaining about trump is high treason in america so i will defer you to

>he probably doesn't have one
>doesn't have one

Whites are disgusting

Dat deed me glimlachen, kameraad.

don't want to hurt your alt right feelings

What's the go with old cunt candidates? You had Trump, Hillary, Bernie, and some other old cunt. Wouldn't be surprised if the current president carked it before the four year term is up. Do they have to be over 65 to run for office or something?

I don't know mate, you sound like a bit of a Sup Forumstard with that little passive aggressive quip.

>any current news about jeff sessions
Yeah, righto. I'll ググル it. Sure hope it's not boring. Some of his spastic twitter tirades are pretty funny. Our pollies are just insipid cunts, so it's depressing more than anything else to listen to them carry on.

you can literally circlejerk with people about how much you hate Trump in any public space with very little to no fear of being challenged on it, the mainstream news media, every single celebrity, every single social media personality, and every single late night comedian agrees with you. Where exactly do you get this notion that you're being silenced somehow come from? This is an anonymous imageboard with very little to no moderation.

Maybe he lives in conservative community/bubble, that thinks rebs can do no wrong?

Don't really care how I sound, this board has become a leftypol hugbox full of obnoxious people with generic social media normoid opinions since he entered office, example A

it's a part of the whole russia collusion thing and sessions the attorney general recused himself because he would be impartial but instead trump accuses sessions of going soft on clinton with the senate relegating the investigation to special prosecutor for the investigation, the previous fbi director

he is literally pouring gasoline to top of a fire around him

stop being so serious all the time wow can you not

Do you not get that the rest of us see people like you are delusional clowns at best, cancerous outsiders at worst?
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, retard.

Watched a couple of clips from different news channels, on Youtube. Looks like your president is breaking out the old "You're Fired!" act. He's pretty good at it, have to hand it to him.

he recused himself because the Democrats threw a shitfit about him having met with the Russian ambassador in his capacity as a Senator during the campaign. It was a weakass move which was unneccessary and did nothing to provide impartiality to anything, but okay.

sessions was his ace card as a prime lawer giver dude for the conservative faction, a black sheep in his own right

as the conservative media and his senate buddy knows if he gets rid of sessions he is politically finished

Yet the nigger lives in a coutry but by the likes on the left. I wonder what he could achive in his dry goatshit covered shithole?

w/e dude, fire him see if i care mr trump


don't care, most people who aren't new post on more than one board, find another site to go to if you're afraid Sup Forums might give you cooties.

at least pretend to not be some cancer mobileposter from Facebook, yeesh

not an argument

I made an argument a post ago and you responded with "whatever" like a 15 year old who had just been grounded by his mom. Are you actually mentally challenged or something?

are you afraid of mentally challenged people

Go to your containment board you fucking racists and btw Alba will win an Oscar soon he's one if the greatest actors of our time

it's about time Scotland won one

For a Brit, he's surprisingly attractive.

sjws and bl*cks think that looks > intelligence??

> every single celebrity,
Who are Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel, and Jean-Claude VanDam?

>tfw your version of Iohannes is irredeemably associated with amerindian shitskins

Juan, Miguel, Manuel, Jesus, Pedro, Maria. All the biblical names are associated with Mexicans.

My fellow Aryan knows what's up

whites are literally subhumans.

Has beens?

you forgot 50 Cent and Kanye you racist


I'd rather be good looking than smart.

it's a shame you're neither huh

ITT: Tumblr has a chimpout

>get accused of being Sup Forums and tumblr in the same thread

the fallout is more measured than voting for trump at least

No, I havr above average intelligence.
But I'd rather be good looking.

That's hardly biased

BTW, the Aussie flag in here is that one gay faggot who flooded Sup Forums with spam threads of nude/semi-nude men. There's a couple resident butt flexers here, the most notable ones are him and the Brazilian bear lover.

*I wonder what he could achive in his dry goatshit covered shithole
He could trick wh*te """people""" into "helping" his shithole country while simultaneously causing wh*te genocide by breeding with their women

Look at all of the artifacts on his face.

Whites are submissive cucks whose only purpose of existence is to offer their wives and daughters to superior colored men.

Are they the same age? Get me a list of accomplishments from both.
White dude can probably lift and get buff, can the nigger become smart?

Weird that a liberal would imply looks > other traits when it's convenient to them, how about we switch roles and put some abo black woman side by side with a white model and caption it?
"Just a reminder that the woman on the left believes she is equal to the chick on the right."

It's a fat white dude vs an athletic fit black guy. I'm sure mentally, Bannon is more fit though. The man is a genius.

PS look at IQ test scores among races. Generally speaking, when it comes to intelligence, Asians and Whites come out on top, by a lot. Africans at the bottom. Just saying.

I'm not exactly sure who or what Steve Bannon is, but Tumblr seems to dislike him.

>White dude can probably lift and get buff, can the nigger become smart?
Of course the nigger can become smart. Sure IQ may be a setback but most likely a small one, there are still ways to increase your IQ despite what people say
>I'm sure mentally, Bannon is more fit though. The man is a genius.
Yes, but when it comes to choosing a potential mate looks are a first for everything

Well, you won't find as much material on "brainbuilding" as you'd find for muscle gain.
But I agree to some degree - applied knowledge should shine more than broad, pure intelligence. It's hard to measure this shit.

Why this much self hatred from Brazilians? I love people with beautiful brown skin. Don't listen to the racists here, you can build a society as great as the west, you just need to fix your corruption and nepotism.

It has NOTHING to do with race. I want Brazil to be a superpower, and I wish you would stop self flagellating and be proud of your beautiful caramel skin. I love Brazilians and I want a namorada brasileira psh.

Shut the fuck up, Maori Baggins.

the concept of attractiveness created by white people, without guys like on the left this nigger wouldn't consider himself attractive.

asian is bulk

an intellectual and entrepreneur genetically superior than a token black actor? How could anyone think something like this? I'm appalled

Incredibly rude you filthy subhuman. Fuck your shitty country filled with people the colour of faeces. Your country will be nothing as the Brazilian mentality is to take without ever giving back. All of you are cancerous wastes of oxygen who ruin every online community you drawn. Brazil deserves to sink into the ocean.

You alt right whitebois gotta admit, Bannon straight up looks villainous

he looks like an average middle aged fat guy
I woul literally not even notice him on the street
get your eyes checked Hwan

>they had to photoshop steve bannon
this really doesn't make your argument seem good

Aaah, yes, New Zealander culture...


t. White cuck

I still don't know why Bannon is viewed as the devil. Has he even done anything bad ?

not *bad* but he is a Breitbart cretin

He has made several films and ran radio shows for a number of years. The concern is that he has some very fringe, very extreme and possibly dangerous beliefs, and that they will now influence the president's views and actions.

he unironically is
everyone looks like shit when they're old

right is a cuck and left is not

>Seems like he is pretty smart in a Machiavellian way.
Excellent PR for the USA.
Truly 1488d chess grand masters.
Unless destroying America was his plan all along.

White people beat niggers across the board when it comes to activities like weight lifting.

Good thread

>oh no my precious safe space has been threatened with beliefs different to mine!
Kill yourself

holy shit you're a fucking liar

>PS look at IQ test scores among races. Generally speaking, when it comes to intelligence, Asians and Whites come out on top, by a lot. Africans at the bottom. Just saying.

Look up the Flynn Effect and how IQ is calculated. Our ancestors :) from only a few generations ago would be considered mentally retarded using the contemporary bell curve. Child nutrition, prenatal nutrition, education, aptitude-developing toys etc. are incredibly important for brain development. Africa doesn't have the food security or educational infrastructure to allow children to develop to their full potential. You can see what a difference it makes in lower vs. upper-class Pakistanis.