Tfw the book is always better than the movie

>tfw the book is always better than the movie

Requium For A Dream works more as a movie
the book dosent give 1/4 the impact as seeing it

You must've never read Jaws then. The book was shit.

>tfw too intelleggant for book

Rules of Attraction. The movie was better

>Stephen King

get fucked feelposter
i win

>kubricfag probably only ever seen misery, or the shining.

Get fucked movieonly.

arrival was better than the short story it was based on

Your imagination > Someone else's imagination

Half Blood Prince was better as a movie.

The Shawshank Redemption proves you wrong.

NCFOM was better as a movie.

Sorry Cormac.

Uh what the fuck is Dune?

But the film is always better than the book

>current year
>people still read books

>tfw the movie is better than the kino

>falling for the printed jew

what is the LoTR trilogy

>he has never watched Scary Movie 3


Fight Club


The Shinning was barely based on the book. Comparing both is retarded.

Better as a book.

A good series of books and an fucking atrocious movie his director is embarrased of

For real though with fight club you almost don't even know the real reason for project mayhem in the movie and separate fron that IT is one of my favorite books and that mini series was the most god awful adaptation of something I've ever seen

>mfw there will never be Wheel of Time tv show

It'd make a good anime.

Dune movie was just....