A couple grenades in a basement

>A couple grenades in a basement
>Getting Phasma to turn off the shields
How is Starkiller Base (which is a planet size) able to be destroyed so easily?

Is it because JJ Abrams was too busy trying to make TFA feel exactly like Episode 4 thus he needed to have the big bad enemy weapon blow up at the end even though it made no sense?

Rogue One teaches that the Death Star was made with a flaw hence why it has a weakness that will destroy it. Will Disney now have to come up with something to make Starkiller Base have a weakness now that JJ Abrams entirely stuffed up the first episode of the new trilogy?

btw that Starkiller Base CGI that you see in pic related is absolutely shit.

At least the CGI team that worked on Rogue One made it look absolutely outstanding whilst the visual effects in TFA suck. Snoke looks like a 2003 CGI character.

Galen was such a genius that all subsequent Death Stars had some glaring flaw he planned for them.

>How is Starkiller Base (which is a planet size) able to be destroyed so easily?

Power of bad writing. There is no deeper reason, just shekels.

there will be one prequel for every detail Abrams glossed over in TFA

>Power of bad writing.
kek yeah. And yet people defend TFA

Spotted the Rogue One kiddies

Rogue One is a masterpiece whilst TFA is shit

is rouge one as bad? will probably wait for dvd to watch it. tfa was such a let down is rouge one at least original or is it just muh nostalgia?

It's another 10 tie and fighters attack each other episode.
At least the prequels were real war battles.

>The entire New Republic fleet consists of 2 squadrons of X-wings

Rogue One actually manages to impart some menace through it's antagonist.

It's a more successful film overall.

Those are the resistance ships, the Republic doesn't have an army

Rogue One is an artistic piece of art

>Literally how Alex Jones described it

What antagonist, Krennic? The guy you knew from the getgo would die since he's never heard of in the OT?
Or are you referring to Darth Vader, who was already an estabilished character and menacing.

I seriously will never understand how people can defend R1's characters.


Lets not kid ourselves here

Action is good, characters are flat and boring

How does a remnant of the empire build a fucking death planet? Who funds them?

More like how the fuck did they build it?
Remnants of the empire built this weapon bigger than anything ever seen when the empire was at its height.

Dude just switch ur brain off lmao

you can wait for it to come out on dvd

I went because I had free tickets, slept through a bit of it but enjoyed the last 1/3rd

would not have spent the price of admission

Enjoy your autism, pleb-quel apologist.

30 years, slaves, a sizable amount of directed energy weapons, and a small low density ice planetoid.

i never said more prequels were a good thing, contrarian

it looks like a butt hole haha i wonder if its stinky ew haha

this is almost true

although the last half seems real thrown together for a heist movie. Fun ride, but not much tension (that fucking kill switch comes out of nowhere). the beginning is masterful character development

I'll use the excuses I got from the movie defenders when I brought this up initially

>Don't overthink it
>Accept it for what it is
>Necessary to apologize for the prequels
>Stop nitpicking

>real war battles
It's a movie user, it's all fake.

I meant the Empire as a whole.

It feels much more threatening than the New Order. The Death Star scenes in R1 make Star Killer look all the more stupid.

>>Necessary to apologize for the prequels
I simply don't understand this viewpoint. No matter how bad the prequels may have been, how could anyone actually believe that they needed to be vindicated by another trilogy?

>the Republic doesn't have an army

Starkiller Base is different from a Death Star. With each of the Death Stars, they fired torpedoes directly at the core.

Starkiller Base essentially destroyed itself when the Resistance destroyed the oscillator that was keeping it's power in check.

Especially a trilogy that tramples over already previously established post-ROTJ plotlines in the expanded universe and declares it all non-canon solely on the premise that this movie is newer and can make them money
If they really wanted to make up for the prequels then they should've remade them instead

I don't mind TFA for abandoning the extended universe. It all still exists, it's not going anywhere. If fans really want, they can disregard TFA and go read Mission From Mount Yoda and play Kyle Katarn games.

The problems I have with TFA are all on the merits of it as a film. The whole 'they'll explain it all and fill in plot holes in the sequels two years from now' excuse is ridiculous.

I'm just more confused than anything that fans seem to think that the fandom is 'fixed' now that another movie came out.