What does Sup Forums think about Supergirl.
I'm on episode 10 so far and the whole show is quirky and cheesy as hell but I like it.
What does Sup Forums think about Supergirl.
I'm on episode 10 so far and the whole show is quirky and cheesy as hell but I like it.
i would like to be her pusy slave!
DC can't make good movies so they're making shitty TV series instead, it costs less.
I like to "think" about Supergirl.
If you know what I mean
Lead actress is cute. Show is crap.
photos of her getting fucked are pretty average.
Damn! Are these actually real? That lucky dog.
i can't stand it. even with the crossover episodes it's really awful compared to Flash.
i thought Arrow was tolerable when it came out. then it peaked in Season 2 with Slade.
then Flash season 1 happened and i dropped Arrow (especially after S3). getting kinda bored with the speedster villain of the season shtick though. luckily for Barry his co-stars are pretty entertaining too.
ill be honest, the guy does more for me than she does.
those tits look average or less that cock is above average
>i thought Arrow was tolerable when it came out. then it peaked in Season 2 with Slade
I agree with that, season 3 & 4 was horrible
But Arrow finally picked up and learned from their mistakes with season 5
>Olicity is KILL
>Oliver's back to being Arrow of murder
>Better fight scenes/choreography
>Interesting Russian Bratva flashback
>New villain (Prometheus) whose sole purpose is making him suffer.
>mfw Supergirl's crossover episode was basically 1 minute cameo of Barry & Cisco.
She was barely used in the crossover
How fucking new are you
>What does Sup Forums think about Supergirl.
It's exponentially more boring that the other DC shows. I watched all of the crossover and I enjoyed all of it except for the supergirl episode, which surprised me at how boring it was. It was like putting some fat ugly girl next to a bunch of just average girls. It ends up making them look like models compared to her.
i tried to give the show a shot and watch it.
could not even finish the first episode (7 or 8 minutes in i decided it belonged in the trash)
>tfw you will never have a supergirl gf to share food with
Never got past the first episode, i just lurk these threads for the occasional fap material.
Always wondered if she'd want me to cum inside her or pull out =\
>hide post
The crossover was better than Civil War though
t. gay guy that has never seen tits in real life
They are great and if you admire cock, consider emerging from the closet.
not hard to do
But the zombie foreshadowing ruined the fact that Tommy is likely Prometheus.
Or itll be some random Russian guy coning back from the past.
Post the rest.
Is it wrong that I can't take a woman seriously as an all powerful superheroine after seeing her get fucked senselessly?
I mean shit, I don't think that could any male hero seriously if I knew they what they looked like taking multiple dickings.
I guess that's why they are no major gay heroes.
That seems completely reasonable for a woman to say, in fact I can even understand why alot men would agree with her. Are you saying that you'd seriously want to work with someone who looks like pic related instead of some qt in her 20s.
I love that penis.
Is this an actual line? Why would she specify the angry old men are white? She's white too, what the fuck does it matter?
>that cock is above average
you can't be serious, if the average size was 2" it could be
>She's white too
Haha no
Also the show improved so much on the CW, less socio-political facefucking and more actual superhero stuff.
That and Jimmy got dropped like a hot brick right out the gate
>Liking angry old white men
What are you gay? It doesn't matter if she's white why would anyone want to work with angry old men? Do you have an angry grandpa fetish?
>my face when Kara got drunk
needs more Snapper "dreams in half" Carr
It's only good to fap. Stories are so fucking lame.
>Mac PSU
I may watch this shit only for the qts