She's dead
Thanks 2016
she's probably brain dead, 15 minutes is a long time for someone her age
two months ago I had a heart attack at the age of 29 and spent three weeks in the hospital. Her being in ICU doesn't mean much unless they're saying she's unresponsive. The doctors not giving them any good news or bad news also doesn't mean much, it just means they're still trying to figure out her condition and best course to take. Ask me anything.
not until ep. 9 motherfucker
please take care of yourself now bb
>two months ago I had a heart attack at the age of 29
I'm assuming this is fictitious for the sake of getting replies but if it's not, then what the fuck are you doing so completely wrong?
>Inb4: Americans, amerifats, burgers, etc.
>More, increasingly old, celebrities die
>Fuck you, Year
>inb4 she and Lemmy weren't old
They were rampant substance abusers. This is why they tell you drugs are bad
bad genetics. All things considered, I was in good health, worked out, in shape and not fat, didn't eat garbage, etc etc etc. I had stents placed in my heart, doctor told me he couldn't place one because the artery/whatever was 100% clogged and most likely has been clogged for 5+ years. Whole time I was at the hospital (and even now in cardiac rehab) I was out of place. Nothing but old ass people on their way out.
ap has stated she's unresponsive and her brother has since stated she is still in the icu
she went 15 minutes without o2. she is going to die, i've already cried and made my peace with this
fuck this year
No she's not.
>tfw genetically predisposed to high HDL
Thank God
>ap has stated she's unresponsive
Did not see anything about this in any of the articles by the Associated Press
>she went 15 minutes without o2
No one has said this either.
So best case scenario considering how long she was out is she might live but with with serious brain damage right
>fuck this year
i know you're grieving someone you've probably never met
but to blame your sorrows on a 4 digit number is a little silly, no?
someone's gotta explain this meme to me
is it the john oliver thing again?
no. She wasn't really without o2. They were preforming cpr on her but that doesn't mean she was dead and they brought her back, just that they were assisting her heart. Best case scenario, she gets some arteries cleaned up, some stents put in, and she'll be back to being a crazy coke head in a month. Second best case scenario, she gets a bypass done and in a few months she's back to being a crazy coke head.
he probably got it from
>TMZ reports that the emergency occurred about 15 minutes before landing, and an EMT on the plane administered CPR before landing.
doesn't mean she without o2 for 15 minutes though, or even 1.
She didn't have a pulse for 15 minutes, then CPR restored it.
For every minute CPR is done without a result the survival rate goes down 10%. (10% of 100, 10% of 90, etc)
She has brain damage. Worst case, she has basic function but nothing else. Best case, she can slowly recover and be able to talk/walk again.
Praise Kek
yeah nah, you're reading into it.
Oh, it was actually 30 minutes before they could get a pulse.
I was wrong. She has no hope at all.
welp she's turbo dead. how long until Harrison Ford dies too?
and nobody that mattered died this year anyway. last year was worse (r. williams)
let's have a look at who died this year:
>prof. snape
he died in the potter movies too, so no unfinished business
nobody under 40 listened to him
>muhammad ali
cool dude, but wasn't able to box anymore, so who cares
>new star trek chekov
it's tragic that he died young, but okay
>willy wonka
had alzheimers, wasn't able to act anymore
>maester targaryan
that dude was like 300 years old
fisher would be bad as she needs to play in at least sw 9. I don't want star wars 9 to be cancelled because she died.
>tfw this thread makes you realize you have to take care of yourself
and that's just to improve your chances. Even if you do everything right, you cans till get fucked.
Bad b8 m8
so is she dead or not, jesus
she might make it until 2017 before she bites it.
not yet
And Bowie, Kieth Emerson and Greg Lake.
I'm saddest about Emerson, he shot himself because he couldn't play piano any more due to his arthritis and music was his whole life.
>For every minute CPR is done without a result the survival rate goes down 10%. (10% of 100, 10% of 90, etc)
?? that math doesn't add up. base on your formula 15 minutes = negative 50% survival rate.
just came to mind: the actress that played young leia in rogue one could play her, given some cgi trickery
huh forgot about bowie.
all great talents for sure, but all of them has-beens.
>fifteen minutes without a pulse
Yeah, she's (brain) dead. Brain scan results should come in within the next day or two. No way she survived that.
People and the news keep using "heart attack" for a catch-all term on anything bad that happens to the heart and it's fucking dumb. It sounds like you had an MI, which is still an emergency but relatively survivable compared to full on Cardiac arrest, which is what happened to fisher. That shit is survivable aroud 7 percent of the time depending where you get your statistics. She's lucky to just be alive atm.
>According to Emerson's girlfriend Mari Kawaguchi, Emerson had become "depressed, nervous and anxious" because nerve damage had hampered his playing, and he was worried that he would perform poorly at upcoming concerts and disappoint his fans.
Fuck man, getting old fucking sucks.
That's not what I meant, gomen
1st minute: 100% * .9 = 90% survival rate
2nd minute: 90% * .9 = 81%
3rd minute: 81% * .9 = etc etc etc
0.9^15 = .20589 = 20.56%
You dumb cunt.
Leonard Cohen died and released an amazing album immediately prior. Bowie also had a great album release like two days before he died.
I'm gonna stop working out, this is bullshit. Fuck god.
>you're 29 and trying to take care of yourself
>I'm 27, 500 pounds, and still havent had heart problems
I'm so sorry that there is no God, user
it should have been me
Guess I'm not seeing her in NOLA this January
you're absolutely right. I never felt and still don't feel right about calling it a heart attack, but the doctors/nurses made it seem like I was going through something serious. A bypass was being considered. They had me on heart pump for a week and a single nurse attending me 24/7.
I didn't know she had a full arrest and that she was unresponsive, I just read some shit article saying her brother said she was stable and that the doctors weren't telling them anything.
Whether or not those who left us this year are less important than in other years is up to personal preference
I just meant a lot of people are cursing the number two zero one six as if it's the sole reason those people died
Of all the memes in recent mem(e)ory, this seems to have the least amount of thought put into it
whatever they're paying the writers at john olivier's show is far too much
well I guess I'm gonna go easy on the cookies tonight
>small chance of sudden death
>hurr durr fuck being healthy, i want to increase my chances of a purposeful death
>it should have been me
yeah, but that's life, and its why its shit
Episode 9:the Stroke victim awakens
Don't waste your breath, sunshine. I already made my choice.
Feel free to remove yourself from the gene pool as well.
Dont get me wrong bro, it is something serious. Part of your heart literally died, that's some shit right there. From different shit that I read an emt in the flight checked her and started cpr, which means she had to be in cardiac arrest.
teenagers are personifying a year and are not seeing it as a series of unrelated events, without regards to a certain time period
there's your answer
you're weak
i bet you lift for girls anyways, or are a amerilard who just started working out 2 days ago
I take steroids, do mdma, take addy, and drink like a sailor. I'm rolling the dice pal
false alarm, she'll be fine
But my non-anonymous social circle which repeats those words is in the late 20s/early 30s range
How do I get my arteries clean again?
A needle of bleach, right into the bloodstream.
if anything, being a good shape gave the doctors more options on what they could do for me.
shit happens. Enjoy your life.
take the above advice and act accordingly.
I still feel like there's a huge disconnect between how i felt/feel and how they treated me (as if I was dying).
>do a metric tonne of coke
>live to be 60
not bad
either they use it ironically or you need to get new friends
>tfw almost 24 and weight 210 pounds
>tfw can't even leg press past 210 pounds because I am a fat lazy fuck
>can't even lift beyond a 30 lb bar bell without delayed muscle strain kicking in to fuck me up the next day
>tfw gf broke up with me 2 months back and realizing my life revolved around taking care of her
2016 has to be one of the biggest fuckfests I have had.
you see, Mark lost weight and avoided this fate
Carrie decided to stay a fat cunt and be an 'empowered woman" rather than improve her life and lose some fucking weight for TFA
>i bet you lift for girls anyways
As opposed to lifting for boys, faggot? I'm done with exercise, enjoy your AIDS.
go see a cardiologist and have him roto rooter them out. Or you can just eat clean, low sodium food from here on out and slow down the clogging.
She just was on 8 out of 10 cats Christmas special.
Could have been the decades of heavy drug use
Jesus Christ, of course tons of celebrities from the 70s/80s are dying, it's been 30-40 years.
You people bitched in 2014 and 2015 too, because of the deaths.
Old people die, and it's sad when you liked them. The year is not evil
>letting DOMS get in your way
pathetic faggot, get your shit together.
It was probably both, but I'd blame drug use more.
>one less wheezing fatty in the gym
good riddance, faglord
>all great talents for sure, but all of them has-beens.
Bowie died after completing a new album which was some of his best work in decades.
She probably started using again now that she started getting work again. She was in more movies these last two years than shes used to. Always on the road promoting and partying. She probably started drinking and druging again.
Can only imagine the plethora of pills shes on aswell.
is there a way to deal with DOMS? I can't straighten my arm if it's real bad. I have no idea how to deal with it and it has killed my gainz at times.
>fruitcake who lifts for the boys calling anyone a "faglord"
That HIV is getting to your brain. Never lifting again, nothing you can do about it.
>Ive already cried
Ill never understand this
you don't deal with it, you just lift through it. You only get DOMS the first week and after that you won't get it again unless you stop working out. So how do you deal with it? You keep lifting.
yeah, the weight was probably the last thing on the list of what gave her a heart attack.
I wonder if John Boyega will give birth to a new Carrie Fisher
>Rian, why are we filming my scenes first?
>I can't straighten my arm if it's real bad.
With no other information I'd bet that you're talking about your biceps, and the problem is that you are lifting like 8RM or less for isolation lifts and your body is not ready for that shit. Stick to your 12RM when doing curls for the girls, save your low reps for compound lifts.
better yet, he should lay off isolation lifts until he's made some good progress on his compounds.
Robin Williams died over 2 years ago user
Jesus, LOL
I don't want to break a curlbro's heart like that.
haha so funny xD upvoted!
I know it's serious. I really hope she pulls through.
I had a girlfriend, not in a coma, but who was bipolar like Carrie. Hell, I might have a touch of it myself. After learning about her struggles with the mental illness, I liked her more than I ever did from star wars.
still feels fresh
Holy fuck. I remember hearing about Lake, but not Emerson. Horrifying.
>Americans think obesity isn't why they're diabetic and having heart attacks
fucking lol
Fisher is hardly obese though. In her case its probably the cocaine.
>tfw, Princess Lea might die around Christmas and New Year
Someone hold me, please.
>heart attack at the age of 29
I'm assuming you're a fat fuck
>Fisher is hardly obese though.
hahahahaha only an American would say she isn't obese
yeah, you're retarded. Learn how to read context.
Disney killed her for more ticket sales
pic related
Overweight is not obese
Im british. Shes probably somewhat overweight, but not obese.
I'm a complete rookie at lifts and mainly stick to cardio and leg presses. I only do the curls to give my legs a break.
>tfw too much of a pussy to do the compounds because I will suck ass at them so I just do curls